# Week 13
###### tags: `OLS-2` `coworking call` `project-leads`
:earth_asia: Pub Quiz
**Call time** : 14:00 - 15:30 UTC ([see in your time](https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2020-11-26/14:00/week-13-pub-quiz))
**Hosts** : Yo and Malvika
**Before this meeting**
- Brew your favorite drink and bring along!
**Roll call**
- _Name / Project / social handles (twitter, GitHub, etc.) /_ [_emoji mood _](https://emojipedia.org/)
- Yo / OLS4eva / t: yoyehudi g: yochannah / 🎉
- Malvika / OLS / t + gh: malvikasharan / :scales:
- Laura / TTW Ethicsbook / @LauraC_rter / :sleeping:
- Emma / Open science in phytolith research / :smiley:
- Peter / RSSE.Africa / @pvanheus / :confused:
- Jelioth/github: Jelioth/
- Paul / The Turing Way/ @paulowoicho
- Jez
- Kate
- Samuel
- Brenda
**Check-in ritual**
*What did you think science was when you were at school?*
*Name / answer/ check-in question*
- Laura / aim-hypothesis-method-results (all written neatly in a blue exercise book)
- Yo / it was definitely about mixing substances with other substances (in glass bottles of course)... and possibly fire?
- Malvika / doctors (white coat) in mind were all scientists who hold glass beakers and do some mysterious chemical mixing! - Dexter and scientist from power puff girls
- Peter / I thought it was doing something like Professor Calculus from the Tin Tin books so basically being weird :) I actually walked around with a pendulum for a while
- Emma / chemical mixing or being a Vet.
- Jelioth/doctors
- Paul / simply doing fun stuff in the lab
**Group formation**
Each group should make a copy of [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qg5TAM4oXgxQ5xrdn0LVLjftegJt1vfG3WxnNrQRALA/edit?usp=sharing) and share their copy with Malvika and Yo on Slack or Zoom. Please don't share it with everyone in the chat - to keep the game spirit! :sweat_smile:
- Group 1: Jelioth, Laura, Peter, Paul: **Three Mice**
- Group 2: Emma, Jez, Harriet, Brenda: **The Three Musketeers**
🖥 First round: 15 minutes
[Slides for round 1](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQMH1Y_L4lPLIjFr4CcPqu4nEfiz9GfEV55lXqMkHSO01vz_DtQXf-QEwc9Xg0d0hSSFu5h4a3n-XVL/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000)
🖥 Second round: 15 minutes
[Slides for round 2](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQs4Jr7IRt7fM8PsJHDvk9qCNTJT2OLH3bvsqOuNzCJIQs91IZ056eY6pdgwocqMvcHw04GXAKeEfTW/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000)
🖥 Last round: 20 minutes
[Slides for round 3](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSeJNhr8nynE4krajN4ee_y8yKJQABTRQqnJCBy2GmTZgjm7aujxqzpGG26y1BYt9Z81rHhRmiKXNTZ/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000)
**Next calls**
- Cohort call: Next week.
_What worked?_
_What didn't work?_
_What would you change?_
_What surprised you?_
*Reference*: Open leadership Framework, Mozilla Open Leaders 6 & 7, Open Life Science 1
*License*: CC BY 4.0, Open Life Science (OLS-2), 2020