--- title: 🟨 Fileverse tags: build description: Fileverse image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/3540691454/1535710532/1500x500 --- <h1 style="text-align: center;">🟨 Fileverse</h1> <p style="text-align: center; font-style: italic"><a href="https://fileverse.io" target="_blank">fileverse.io</a></p> # About Self owned publishing, information sharing, data, documents, files, etc. # Features - Distributed backend powered by [gun.eco](https://gun.eco), IPFS, and/or Arweave - View types - dPages: Markdown view great for publishing - dDocs: Working document similar to a traditional word processor view - Compatible with [Safe.global](https://safe.global) self-owned smart accounts - Use the Fileverse app directly in the Safe apps view instead of connecting to the fileverse.io web app separately - Upload files publicly or privately - Batch onchain actions with "Signless transactions" - "Settings" (Left navigation menu) > Select to enable "Signless transactions" - Public comments - In the dPage view top menu bar > Select "Enable Public Discussions" (Square button with a plus sign) # Community and support - X: [@fileverse](https://twitter.com/fileverse) - Email: [hello@fileverse.io](mailto:hello@fileverse.io) - GitHub: [github.com/fileverse](https://github.com/fileverse) # Opportunities ## Prioritization key - P0: Important and time-sensitive blocker in moving forward - P1: Important and and not as time-sensitive - P2: Nice to have currently - P3: Nice to have in the future ## Account ### Access acount without storing browser authentication cookies (P0) - Account authorization keys are stored locally on the web browser (2024-01-16) - Clearing the browser’s cache and cookies deletes the user key making it impossible to access the account ### Sign in with Ledger hardware account (P1) - 2023-10-31 - This is important because it will allow users to have a Ledger approval account as a part of a Safe account - Safe accounts can use multi device/party/location/etc. authentication - Device: Ledger Nano X - Browser: Firefox and Brave - Methods: WalletConnect, Ledger Live through WalletConnect, and MetaMask - Attempted solutions: Disable VPN and ad blocker - [Screenshot](https://drive.proton.me/urls/42EYAGF5Q8#N1w6fjP28hjV) ## Publish ### Navigation (P1) - View navigation based on a view's headers: H1, H2, H3, and H4 - Displays a view's outline/table of contents on the left and/or right side - Collection navigation based on linked views - Displays an expandable/collapsible menu on the left and/or right side - Dynamically resizes and collapses outline and menu navigation based on the screen size - E.g. HackMD does both well, see [hackmd.io/@openinfo/hackmd](https://hackmd.io/@openinfo/hackmd) ### Human readable view links (P1) - Fileverse native links, e.g. fileverse.io/{entity-name}/{your-view-name} - E.g. - fileverse.io/openinfo/fileverse - hackmd.io/@openinfo/hackmd - Custom owned domain links, e.g. {mydomain.com}/fileverse ### Option to center the view title (P2) - Center the view title instead of the title default of the view title in the top-left ## Editor ### Edit the Markdown code directly (P2) - This is important for advanced users to customize the published view, e.g. [Create custom tables with HTML generator tools](https://hackmd.io/@openinfo/markdown#Tables) - The editor can switch between the what-you-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) and raw code modes ### Import Markdown files into "dPages" (P2) - Import a ".md" file to create a dPage - Copy and paste raw Markdown code into a dPage - Workaround: Copy and paste a published Markdown view into a dPage instead of the raw Markdown code ## Security ### Backup account (P1) - Backup account (Not downloading on Firefox v121.0 2024-01-11) - "Settings" (Left navigation menu) > "End-to-End Encrypted Key" > Select "Download Keys" ### Backup view file (P1 In-progress) - Download the dPage Markdown file <p style="text-align: center; font-style: italic">This is not technical advice. Do your own research.</p>