--- title: 🦡🏻 Hip and groin recovery tags: wellness description: Hip and groin recovery open info (OI) image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/3540691454/1535710532/1500x500 --- <h1 style="text-align: center;">🦡🏻 Hip and groin recovery</h1> # Conditions ## Inguinal ligament laxity - Loose ligament in the groin and/or abdomen - [What Is Ligamentous Laxity?](https://www.healthline.com/health/ligamentous-laxity) *by healthline* - [Inguinal Ligament: What Is It & Common Conditions](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21584-inguinal-ligament) *by Cleveland Clinic* ## Hernias #### About - [How to Tell If You Have a Hernia](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/how-to-tell-if-you-have-a-hernia) *by Johns Hopkins Medicine* - [Hernia](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15757-hernia) *by Cleveland Clinic* - Higher risk > 50 years old - [Pulled Groin vs Hernia: How to Tell the Difference](https://osrphysicaltherapy.com/pulled-groin-vs-hernia-how-to-tell-the-difference) *by OSR Physical Therapy* #### Groin strains - [Groin Strain: Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Treatments](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/groin-strain) *by Cleveland Clinic* - [Pulled or Strained Groin: Treatment, Recovery Time, and More](https://www.healthline.com/health/groin-strain) *by healthline* #### Estimated costs - [How Much Do X-Rays Cost? It Depends](https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/diagnostics/how-much-do-x-rays-cost) *by GoodRx* - [How Much Does an MRI Cost (With/Without Health Insurance)?](https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/diagnostics/how-much-does-an-mri-cost) *by GoodRx* - [How Much Does a CT Scan Cost?](https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/procedures/ct-scan-cost) *by GoodRx* - [Hernia Repair Surgery: What Does the Procedure Cost?](https://www.goodrx.com/well-being/gut-health/hernia-repair-surgery-cost) *by GoodRx* ## Hip labrum tissue #### About - Can be susceptible to inflammation and tears - [Hip Labral Tear](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/hip-labral-tear) *by Johns Hopkins Medicine* - [Hip labral tear](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hip-labral-tear/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354878) *by Mayo Clinic* - Dr. David at El Paso Physical Therapy - Site: [epmanualphysicaltherapy.com](https://www.epmanualphysicaltherapy.com) - [Google reviews](https://maps.app.goo.gl/3wFawph2jfqp9TY48) - YouTube ["hip labrum"](https://www.youtube.com/@epmanualphysicaltherapy/search?query=hip%20labrum) search results - Reddit: [r/HipImpingement](https://www.reddit.com/r/HipImpingement/) #### Upper body exercises - You can do upper body exercises that are pain free and don't engage the hip and legs - Resources - [Upper body workouts post Hip Arthroscopy needed](https://www.reddit.com/r/HipImpingement/comments/d1k785/upper_body_workouts_post_hip_arthroscopy_needed/) *on r/HipImpingement* - [Can you train upper body after the surgery? How Soon?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HipImpingement/comments/zp3l13/can_you_train_upper_body_after_the_surgery_how/) *on r/HipImpingement* - [Working out upper body post op](https://www.reddit.com/r/HipImpingement/comments/sijc8w/working_out_upper_body_post_op/) *on r/HipImpingement* #### Sleep - Sleep on your back - Side sleepers - Put a pillow between your legs to keep your hips aligned - Sleep on the side without or with less pain - *See [Hip Pain at Night: Causes, Treatment, Prevention and More](https://www.healthline.com/health/hip-pain-at-night) by healthline* #### To research - Is sitting on an exercise ball potentially beneficial or harmful? - False positive tears from MRIs? - Potentially 30-50% false positives - *See [Hip Labrum Tear- How to Assess & Rehab at Home](https://youtu.be/-1oNtQjp0G4?si=j168nVXXkBg4xd08&t=226) on YouTube* - Regenerative therapies, e.g. platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) injections - [Therapeutic Injections for Hip Labral Tears](https://nyulangone.org/conditions/hip-labral-tears/treatments/therapeutic-injections-for-hip-labral-tears) *by NYU Langone Health* - [Get Shoulder Labral Tear Treatment](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/services/shoulder-labral-tear-treatment) *by Cleveland Clinic* - [Hip Labral Tears](https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/hip-labral-tears) *by Yale Medicine* - Companies - Orthagenex: [orthagenex.com](https://orthagenex.com/) - Is it possible to avoid needing a hip replacement in the future, e.g. 65+ years old? # Stretches ## About [Understanding the Difference Between Dynamic and Static Stretching](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/understanding-the-difference-between-dynamic-and-static-stretching) *by Cleveland Clinic* ## Static #### Foam rolling - Start at the hip area towards the butt - Move to the side and front above the groin - Then down to quad and knee - Switch sides and repeat #### Sniper leg stretch - Lie on your stomach - Slide one knee outwards at a time moving the knee towards your head and back down to a straight position in a circular "D" right side or "C" left side motion - *See [90 Second Exercise to STOP Sciatica & Piriformis Syndrome In Bed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-vfPIIMMhA) on YouTube* #### Hands and knees rocking - Repetitions: 30-60 - Be on your hands and knees - Move your upper body backwards into a sitting position - Experiment with how far your legs and knees are apart - *See [Top 6 Exercises For Naturally Healing A Painful Torn Hip Labrum](https://youtu.be/TH7QuyxXhME?si=pjub7U2bF1_FDBfi&t=549) on YouTube* #### Upward facing dog - Focus on moving the hips forward - YouTube search ["upward facing dog"](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Upward+dog) #### Hip flexor - About - Stretches the piriformis - *Search "[piriformis stretch](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=piriformis+stretch)" on YouTube* - Lunge - Be in a kneeling position - Move your hips and upper body forward towards the front leg while keeping a tight core and straight back and neck posture - Hold in the front position for 15-30 sec - Switch sides and repeat - *See [Hip Labral Tear Exercises That Can Help Speed Up Your Recovery](https://www.livestrong.com/article/188528-what-are-some-exercises-for-hip-labral-tear-recovery) by Livestrong* - Lying - Lie on your back with both legs flat on the ground - Pull your stretching leg's knee towards your chest with your hands - Optional: Keep one knee bent - Cross the stretching leg's ankle on the bent knee - Pull the bent knee towards your chest - Rotate your hip externally by bringing your foot towards your opposite hip - Hold onto your ankle with one hand and the knee with the other hand pulling your knee toward chest - Keep the other leg flat on the ground - Switch sides and repeat - Seated - You can do a similar stretch while sitting #### Bent knee declines - Time: 1-2 minutes - Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the surface - Single leg - Switch off slowly lowering each leg at a time to the side of the body until the other side leg starts to be moved towards that side - Both legs - Slowly lower both legs - Breath in deeply through the nose and slowly out through the mouth - Hold the position for 2-3 minutes for 3 rounds - *See [Top 6 Exercises For Naturally Healing A Painful Torn Hip Labrum](https://youtu.be/TH7QuyxXhME?si=yfzXDdO6dOSoYtDG&t=185) on YouTube* #### Leg wiggles - Time: 2-3 minutes - Sit and move your leg(s) in and out - *See [Top 6 Exercises For Naturally Healing A Painful Torn Hip Labrum](https://youtu.be/TH7QuyxXhME?si=94utzXBZ1jfXnCuW&t=113) on YouTube* #### Massage guns - About - Never use on the bone directly. Always use near and around the bone. - Use around the hip bone down to the outer thigh - Use around the hip bone back to the upper glutes - Alternative: Use a Gua Sha - Amazon search ["Gua Sha"](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=gua+sha) - Great for travel - Search - [8 Best Massage Guns for 2024, According to Pros](https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness/best-massage-guns) *by healthline* - [The 8 best massage guns 2024 to relieve muscle pain and tension](https://www.tomsguide.com/best-picks/best-massage-guns) *by Tom's Guide* - [The Best Massage Guns](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-massage-guns/) *by Wirecutter* ## Dynamic #### About Do ~20 yards per set #### High knee walks Walk while switching to raise the opposite bent knee and the opposite arm #### High straight leg walks - Walk while switching to raise the opposite straight leg and the opposite arm - The straight arm should be aiming slightly downards of the chest #### High open hip walks Walk while switching to raise a bent leg and rotate the leg to open outwards, and then returning the leg on the ground #### Front straight leg walks - Walk while switching to straighten a leg in front while bending the back leg - Bend down with both arms straight to stretch the straightened leg's hamstring # Exercises #### Resistance bands - *See [Resistance bands](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eujMN25b-zylXyxGpu_0C0JuGLHlZH4Qw-6viq1xYX4/edit#heading=h.8rz9jknw72i0)* - 4-way leg pulls - Loop one end of the resistance band to a sufficiently heavy object, e.g. Table/chair/bed/dresser leg, etc. - Use each direction as a set: Forward, backward, right, and left - Pull the leg in the opposite direction of the resistance in a slow and controlled motion - Keep the knee straight with the toes and foot at 90ΒΊs to the leg - Do 10-25 reps per set - Switch sides after a complete set and repeat - *See [Hip Labral Tear Stretches & Exercises](https://youtu.be/yZLMCAzKZz8?si=Lm7f3NhNZy-BF0G4&t=32) on YouTube* - 3-way steps - Aka Monster walk - Place a resistance band right above the ankles - Move the hips back into a mini squat position - Walk forward for 15-20 repetitions - Rest for 30 seconds - Walk laterally for 15-20 repetitions on 1 side - Rest for 30 seconds - Switch sides after a complete set and repeat - *See [The Best Exercises to Prevent and Treat a Hip Labral Tear](https://www.runnersworld.com/health-injuries/a29425202/hip-labral-tear/) by Runners World* #### 1-foot balance - Balance on 1 foot standing straight with the non-balancing side's leg slightly bent - Switch sides and repeat - *See [Hip Labral Tear Stretches & Exercises](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZLMCAzKZz8&t=149s) on YouTube* #### Squats - Squat holds: Hold for 10 sec at a time - Stand with your legs shoulder length, knees facing outwards, and hips moved forward - Tighten your butt muscles without using your hip and/or quads - Bend your knees slightly - *See [Top 6 Exercises For Naturally Healing A Painful Torn Hip Labrum](https://youtu.be/TH7QuyxXhME?si=ZPcYEpk0WHSBWuXG&t=720) on YouTube* - Mini squats - Use the same position as squat holds - Move down into the squat hold position and back up into the standing position with the butt muscles remaining tight - *See [Top 6 Exercises For Naturally Healing A Painful Torn Hip Labrum](https://youtu.be/TH7QuyxXhME?si=-hGWQ5djd8KqDezi&t=858) on YouTube* - Squats - Stand straight with your feet shoulder length apart starting with no weights - Move your butt downwards by bending your knees while keeping the back straight - The toes and heels should remain flat on the ground - The knees should remain behind the toes - *See [Hip Labral Tear Stretches & Exercises](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZLMCAzKZz8&t=196s) on YouTube* #### Lunges - Stand with your feet shoulder length apart and place 1 foot in front of the body and 1 foot behind the body with the toes facing forward - Move your butt downwards by bending your back knee while keeping the back straight - The front knee should remain behind the front toes - *See [Hip Labral Tear Stretches & Exercises](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZLMCAzKZz8&t=248s) on YouTube* #### Glutes - Glute squeezes: Hold for 10 sec at a time - Sit in a chair, stand, or lie on your back with legs flat or bent - Tighten your butt muscles without using your hip and/or quads - If needed lower the intensity of squeezes to find the pain free level and increase the intensity over time - *See [Top 6 Exercises For Naturally Healing A Painful Torn Hip Labrum](https://youtu.be/TH7QuyxXhME?si=0k-T6izALlew8Aa5&t=300) on YouTube* - Glute bridges - Lie on your back on the ground with both knees bent and your feet on the floor - Lift your butt off the ground into a straight line from the shoulder to the knees - Make sure you're using your glute/butt muscles - You should not feel it in the quads, hamstrings, knees, back, stomach, etc. - Modifications - Feet position - Feet closer to the glutes: More glute work - Feet further from the glutes: More hamstrings work - Try grounding your heels and lifting your toes off the ground when lifting your butt - Place a firm object between the knees during the exercise - Place a firm resistance band around the knees during the exercise - Optional - Hold the up position for a few seconds - Staggered glute bridges - About: Makes the exercise harder by isolating each glute more - Same position as glute bridges with sliding the passive side's foot further away from the glute - Switch sides after a complete set and repeat - *See [ Staggered Bridge ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0wMp74V5_8) on YouTube* - *See [Glute Bridge Exercise - The correct way of doing it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_Bpj91Yiis) on YouTube* - Face down leg raises - Aka Prone hip extension with bent knee - Lie on your stomach on the ground with one leg straight on the ground and the other leg with the knee bent 90ΒΊ - Slowly raise your leg with the bent knee off the ground - Switch sides after a complete set and repeat - *See [Prone Knee Flexion with Hip Extension](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqpeT8DLWkc) on YouTube* - Hands and knees leg raises - Aka bird dog exercise - Move onto your hands and knees with a flat back - Tighten the abdomen to raise the opposite leg backwards and arm forwards into straight positions - Lower the arm and leg down - Alternate raising sides of the body with each repetition - Optional: Increase the difficulty by holding the up position for 3 or 5 seconds - *See [Bird Dogs - Moving through Cancer – Penn State College of Medicine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCMWp6iBXwU) on YouTube* #### Pelvic tilts - Lie on your back on the ground with both knees bent and your feet on the floor - Use your abdomen to press your lower back into the ground - Test your form by placing one hand underneath your lower back to feel the lower back pressing down on the hand - *See [Supine Pelvic Tilts - Moving through Cancer – Penn State College of Medicine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWuR_U9ddcc) on YouTube* #### Lying straight leg raises - Lie on your back on the ground with one knee bent and the other leg straight lieing on the ground - Raise the straight leg off the ground up to the top of the bent knee - Switch sides after a complete set and repeat - *See [Straight Leg Raise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMsqY_UegbM) on YouTube* #### Seated leg raises - Sit with your legs slightly sloping downwards with a resistance band around the balls of the feet - Raise your leg to where the bottom of the raised foot reaches the resting leg's mid calf - Alternate raising legs with each repetition #### Lying resistance band leg raises - Lie on your back on the ground with both legs flat and a resistance band around the balls of the feet - Pull 1 leg upwards towards the chest bending the knee and hold at the top for 3 seconds - Slowly lower the leg back down - Alternate raising legs with each repetition #### Multidirectional leg raises - About - Do as many exercises in this series as you can without stopping and bringing the hip down in between sets - Stop if you need to and resume the series - Position: Lie on your side with the bottom leg bent backwards and the top leg resting straight on top - Exercises 1. Vertical a. Slowly raise the top leg keeping the leg straight and slowly move the top leg back down b. Keep the the toes pointed forward 2. Forward and backward a. Switch directions after a complete set and repeat both forwards and backwards 3. Circles a. Make small circles in a clockwise direction for 1 set b. Switch to a counterclockwise direction for a 2nd set - Resources - [Hip Abduction in Sidelying - Ask Doctor Jo ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwBJKBa4PKU) *on YouTube* - [Sidelying Hip Abduction with Flexion and Extension](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXzyqIX0R5w) *on YouTube* - [Side lying hip circles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnmNNVlc75E) *on YouTube* #### Groin squeeze - Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the surface - Squeeze a rolled/folded towel wrapped in a [resistance band](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eujMN25b-zylXyxGpu_0C0JuGLHlZH4Qw-6viq1xYX4/edit#heading=h.8rz9jknw72i0) or a ball with your knees or thighs - Hold for 3 seconds per repetition for 2 sets of 10 #### Single-leg deadlift - Stand with feet hip width apart - Slowly lift 1 leg behind you until it's parallel to the ground for 10 repetitions on each side - Hinge from the hips by moving the butt back as the chest approaches the floor and the leg reaches parallel to the floor - Pause and slowly move the leg back into standing position - Optional: Add a kettlebar - Hold a kettlebell with one hand on the same side that the leg is being raised - *See [The Best Exercises to Prevent and Treat a Hip Labral Tear](https://www.runnersworld.com/health-injuries/a29425202/hip-labral-tear/) by Runners World* #### Dead bug - Lie on your back on the ground with the feet in the air and the knees bent at 90ΒΊ - Extend arms straight upwards with the wrists aligned with the shoulders - Slowly straighten 1 leg at a time while keeping the core tight as you reach the opposite arm back overhead - Return to the starting position alternating sides - Do 10 repetitions for each side and 20 repetitions total - *See [The Best Exercises to Prevent and Treat a Hip Labral Tear](https://www.runnersworld.com/health-injuries/a29425202/hip-labral-tear/) by Runners World* <p style="text-align: center; font-style: italic">This is not medical advice. Do your own research.</p>