NICEST2 final day - Afternoon
Present: Shuting Yang (DMI/EC-Earth), Francesca Maria Iozzi (Sigma2 - Nird & cloud), Hamish Struthers (LiU/NAISS), Anne Fouilloux (Simula Srl.), Jean Iaquinta (UiO/IT), Oskar Landgren (, Tyge Løvset (NORCE), Yanchun He (NERSC), Alok Gupta (NORCE), Prashanth Rao (LiU/NAISS), Risto Makkonen (FMI)
Call will be open in December 2023 with a deadline probably in March 2024 on "FAIR and Open data sharing in support of the mission adaptation to climate change"
Call information:;callCode=HORIZON-INFRA-2024-EOSC-01
Funding 6 to 8 Million Euros per project
- Need for accessible research data across disciplines & borders
- Federated infrastructure
- Accelerate research & innovation in climate adaptation
Expected outcomes:
- Seamless interactions between EOSC, operational data space or environments, Copernicus, etc.
- Open and FAIR data is the new norm
- EU-wide sharing of research data
- EOSC grows into a space that articulates with the Green Deal & mission climate adaptation
- Training
- Data (& how to exploit it)
- Compute
- Tools
- Interoperability
This call is about infrastructure, not research
We need strong use cases about climate adaptation
- involve local authorities (who?)
- SND ( feels like they would be a good lead partner from Sweden - if they are interested.
- SMHI has quite strong links to the adaptation community
- NAISS (the new SNIC) may be able to act as a back end resource provider
- Researcher/User engagement - should be an important WP. workshops/meetings/etc. and promoting early adoptor examples & use cases. From the call "Open and FAIR data is the new norm"
- Can we have a WP on transfering the provenance module from ESM-ValTool to NorESM/EC-Earth?
Relevant European Partnerships
- -
- GOFAIR (but they are rather expensive!)
- EGI (have not confirmed yet)
Nansen has already experience with in-situ observations (ocean, etc.) and satellite data (including archives)
- similar interest from IFREMER
to produce catalogs, etc.
- for climate adaptation (Climate Futures)
- collaboration with CMCC/Bologna (Antonio)
Demonstrate the use of FAIR data with strong case studies
everything we do has a purpose
Mission adaptation to climate change (
Be clear about who we are targetting
- high-resolution data useful ("actionable") to policy makers
- understandable information
- background over area and period of time of interest
- We have to build somethng in the context of EOSC
Sigma2: focused on community data, FAIRness, archiving, metadata, interoperability, workflows, Research Objects
- FAIR DOs also of interest for DKRZ
- how to translate this for someone who is not a researcher/expert (e.g., visualization of the data without complicated tools)
- Codes also, not only data, with everything needed encapsulated
- GoFAIRFoundation (Barbara) also interested in streamlining from the DMP
- 2 calls under evaluation, one of them about the "science cluster" with EnvriFAIR building catalogs of services, the other one where the concept of FAIR DOs appears very strongly: we have to follow up and get in touch at some point
Status of climate data archiving in Sweden?
- At present this is handled locally by individual institutes/universities but NAISS may in the future be able to offer backend (national) long term storage resources.
DMI's interest in the call: already involved in a "ClimateAtlas" project (national level), use ESMValTool also
Maybe should we ask each national climate center to provide one use case?
How to make it easier for everyone to navigate the complex data landscape, for local authorities or communes for instance (as end users)
- not new data portals!
- not aimed at expert users
- semantic mapping of different datasets?
- typically between CMIP & ERA5 data (different standards, variables, etc.)
Should we involve AI to "translate" end-users requests into something "scientists" can answer using FAIR data (or vice versa)?
FAIR data does not mean open or free data
- Different levels of "privacy"
Risto talked about a course they just did where they utilized climate data sources from Europe, and had issues with interoperability, they are now getting feedback on CMIP & reanalysis data. Have also activities related to climate adaptation, working with municipalities & businesses. This call seems very relevant for FMI.
- FMI and U. Helsinki have large ongoing national project focusing on climate competencies required in the future, bringing together social, educational sciences and natural sciences. Within the project we've create a completely new university course focusing on utilizing climate data in real life (with project work with companies, municipalities, cities etc), also organizing climate data hackathons for different stakeholders. The experiences could help in formalizing some of the training aspects in the call.
How to engage with stakeholders?
- focus on a small number of strong use cases
- then replicate to others
- even if they do get funding for that
- to demonstrate interoperability
NORCE is a member of EOSC, apparently not FMI, Simula neither, NRC are "observers"
Many Swedish universities are members of EOSC (Linköping and SNIC/NAISS):
What about CSC?
- Risto is to ask the persons he knows if they are already involved in a different consortium and/or would be interested in joining ours.
- Ifremer has sensors
- What about NetATMO?
- could be a link with citizens?
- uses "aggregated" data provided by NetATMO
FAIR data sharing is like an "onion" with different levels, each with a different metada standard
- how "deep" do we want to go?
- similar issue with
- aggregated products from the meteorological services
We also need to address "trust"
- should we trust everything? nothing by default unless they have proven some sort of trustworthiness/reliability?
DMI's experience in using pressure data from mobilephones?
- useful for NWP models?
- to get feedback from citizens about the actual weather & harmonize the forecasts?
- How do they deal with metadata, quality control, etc.?
- Shuting is to ask people working on the project and find out more
Traceability of data sources and recognition of the data producers who ought to get the proper credit for their work
- See examples of ESMValTool (Oskar's demo) how they sorted out the data provenance
- this could be accounted for by the "data lake/mesh" to see who downloaded/used the data (some sort of data "citations")
- blockchain principle where every "transaction" is recorded
Machine learning & Artificial Intelligence
- Used to resolve the scientific problems, but that is not supposed to be part of this project
- Could also be used:
- to "reformulate" scientific gibberish into something the general public can understand (or convert questions asked into some "natural language")
- to "translate" between different languages (i.e., to overcome the language barrier)
What we need to do now?
We need a well advanced draft during the summer
How do we organise ourselves?
Invite others?
Have representatives for all the different skills required for the project
Split the work into work packages (like 1 Wp for data, tools, compute, interoperability, stakeholders)
Use cases will be transverse, not separated from other WPs as is often done in a lot of EOSC projects
Check if it is a lump summ or "normal" EU project payment?
Anne is to start writting a document that will be shared with the other participants of today's meeting so that they can add their contributions
Make links with