# 因應武漢肺炎防疫校內重要訊息通知 給嘉大同學的一封信 NOTE: This letter is outdated, please refer to https://biors.ncyu.edu.tw/~ncov for latest information 這封信已過期且不再更新,請參見 https://biors.ncyu.edu.tw/~ncov 閱讀最新的資訊。 **[ENGLISH version is below](#A-letter-to-students-of-NCYU-in-response-to-important-information-of-Wuhan-Pneumonia-prevention)** :::info 本通知原始資料來源轉自 https://www.ncyu.edu.tw/files/site_content/ncov/202002020900更新_因應武漢肺炎防疫校內重要訊息通知_給嘉大同學的一封信.pdf **本版本為了便利大家使用,連結和電話皆已加上 html 標籤,使用手機點選後可直接撥打相關承辦人** 1. 本頁面分享網址 QRCODE ![](https://i.imgur.com/nlXrb8z.png) 2. 請隨時關注學校[首頁](https://www.ncyu.edu.tw)相關資訊 3. 感謝劉以誠老師製作訊息通知流程圖 4. (2020-02-04 10:21)更新自**中國湖北省、廣東省與浙江省溫州市**旅行回來者有發燒呼吸道症狀者,配合實施 14 天在家休息暫停「到校上課」 5. (2020-02-04 10:35) 增加學校追蹤表格https://reurl.cc/W4n9bL 6. (2020-02-04 13:38) 更新流程圖 ::: ## 快速閱讀流程圖 ![](https://i.imgur.com/tlXccW3.jpg) ## 信件正文 親愛的同學 自從俗稱武漢肺炎的嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens,SPNP)疫情爆發以來人心惶惶,為確保在學期間安全與安心,以及維護校園健康環境,學校已於 1 月 30 日成立防疫小組,根據 「中央流行疫情指揮中心」與「教育部嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情應變工作小組」之指示,規劃一系列因應的校內措施。 由於疫情發生在中國境內,因此不得已必須對來自中國大陸或旅遊史 的同學有較高規格的防疫措施,請大家體諒並共體時艱,相信有您的支持, 我們必定可以在短時間內回到習以為常的校園生活。 ## 一、本校因應措施重點 1. 為避免因無法如期返校或因防疫隔離而影響就讀權益,教務處已擬訂「安心就學」彈性措施,簡述如第二大項,詳細訊息請參照教務處最新消息,本校亦將儘速於入口網頁建置專區提供消息。 2. 在目前防治計畫期間,蘭潭校區招待所規劃為本校「**檢疫宿舍**」,均一人一室,住宿期間須執行健康追蹤管理,並由學校免費提供三餐。期滿後歸建一般宿舍 或校外宿舍。另外規劃林森校區青雲齋為中港澳入(過)境學生返校後暫留健康觀察使用,詳情如以下第 3 點。 3. 由**中港澳入境(含轉機)** 時有發燒或呼吸道症狀或入境前 14 天曾在<font color="red">**中國湖北省、廣東省與浙江省溫州市**</font>旅遊或居住者,配合實施 14 天在家休息暫停「到校上課」,無需核予假別,且不列入出缺席紀錄。 (1) **本國籍學生**自入境後進行「**居家檢疫**」<font color="red">14 天</font>方可返校。 (2) **外籍生、港澳生與僑生**:自入境後須於林森校區青雲齋四樓實施「集中健康觀察」14 天,不可外出。由學校提供三餐。14 天後再回原寢室或租屋處。 (3) **陸生**:不論有無申請校內宿舍自入境後須於校內「**檢疫宿舍」(蘭潭招待所)** 實施「集中檢疫管理」14 天,不可外出,再回原寢室或租屋處。集中管理期間由學校提供三餐。 (4) 請填寫[此表格](https://reurl.cc/W4n9bL)來協助學校追蹤 4. 由**中港澳入境(含轉機)**時無發燒或呼吸道症狀且入境前 14 天未在<font color="red">**中國湖北省、廣東省與浙江省溫州市**</font>旅遊或居住,配合實施 14 天在家休息暫停「到校上課」,無需核予假別,且不列入出缺席紀錄。 (1) **本國籍**學生自入境後**在家實施「自我健康觀察」14 天**後再返校。 (2) **外籍生、港澳生與僑生**:學校住宿生自入境後須於林森校區青雲齋二、三 樓實施「自主健康觀察」14 天後再回原寢室或租屋處,外出須全程配戴口 罩。校外居住者須於原住宿地點實施「自主健康觀察」14 天。 (3) **陸生**:不論有無申請校內宿舍,自入境後須於「**檢疫宿舍**」(蘭潭招待所)之指定房間實施「自主健康觀察」14 天後再回原寢室或租屋處,外出須全程 配戴口罩。 (4) 請填寫[此表格](https://reurl.cc/W4n9bL)來協助學校追蹤 5. 本國學生之**同住家人曾於學生返校前 14 天去過中國湖北省、廣東省與浙江省溫州市**者建議學生實施「自我健康觀察」。 6. 同學若為疑似病例或需自我隔離,心理師會定期以電話或 email 聯繫關懷;在學期間如有出現任何身心不適症狀的同學,可至學生輔導中心尋求心理師的協助。 8. 本校各防疫相關單位持續增購防疫物資(口罩、乾洗手液、消毒水等),以提供全 校各單位足夠的防疫能力。 ## 二、教務相關措施(詳見教務處最新消息-安心就學措施) 1. 本校視疫情發展考量個案特殊性進行安排,同學因防疫因素無法如期返校者,開學註册時間可專案處理,至多延後 6 週(109 年 3 月 27 日以前)。 2. 本校已擬訂彈性修業方案,屆時若無法於延後之 6 週內返校且無修課替代方案 時,因已有三分之一課程無法參加,始建議同學辦理休學,休學不計入學則規定休學年限。 3. 其他選課、成績考核、請假等彈性措施,詳見本校因防疫無法返校學生彈性修業方案(https://reurl.cc/lLmkMj)。 ## 三、重要連結與聯繫窗口 4. 衛福部疾病管制署嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎專區: https://reurl.cc/nVK92v 5. 教育部嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎專區: https://reurl.cc/EKA3yn 6. 最新疫情資訊請參閱疾病管制署新聞稿: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/ 7. 嘉義大學嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎資訊專區: https://www.ncyu.edu.tw/heal/content.aspx?site_content_sn=65773 8. 校內重要諮詢窗口 I. 修業相關問題,可寄信到教務處信箱: <a href="mailto:academic@mail.ncyu.edu.tw">academic@mail.ncyu.edu.tw</a>,或於上班時間來電 <a href="tel:052717020">+886-5-271-7020</a>、<a href="tel:052717021">7021</a>、<a href="tel:052717022">7022</a> 洽詢註冊與課務組 II. 國際處/陸生:陳建州 (分機 <a href="tel:052717296">7296</a> 或 <a href="tel:052717298">7298</a>) 國際處/港澳生:林嘉瑛 (分機 <a href="tel:052717296">7296</a> 或 <a href="tel:052717298">7298</a>) 國際處/外籍生:蕭琬儒 (分機 <a href="tel:052717296">7296</a> 或 <a href="tel:052717298">7298</a>) III. 學務處學輔中心:魏郁潔心理師 <a href="tel:052717080">271-7080</a>、<a href="tel:052717081">7081</a>、<a href="tel:052717082">7082</a> IV. 學務處衛保組(上班時間): 蘭潭校區 <a href="tel:052717069">271-7069</a> 新民校區 <a href="tel:052732957">273-2957</a> 民雄校區 <a href="tel:052263411">2263411 轉 1233</a> V. <font color="red">校安中心(24 小時):<a href="tel:052717373">271-7373</a></font> 親愛的同學們,原本在歡樂春節假期後即將回到我們美麗校園上課, 卻遇上全球嚴峻的肺炎疫情而心情沉重。為了迎接大家回來,學校不得已有些因應規劃來確保我們校園的健康安全,期許大家共體時艱度過這段令人惶惶不安的時期。重要的是,我們更要彼此關懷,互相加油打氣,若有任何疑問,請聯繫系所或本校聯繫窗口取得正確資訊。 國立嘉義大學「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」防疫工作小組關心您! **English version** :::warning Following version was directly translated from Google Translate. If you would like help, please don't hesitate to edit this note. ::: # A letter to students of NCYU in response to important information of Wuhan Pneumonia prevention ## 1. Response measures in general 1. In order to avoid the impact of enrollment rights due to the inability to return to university on schedule or due to epidemic prevention, the Academic Affairs Office has formulated a flexible measure for “easy study”. For the second item, please refer to the latest information from the Academic Affairs Office for details. The portal page build area provides information. 2. During the current prevention and control plan, the Lantan Campus Guest House is planned to be a “quarantine dormitory” for the university, with one person and one room. During the stay, health tracking management must be performed, and the university provides three meals for free. After the expiry of the period, the general dormitory or off-campus dormitory will be built. In addition, the Qingyunzhai of Linsen Campus is planned to be used by Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macao students who have entered (transited) to return to university for health observation purposes. For details, see point 3 below. 3. When entering China (including transit) with fever or respiratory symptoms or travelling or living in Hubei Province, Guangdong Provincee, Wenzhou City of Zhejiang Province, China 14 days before entry, cooperate with the implementation of a 14-day break at home to suspend university attendance without checking leave. It is not included in the absence record. (1) Students of this nationality must return to university for 14 days after entering the country. (2) Foreign students, Hong Kong and Macao students and overseas Chinese students: After entering the country, they must implement "Concentrated Health Observation" on the fourth floor of Qingyunzhai, Linsen Campus for 14 days. Three meals are provided by the university. After 14 days, return to your original bedroom or rental. (3) Chinese students: Whether or not to apply for on-campus dormitory, you must implement "centralized quarantine management" in the "quarantine dormitory" (Lantan Guest House) on campus for 14 days after entry. You cannot go out and return to the original bedroom or rental house. universitys provide three meals during centralized management. (4) Please fullfill [this form](https://reurl.cc/W4n9bL) to assist us to track 4. There is no fever or respiratory symptoms when entering from China, Hong Kong and Macau (including transit), and you have not traveled or lived in Hubei Province, China 14 days before entry. Cooperating with the implementation of a 14-day rest at home, we will suspend “university attendance” without checking leave, and Not included in the absence record. (1) Students of this nationality will return to university 14 days after entering the country to conduct "Self-health Observation" at home. (2) Foreign students, Hong Kong and Macao students, and overseas Chinese students: After entering the university, students must implement the "Autonomous Health Observation" on the second and third floors of Qingyunzhai, Linsen Campus, and return to their original bedroom or rental office 14 days later. Wear a mask all the way. Off-campus residents must implement Autonomous Health Observation at the original place of residence for 14 days. (3) Chinese students: Whether or not to apply for an on-campus dormitory, after entering China, you must implement "Autonomous Health Observation" in designated rooms of the "quarantine dormitory" (Lantan Guest House) for 14 days before returning to the original bedroom or rental office. wear mask. (4) Please fullfill [this form](https://reurl.cc/W4n9bL) to assist us to track      5. Students living in the same country with their families who have been to Hubei Province, Guangdong Provincee, Wenzhou City of Zhejiang Province, China 14 days before returning to university suggest that students implement "Self-Health Observation". 6. If the student is a suspected case or needs self-isolation, the psychologist will regularly contact Caring by phone or email; if any students have any symptoms of physical and mental discomfort during the university period, they can go to the Student Counseling Center for assistance from the psychologist. 8. The epidemic prevention-related units of the university continued to purchase additional anti-epidemic materials (masks, dry cleaners, disinfection water, etc.) to provide adequate anti-epidemic capabilities of the entire university. ## 2. Academic response measures 1. The university makes arrangements based on the development of the epidemic and considers the particularity of the case. Students who are unable to return to university due to epidemic prevention factors can register for the university at the start of the project, which can be postponed up to 6 weeks (before March 27, 109). 2. The university has drawn up a flexible study plan. If it is not possible to return to the university within 6 weeks and there is no alternative program, because one third of the courses cannot be taken, students are advised to take a break from university. Set the number of years off. 3. For other flexible measures such as course selection, performance assessment, and vacation leave, please refer to the flexible study plan for students who cannot return to university due to epidemic prevention (https://reurl.cc/lLmkMj). ## 3. Important links and contact 4. Special infectious pneumonia zone of Taiwan CDC : https://reurl.cc/nVK92v 5. Special infectious pneumonia zone from Ministry of Education: https://reurl.cc/EKA3yn 6. Latest epidermilogical news from CDC in Taiwan: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/ 7. Special infectious pneumonia zone of NCYU: https://www.ncyu.edu.tw/heal/content.aspx?site_content_sn=65773 8. Important contact of NCYU (1) For any academic questions, just send email directly via <a href="mailto:academic@mail.ncyu.edu.tw">academic@mail.ncyu.edu.tw</a> or make a phone call at office hour <a href="tel:052717020">+886-5-271-7020</a>、<a href="tel:052717021">7021</a>、<a href="tel:052717022">7022</a> (2) Office of International Affairs (OIA)/Chinese students: Chien-Chou Chen (Ext <a href="tel:052717296">7296</a> or <a href="tel:052717298">7298</a>) OIA/Hong Kong or Macau students: Chiaying Lin (Ext: <a href="tel:052717296">7296</a> or <a href="tel:052717298">7298</a>) OIA/Foreign students: Wanju Hsiao (Ext. <a href="tel:052717296">7296</a> or <a href="tel:052717298">7298</a>) (3) Center of Student Counseling Office of Student Affairs: Counselor Yu-Chieh Wei <a href="tel:052717080">271-7080</a>、<a href="tel:052717081">7081</a>、<a href="tel:052717082">7082</a> (4) Division of Sanitation And Health Services Office of Student Affairs (Office Hour): Lantan Campus <a href="tel:052717069">271-7069</a> Hsin-ming Campus <a href="tel:052732957">273-2957</a> Ming-Hsiung campus <a href="tel:052263411">2263411 ext 1233</a> (5) <font color="red">Campus security center (24 hrs): <a href="tel:+88652717373">271-7373</a></font> Dear students, we were going to return to our beautiful campus after the Happy Spring Festival holiday. But in the face of a severe global pneumonia epidemic, he felt heavy. In order to welcome everyone back, the university had to respond to the plan to ensure the health and safety of our campus, and we hope that everyone will go through this disturbing period. It is important that we care for each other and cheer for each other. If you have any questions, please contact the department or the university's contact persons for correct information. The National Chiayi University's "Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia" Epidemic Prevention Working Group cares about you! ###### tags: `國立嘉義大學`, `武漢肺炎`, `疫情`, `聯繫窗口`, `NCYU`, `Wuhan Pneumonia`, `epidemic information`, `contact`