# FAQ / ESC tuning resources
#### ESC Configuration Videos
* JB/Harrell full series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwoDb7WF6c8kXOyPdBog1wtRcxnXMasUb
* JB/Harrell desync specific: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKcyXR7Yx64 (@21:17)
* Pawel Spychalski Demag-Compensation: https://youtu.be/c94e9TCCP8Y
* Kabab micro rampup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obObn1oGWmU <-- read Mr.ShutterBug's comment as well!
* JB's variable PWM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuQeJA4EGr8
* JB's Bluejay vid: https://youtu.be/yEDhnBUFQNI
* JB's 32bit AM32 vid: https://youtu.be/yOeVj6P9PSU
* AM32 Settings Explained playlist by "High Energy Failures": https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrxUiYCo7HwrIz1uE0aIfNT4GUgVMwc1t
* Chris Rosser BLHeli32 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WeHTb7aBrE
* Chris Rosser BLHeli32 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gv0_jTEYZM
* Chris Rosser BlueJay 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhYKeZfSQIw (Caveat: devs seem to recommend 48khz, and also recommend do ***not*** set startup powers to max)
#### BLHeli32 (32-bit)
* https://github.com/bitdump/BLHeli/releases
#### BlueJay (8-bit)
* Discord: https://discord.gg/ddyzguPB5t
* https://github.com/bird-sanctuary/bluejay/releases
* Bluejay startup min/max, etc. https://github.com/bird-sanctuary/bluejay/wiki/Setup
* Bluejay config migration: https://github.com/bird-sanctuary/bluejay/wiki/Migrating-from-BLHeli_S
* Configurator: https://esc-configurator.com/
#### AM32 (32-bit)
* Discord: https://discord.gg/h7ddYMmEVV
* https://github.com/AlkaMotors/AM32-MultiRotor-ESC-firmware/releases
* Configurator: https://am32.ca/
#### Escape32 (32-bit)
* Discord: https://discord.gg/aed6xdSM5Y
* https://github.com/neoxic/ESCape32
#### Desyncs
* Desyncs are typically a factor of ESC settings.
* Set `Motor Timing` to a some static value of personal preference. Above documentation alludes 23 is good for freestyle. Racers typically use higher values.
* `Demag Compensation` also a factor but try static timing first, and increase Demag-Comp only as much as needed to resolve.
#### Racing Considerations
* Demag compensation low saves roughly 7K RPM (20%) on high kv motors. Although off versus low has minimal effect, some prefer OFF. Thanks to @FreedomDuck for this information. *(Ultralight 6S 2100kv to 2150kv.)*