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tags: NTOU CSE C++ Programming


第十次實習作業,擴充 BigInt 類別。

練習下列 C++ 語法:

  • this pointer
  • static members
  • new and delete
  • operator overloading


  • 繳交日期: 6月10日(以教師伺服器上顯示的日期為準)
  • 電子檔繳交方式:將程式碼和心得壓縮成 ZIP 檔上傳到教師的伺服器。檔案格式為<學號>-<姓名>.zip,例如:11057666-陳小明.zip
  • 紙本繳交方式:上課交紙本(A4紙)的程式碼和心得


  1. 記憶體指令用 newdelete
  2. 更改動態陣列 m_digits 型別。定義一個 char 陣列存放 BigInt 的位數,每個char 存1位數。char 底層為介於-128至127的整數,足夠存一位整數0至9。
  3. 容量大小(m_capacity)預設為 10。

擴充 BigInt (1)



  • 建立 constructors 和 destructors。
  • 利用靜態成員(static member)記錄當前的BigInt 物件個數,並定義一個函式 BigInt::GetCount() 回傳該數值。
  • 運算子多載:
    • +-++--<<=(60分)
    • +=-=**=(20分)

Hint 1:可以用暴力解法(連加)。例如:

100×3 => 連續加 3 次 100 => 300

Hint 2:用人的計算方法,每個位數相乘後先記錄下來,再全部加起來。


擴充 BigInt(2)



  • operator/
  • operator/=


  • 1003=33
  • 103=3

Hint 1:用暴力解法(連減)。





Hint 2:用人計算的方法。一樣是被除數連續減掉除數,只是從高位數開始連減,往低位數走。




擴充 BigInt 完成下列與複數(complex number)相關的函式:

  • 定義成員函式 BigComplexNumber::SetValue(int real, int imaginary),接受兩個 int 參數設定複數值。
  • 運算子多載:
    • +-*<<(20分)
    • =+=-=*=(20分)


  • 加法:
  • 減法:
  • 乘法:


  • 正課第四次作業範例程式:BigInt_PRO(Google Drive)
  • BigInt_PRO 是接續第十次實習作業的 BigInt_operators 程式碼。
  • 使用 CMake 搭配 Visual Studio 的話可執行檔和測試檔會自動放在 out/install/ 資料夾之下,不用額外做設定。其他環境下可能要設定安裝路徑的變數: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
  • 專案的資料夾路徑不能有中文字元,否則用 Visual Studio 編譯 CMake 專案會出錯。



不是使用 Visual Studio 嗎?請見 CMake專案建置

在 Visual Studio 選擇開啟本機資料夾檔案 → 開啟 → 資料夾,並選擇BigInt_PRO/的資料夾。Visual Studio 會自動開始設定 CMake 專案,可能會花一點時間。

等待輸出欄位的訊息跑完之後,在上方工具列的選取啟動項目bigint_pro.exe 就可以自動編譯執行了。


├── answer.txt
├── BigComplexNumber.cpp
├── BigComplexNumber.hpp
├── BigInt.cpp
├── BigInt.hpp
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── main.cpp



cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) project("Big Integer PRO") add_executable(bigint_pro) target_sources(bigint_pro PRIVATE "main.cpp" "BigInt.cpp" "BigComplexNumber.cpp" )


#include "BigComplexNumber.hpp" #include "BigInt.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::endl; // void testBigIntPro(); // void testBigComplexNumber(); int main() { cout << R"( _____________ ________ _____ _______________________ ___ __ )__(_)______ ____ _/________ /_ ___ __ \__ __ \_ __ \ __ __ |_ /__ __ `/__ / __ __ \ __/ __ /_/ /_ /_/ / / / / _ /_/ /_ / _ /_/ /__/ / _ / / / /_ _ ____/_ _, _// /_/ / /_____/ /_/ _\__, / /___/ /_/ /_/\__/ /_/ /_/ |_| \____/ /____/ )"; cout << "CMake project setup successfully!" << endl; cout << "Uncomment the test cases to proceed.\n" << endl; // testBigIntPro(); // testBigComplexNumber(); return 0; } // Test cases /** void testBigIntPro() { BigInt x, y("1234"), z("00000987654321"); cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; BigInt i(44, 2); BigInt j(i); BigInt k(10); cout << "i j k values: " << i << ' ' << j << ' ' << k << endl; cout << "Total BigInt Object Count: " << BigInt::GetCount() << endl; x = y = "987654321098765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210"; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; y = 10; y *= -88; cout << "y values: " << y << endl; y = 10; y *= i; cout << "y values: " << y << endl; y = x / 8; cout << "y values: " << y << endl; x /= -8; cout << "x values: " << x << endl; x /= i; cout << "x values: " << x << endl; y = 10; y += -88; cout << "y values: " << y << endl; y = 10; y += i; cout << "y values: " << y << endl; y = 10; y -= -88; cout << "y values: " << y << endl; y = 10; y -= i; cout << "y values: " << y << endl; x = i + 3 + j * 2 * k; cout << "x values: " << x << endl; x = i - 3 - j * 2 * k; cout << "x values: " << x << endl; cout << "k values: " << k++ << ' ' << k << endl; k = 10; x = ++k++; cout << "x k values: " << x << ' ' << k << endl; k = 10; x = --k--; cout << "x k values: " << x << ' ' << k << endl; x = y = "987654321098765432109876543210"; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; } void testBigComplexNumber() { BigComplexNumber x, y("10", "20"), z(2, 4); cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; x = y + z; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; x += y; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; y += z; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; y.SetValue(10, 20); z.SetValue(4, 2); cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; x = y - z; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; x -= y; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; z -= y; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; y.SetValue(2, 4); z.SetValue(10, 20); cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; x = y * z; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; x *= y; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; z *= y; cout << "x y z values: " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; } */


#ifndef BIGINT_H #define BIGINT_H #include <ostream> /** * @class BigInt * * Arbitrary-precision integers. */ class BigInt { friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const BigInt&); public: /** Default constructor Create a BigInt with default value 0 and default capacity 10. */ BigInt(); /** Destructor Destroy the instance and release the memory. */ ~BigInt(); /** Constructor Create a BigInt from an integer. */ explicit BigInt(const int value, const int size = 10); /** Constructor Create a BigInt from a string. */ explicit BigInt(const char* const value, const int size = 10); /** Copy Constructor Create a BigInt from another BigInt. */ BigInt(const BigInt& value); /** Addition operation. Add another BigInt. */ void Add(const BigInt& value); /** Addition operation. Add an integer of type int. */ void Add(const int value); /** Addition operation. Add a value from a string. */ void Add(const char* const value); /** Reset the integer to zero. */ void SetZero(); /** Get the number of BigInt instances. */ static int GetCount(); /** Arithmetic Operators BigInt operator+(const BigInt& other) const; BigInt operator+(int value) const; BigInt operator-(const BigInt& other) const; BigInt operator-(int value) const; BigInt operator*(const BigInt& multiplier) const; BigInt operator*(int multiplier) const; BigInt operator/(const BigInt& divisor) const; BigInt operator/(int divisor) const; */ /** Assignment Operators BigInt& operator=(const BigInt& other); BigInt& operator=(int value); BigInt& operator=(const char* const value); BigInt& operator-=(const BigInt& other); BigInt& operator-=(int value); BigInt& operator+=(const BigInt& other); BigInt& operator+=(int value); BigInt& operator*=(const BigInt& multiplier); BigInt& operator*=(int multiplier); BigInt& operator/=(const BigInt& divisor); BigInt& operator/=(int divisor); */ /** Increment/Decrement Operators BigInt& operator++(); BigInt operator++(int); BigInt& operator--(); BigInt operator--(int); */ /** Optional: Comparison Operators bool operator<(const BigInt& other) const; bool operator>(const BigInt& other) const; bool operator==(const BigInt& other) const; bool operator>=(const BigInt& other) const; bool operator<=(const BigInt& other) const; */ /** Optional: Unary Minus Operator BigInt operator-() const; */ private: /// An dynamic array storing the digits. char* m_digits; /// Size of the dynamic array. int m_capacity; /// Number of digits in the integer int m_numDigits; /// sign of the integer int m_sign; /// Count of instances static int COUNT; };


#include "BigInt.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; BigInt::BigInt() { m_capacity = 10; m_digits = new char[m_capacity]; SetZero(); // TODO } BigInt::~BigInt() { assert(m_digits != nullptr); delete[] m_digits; // TODO } BigInt::BigInt(const char* const value, const int size) : m_digits(nullptr) , m_capacity(size) , m_numDigits(0) { // TODO } BigInt::BigInt(const int value, const int size) : m_digits(nullptr) , m_capacity(size) , m_numDigits(0) { // TODO } BigInt::BigInt(const BigInt& other) : m_digits(nullptr) , m_capacity(other.m_capacity) , m_numDigits(other.m_numDigits) , m_sign(other.m_sign) { // TODO } void BigInt::SetZero() { for (int i = 0; i < m_capacity; i++) { m_digits[i] = 0; } m_numDigits = 0; } void BigInt::Add(const int value) { // TODO } void BigInt::Add(const char* const value) { // TODO } void BigInt::Add(const BigInt& value) { // TODO } /******************************************************************************/ /** * 擴充 BigInt(1) * * 一、完成下列運算子多載:(60分) * * 1. operator+ * 2. operator- * 3. operator++ * 4. operator-- * 5. operator<< * 6. operator= * * 二、完成下列運算子多載:(20分) * * 1. operator+= * 2. operator-= * 3. operator* * 4. operator*= * */ /******************************************************************************/ /** * 擴充 BigInt(2) * * 完成下列運算子多載:(20分) * * 1. operator/ * 2. operator/= * */ /******************************************************************************/


#ifndef BIGCOMPLEXNUMBER_H #define BIGCOMPLEXNUMBER_H #include <ostream> #include "BigInt.hpp" /** * @class BigComplexNumber * * Arbitrary-precision integers with complex number support. */ class BigComplexNumber { friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const BigComplexNumber&); public: /** Default constructor Create a BigComplexNumber with default value 0+0i and default capacity 10. */ BigComplexNumber(); /** Destructor Destroy the instance and release the memory. */ ~BigComplexNumber(); /** Constructor Create a BigComplexNumber from an integer of real part and an integer of imaginary part. */ BigComplexNumber(int real, int imaginary); /** Constructor Create a BigComplexNumber from a string of real part and a string of imaginary part. */ BigComplexNumber(const char* real, const char* imaginary); /** Copy Constructor Create a BigComplexNumber from another BigComplexNumber. */ BigComplexNumber(const BigComplexNumber& value); /** Set the value with a real part integer and an imaginary part integer. */ void SetValue(int real, int imaginary); /** Arithmetic Operators BigComplexNumber operator+(const BigComplexNumber& other) const; BigComplexNumber operator-(const BigComplexNumber& other) const; BigComplexNumber operator*(const BigComplexNumber& other) const; */ /** Assignment Operators BigComplexNumber& operator=(const BigComplexNumber& other); BigComplexNumber& operator+=(const BigComplexNumber& other); BigComplexNumber& operator-=(const BigComplexNumber& other); BigComplexNumber& operator*=(const BigComplexNumber& other); */ private: /// A BigInt representing the real part. BigInt m_re; /// A BigInt representing the imaginary part. BigInt m_im; }; #endif // BIGCOMPLEXNUMBER_H


#include "BigComplexNumber.hpp" #include <iostream> using std::ostream; BigComplexNumber::BigComplexNumber() : m_re() , m_im() { } BigComplexNumber::~BigComplexNumber() { // TODO } BigComplexNumber::BigComplexNumber(const BigComplexNumber& other) { // TODO } BigComplexNumber::BigComplexNumber(int real, int imaginary) { // TODO } BigComplexNumber::BigComplexNumber(const char* real, const char* imaginary) { // TODO } void BigComplexNumber::SetValue(int real, int imaginary) { // TODO } /******************************************************************************/ /** * Arithmetic operators * * 1. operator+ * 2. operator- * 3. operator* * 4. operator<< */ /******************************************************************************/ /** * Assignment operators * * 1. operator= * 2. operator+= * 3. operator-= * 4. operator*= */