# MetaCartel Super Scouts Chili Pod 3mo **3 month update** Winners of the MetaCatel Chili Pod (Super Scout) program. 1-2.5 ETH Grants Winners: - Symmetrical - Emergence - BattleZips - ESP - FUX ## About the Super Scouts Super Scouts - Give micro grants and offer support to new projects in the space to help them keep momentum when it is needed most. The chili pods are delegated workgroups on MC DAO members that can act faster in smaller groups. A side vault is managed by this smaller team but the main dao can always pull funds and re-purpose for whatever reason. some notes on the delegated scouts program https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KgLZ1giOluyG9qj2b67gBiAcRj9s24-cxe02ng3tHeM/edit?usp=sharing original forum post: https://forum.metacartel.org/t/grant-giving-chili-pods/2339?u=dekan Rules of engagement: - Write up a proposal in this telegram group chat (why the project is exciting, the success case / outcome of the project 1 year later) - Emoji voting (needs net voting consensus / same as molochs) 👍 = yes vote 👎 = no vote (counters yes votes) ❤️ = abstain / neutral vote Grants Safe on Gnosis Chain: https://gnosis-safe.io/app/gno:0x24698F19E8181a8Fe62DbA40EA90EB103D8a246F/home Grants Safe on mainnet: https://gnosis-safe.io/app/eth:0xcf4C0500816c08D35f5198B25856f94f2DEf7047/home --- ## Grant winners VOTING: Grants proposal (5k USD) Project: **Symmetrical** - Community of Gen Z Web3 folks - Wants to launch a grants program to support Gen Z builders - Value prop = help projects get user feedback from Gen Z web3 users - Eventually want to incubate projects + setup an investment DAO - Personally been in touch lightly advising for over last 5 months - Two co-founders, generally good at listening / taking advice, originally wanted to launch a Gen Z focused investment syndicate but convinced them to focus on doing grants first (much better learnings than running a syndicate which is mostly just sales/marketing) Members: https://airtable.com/shrUrdOsJwxU4yWvK/tblK0aVKF5e2lqkYS Governance: https://snapshot.org/#/thesymmetrical.eth/ scout: pet3rpan results: 6 yes follow up: How is your project doing (any new updates or progress)? Project going extremely well. We Onboarded a few extra value add members and we are a total of 64 right now. We have gotten into Seed Club and we are currently preparing for a token launch for demo day. We have doubled down on content production hosting twitter spaces, writing articles and producing podcasts to establish our position as the genZ DAO. We are about to give out our first grant to Heat Check(prev. My Jerry) Was the grant money useful at this stage of your project? Extremely helpful in supporting early stage web3 x consumer projects Is there anything else you would like to add? I would extremely appreciate if we could get in touch more regularly to get guidance from you on building The Symmetrical out. Maybe a biweekly 30 min chat? --- 2 eth Project: **Emergence** Emergence is an on-chain video platform that distribute tokens during calls + generates a script for DAO documentation + increases DAO health and onboarding quality. Winners at EthMexico Demo and info: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/emergence-o3tns Answers to baseline questions https://t.me/c/1770032596/302 results: 4 yes 1 abstain scout: dekan, tae follow up: thanks for checking in. To answer your questions directly, the grant money was useful in keeping the team focused initially, as we also applied for other grants and accelerator programs. However, several team members received other incentives to work on StarkNet related projects, while others already had full-time jobs, so the team is rather fragmented at the moment. We still conduct bi-weekly meetings, so as you said, perhaps we can coalesce and reboot. --- Part 1 of 4 Grants proposal (1 eth) Four milestones for 1 eth each, each reviewed and voted on (4 eth total) progress tracked here https://app.charmverse.io/invite/3af328 Project: **Battle Zips** it's a battleship game that uses zk, state channels and roll ups. basically the most advanced battleship game ever lol. Maybe not the sexiest thing but the point is to experiment with blockchain application layer and make a simple game that feels like web2 but is fully web3. a great team of 2 guys that are pushing the limits of zk tech, they are trying tobootstrap a zk consulting/dev agency (https://mach34.space/). They won a grant from EF but after the ofac mess they seem to be getting the runaround and I'm afraid they are losing momentum Site: https://battlezips.com/ Core repo: https://github.com/BattleZips/BattleZips Frontend repo: https://github.com/Ian-Bright/battlezip-frontend Dorahacks info: https://dorahacks.io/buidl/2079 Members: discord @jp4g @Brightir results: 6 yes scout: dekan, jamesY follow up: - BattleZips V2 is still in the thick of the Halo 2 ZK framework. We are still building the privacy proofs that will be accumulated in the state channel proof. - All financial assistance is appreciated in the scope of building FOSS (GNU GPLv3) software with no direct monetization scheme - ZK State Channels - Coming Soon™ --- 2.5 eth Project: **ESP - Extensibe Signaling Primitive** On chain signaling primitive/protocol and prototype app scout notes here https://hackmd.io/@Dekan/BkC3Ryw4o and here for questions to team https://t.me/c/1770032596/364 results: 5 yes scout: dekan, isaac follow up: I haven't been able to make much progress, as the grant came right before Glitch, a two week residency that has been occupying most of my time... I will be getting more work done after it ends in a week. I haven't used the money yet, which is still sitting in the receiving safe - although I'm expecting it to be useful for some critical front end developments which implement the contracts current demo https://esp-alpha.netlify.app/ --- 2.5 eth Project: **FUX** Onchain workstream orchestration tool (similar to coordinape) with an interesting p2p signaling mechanic for team member commitment and funding allocation Scout notes: https://hackmd.io/@Dekan/rkrIxSxBi results: 5 yes, 1 abstain scout: dekan follow up: How is your project doing (any new updates or progress)? - Good! We’re moving to MVP release. We were discussing what to do with data objects (since we have workstreams, contributors, evaluations) and agreed on moving forward with the Graph. - Ven is polishing the UX for first release - Sas is working on the documentation for the ‘friends and family’ - Aiming to get it out the door in the next few weeks Was the grant money useful at this stage of your project? - It came just at the right time since we decided to move towards the Graph and that could come with cost in the near future. - It validates the idea we have and that others also see value in it - We could use it to rewards early stage users via workstream funding or simply tipping. Is there anything else you would like to add? - The quick funding of relatively small ETH amount really is an appealing mechanic. It can allow you to dedicate more time to your project and can help you covering costs like deployment, Graph and possibly rewarding beta users or funding the first workstream. - And, simply: thanks 🙏 --- ## Round 2: ---------------------------- Project: **contractoor** 3.75 eth > Contractooor is an on-chain tool that allows DAOs to negotiate and enter into ongoing service contracts with automatic streaming compensation, enhanced visibility of DAO contracts and on-chain termination per the negotiated terms. kinda a docusign on chain with streaming https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CKSd0j5RCGUBHITGu4_o8-EX-tMgMwIHbsxbtIRDcco/edit?usp=sharing please vote 👍 = yes vote 👎 = no vote (counters yes votes) ❤️ = abstain / neutral vote 4 yes votes follow up: ... -------------------------------- project: **DAO Reaper** was originaly concived as a mechanic to prevent DAO treasury from decaying if, for example, engagement in governance drops off, signers on the multisig refusing to sign to name a few. DAO Reaper is intended to give confadence to the community and help DAOs achieve their goals. If a DAO can not achieve their specified goals we believe the treasury would better serve public goods. We want DAOs to succeed and when they don’t we want to help others with those funds. https://hackmd.io/@UfcRr2DaQVy8I66eBE6jWw/HkgZ5L7gn Grant request reduced to $1700, or 1 ETH 👍 = yes vote 👎 = no vote (counters yes votes) ❤️ = abstain / neutral vote follow up:... ----------------------- project: **ELI5 DAO** base line question answers https://hackmd.io/@Dekan/H1n7pXMx2 Eli5-DAO stands for Explain It Like I am Five years old - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This DAO reviews tools created for decentralized organizations and explains their use in an easy-to-understand manner. We learn by doing and educate through experimentation. We test tools in 2-3 month epoch and publish reviews for public consumption so others can make educated and better-informed decisions for their project/DAOs. Check out our website www.eli5dao.com to see our reviews. Grant request reduced to $1700, or 1 ETH 😛 👍 = yes vote 👎 = no vote (counters yes votes) ❤️ = abstain / neutral vote follow up: ... --------------------------