--- tags: math615 robots: noindex, nofollow --- # Formulating Research Questions Be sure to review [What are the characteristics of a good research question?](https://library.csuchico.edu/library-curricula) before answering these questions. ## What are the characteristics of a good research question Sruthi-The characteristics should include the variables we want to look for, collect relevant data Eden- The question can be answered with controlled experiments, and/or data. The question should be of importance to others. Sarah- A question that can be answered with collected data, with some degree of control for chance variation. Jake- A question that can be answered with the data at hand. Evan: It is relevant, original, interesting, has a clear, testable hypothesis. It is possible to collect relevant data. Gunner: - The question is succinct - The question is answerable through analysis of the data/info you possess - Question is testable - Question is testable vs. researchable Matthew- A question that can be answered by data previously collected or can be collected. The question has significance. Jay- Simplicity. One that is short enough to be understood quickly by both professionals in the field and nonprofessionals. Invites both exploration and discussion of topic. Kenji- A question that can be answered given certain data, one that furthers a topic. Abbey- Clear and focused, can be answered through research and analysis Sean- a question which can be answered using the data you have collected, but which you cannot immediately answer with a "yes" or "no". Ryan- A good research question is testable using measured variables. Miriam-a good research question should include your variables that should be testable Meghan: The question is testable and limits confounding variables. ## What is the one essential document you need to review before you can formulate a research question? Sruthi-The survey questionnaire, refere to previous research articles on that topic, Kenji- Past research articles Ryan- Has the question already been answered? Jake - Research data - you have to examine the data that has been collected Evan: The codebook? Meghan: the cookbook... or was it codebook? :) Abbey- If the question has been answered / journal articles. Matthew- Past research done in the related field Sarah: Relevant articles, data from other researchers who have looked at similar topics. Sean - codebook Gunner Michaelson - CSV file and/or codebook. Jay - Previous research and literature reviews Miriam-previous studies and the data Eden- Codebook ## Write an example of a research question Sruthi-Are students at CSU,Chico use CalFresh and getting benefited. Kenji- is there a higher degree of chemical weathering in hydrous environments Gunner - Does the outlook on religion in America differ between ethnicities? jake - is there a difference in observed water use efficiency in orchards planted in "Whole Orchard Recycling" ground compared to conventionally prepared orchards? Eden - What is the paleoecology of hydrocarbon seeps at Blue Ridge, Colusa County, California? Matthew- Did meteoric water alter the superior mine in the Lights Creek to become economically viable? Meghan: - Are differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of DNA in colorectal cancer tissues correlated with gene promoters? - Is there a relationship between DMRs location and gene promoters in colorectal cancer tumor DNA? - Are colorectal cancer DMRs in promoter regions hypermethylated? - Is hypermethylation in colorectal cancer associated with promoter regions? - Are hypermethylated regions in colorectal cancer associated with intragenic regions? - Are hypomethylated regions in colorectal cancer associated with intergenic regions? Abbey- Is there an association between dynamic water storage and soil respiration rates Sarah: Does spay/neuter status affect outdoor domesticated housecat range? Evan: Is there a significant difference in C13 ratios between two carbonate fabrics in a rock sample? Ryan- Is there a relationship between burn intensity and diversity of early successional species. Sean - Are the Miocene ash bed deposits and lacustrine deposits throughout Surprise Valley related to the same caldera and subsequent fill? Jay - Do different varieties of almond react to water stress in similar ways? Miriam-Is rootability an inheritable trait in pistachio seedling rootstocks? # Sources of Information Rusty on this? Google "what are primary sources" and skim around. ## Give an example of a primary source of information. Sruthi-Survey Kenji- Journal Eden- Field book Matthew- Thesis Abbey- original research / experiments Jake - measurements or fieldbook data that was collected by the user Evan: Field work Meghan: Research article that conducted a study Sean: Field Notes Ryan - Field work ## Give an example of a secondary source of information. Sruthi-Research articles Kenji- Biography Eden- Literature review Matthew- Journal Evan: Online database Abbey- Literature review Sean - Previous article/thesis Jake - Another persons publication Meghan: a literature review of research in a specific field. Ryan - ## What are some problems with secondary source literature Sruthi-Outdated Kenji- A secondary source has been interpreted from a primary source. This allows for misinterpretation, mistakes, mistranslations, etc. Eden- Misinterpretations. Evan: You don't always have the raw data and important metadata Matthew- Information could be misinterpreted from the primary source. Abbey- Literature reviews on primary journal articles may be up to individual interpretation. Sean - They may be out of date, and there are individual biases when interpreting the data. Meghan: the observations were not directly collected by the author which can lead to misinterpretation of the data due to lack of context around the data collection.