--- title: "EPIQUANTI : Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) Computing" date: 2021-11-30 16:00 categories: [tronc commun S9, EPIQUANTI] tags: [tronc commun, EPIQUANTI, S9] math: true --- Lien de la [note Hackmd](https://hackmd.io/@lemasymasa/SkO0fpmtF) # NISQ Computing ## Motivation *Shor's algorithm - how many qubits does it take to factor an integer ?* Textbook examples of quantum algorithm largely assume that qubits and gates are not *subject* to noise. In the absence of noise, to factor and integer ,ade of $1024$ bits takes about $2050$ qubits and over $10^9$ gates In the presence of noise, quantum error correction has to be incorporated into the computation, adding a large overhead. ![](https://i.imgur.com/1ijEcy7.png) Fault-tolerant quantum computations of arbitrary length are not within reach of today's technology (need qubits in the millions) Algorithms for small number of qubits (in the $\sim100$) and limite coherence time will need to **offload** **pre and post-processing** to classical computers. Noisy Intermediate Scale quantum (**NISQ**) computed is thriving field of research: - $50-100$ qubits - Limited gate fidelity - Limited qubit connectivity - Limited correction capabilities $\to$ low depth circuit - Killer apps: simulate correlated matter, machine learning, optimization ![](https://i.imgur.com/vz4YGLX.png) ## Variational Quantum Algorithms Variational Quantum Algorithms are a **hybrird quantum-classical** approach. :::info *Goal*: finding ground state of a Hamiltonian $H$, or alternatively, optimizing a **cost function** ::: 1. Choose a good Ansatz $\vert\psi(\theta)\rangle$ 2. Design a quantum circuit that implements $\vert\psi(\theta)\rangle$ 3. Measure cost function $E_{\theta}=\langle\psi(\theta)\vert H\vert\psi(\theta)\rangle$ 4. Use classical optimizer to find optimal $\theta^{\*}$ ![](https://i.imgur.com/3KLHyOb.png) VQA consist of a quantum processor that can prepare quantum states belonging to a parameterized class $\{\psi(\theta)\rangle\}$ efficiently and an external loop (running on classical hardware) that optimizes its parameters :::danger The absence of error correcting means that the effective error rate will be non-vanishing, and as a consequence, the length of the possible circuit will be bounded ::: ## VQA: Inner routine :::info The inner routine prepares a state parameterized by $\theta$ ::: # Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm ## Combinatorial optimization :::info Combinatorial optimization is about finding an optimal configuration in a set of possible configurations. ::: In general, combinatorial problems are very big so exhaustive search is not tractable. There are many methods to tackle optimisation problems, such as Constraint Programming, Branch and Bound/Cut methods, and **local search** heuristics. A specific NP-hard problem under consideration, known Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization Problem (**QUBO**), can be expressed a a local energy problem and therefore phrased as an **Ising model**. Given a set of spins $s_i = \pm1$, the foal is to find the configuration which minimizes the energy function. $$ H(s_1,\dots s_N) = -\sum_{i\lt j}J_{ij}s_is_j-\sum_{i=1}^Nh_is_i $$ ![](https://i.imgur.com/wvZQEk6.png) ## Simulated Annealing Heuristic algorithms are used to find approximate solutions to combinatorial problems that, while being suboptimal, are "good enough". **Simulated Annealing** is a **local search heuristic** inspired by the physical process of thermal annealing. ![](https://i.imgur.com/AWOMZxv.png) SA performs **local changes** in the current candidate solution and checks whether the new candidate has lower energy. If it does, it becomes the leading candidate, if it does not, *one may still accept the new candidate with probability*, in the hope that it will help explore the space of solutions. This **hill-climbing** events become less liekly as the algorithm progresses, and they are controller by an **effective temperature** parameter. :::danger C'est du recuit simule ! ::: ## Tunneling effect :::info Tunneling is the intuition behind QA. ::: Classicaly, particles with low energy will rebound upon collision with a high energy barrier. ![](https://i.imgur.com/imdMTlr.png) In the quantum setting, it is possible for a low energy particle to pass through the energy wall. This is because quantum particles are not point-like, but rather like wave-packets. ## Quantum annealing recap Recall that in QA, an easy Hamiltonian is gradually ![](https://i.imgur.com/yzesXCA.png) ## Ansatz ![](https://i.imgur.com/SmNClQZ.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/uYPdW0a.png) ## QAOA For MaxCut ![](https://i.imgur.com/cJHtJo2.png)