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tags: NTOU CSE C++ Programming


本次主題是運算子多載(operator overloading)。

實習目標 :

  1. class 基本語法
  2. operator newoperator delete
  3. operator overloading (<< = += ++)


  • 承第九次實習作業,擴增 BigInt 讓它可以存放負數,並且實作相關的加法運算。
  • 不可用 mallocfree 函式。必須用到operator newoperator delete
  • 完成下列的 BigInt 運算子多載:operator=operator+=operator++operator<<。其中 operator+=operator++ 必須是 BigInt 的成員函式。


多了負整數的加法運算需要考慮的東西比較多,兩整數相加變成有下列 4 種可能:

  • 正整數.Add(正整數)
  • 正整數.Add(負整數)
  • 負整數.Add(正整數)
  • 負整數.Add(負整數)

依照這 4 種可能可以再歸納出 2 種情形:

  • 同號相加
  • 異號相加

如果是異號相加,必須考慮其中一方是否有足夠的高位數可以消去,有和沒有會影響到如何處理每一個位數。由此我們可以推論異號相加時,程式至少要走過每個位數 2 次。先比大小再相加,或是先對位數相加再處理進位問題。


  • 第十次範例程式:MyInt、BigInt_operators(Google Drive)
  • BigInt_operators 是接續第九次實習作業的 BigInt 程式碼。取消註解測試案例後執行會報錯,請修正 BigInt 建構子的 bug
  • 如果你不是用 CMake 設定專案,請將測試檔(Test1.txt)存成檔案後跟可執行檔放在相同的資料夾。
  • 使用 CMake 搭配 Visual Studio 的話可執行檔和測試檔會自動放在 install/ 資料夾之下,不用額外做設定。其他環境下可能要設定安裝路徑的變數: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX。如果不是使用 Visual Studio,可能需要自行定義 CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX 變數,並做其他設定。詳情請見CMake專案建置的「CMake安裝指令的相關設定」一節。
  • 專案的資料夾路徑不能有中文字元,否則用 Visual Studio 編譯 CMake 專案會出錯。



不是使用 Visual Studio 嗎?請見 CMake專案建置

在 Visual Studio 選擇開啟本機資料夾檔案 → 開啟 → 資料夾,並選擇MyInt/的資料夾。Visual Studio 會自動開始設定 CMake 專案,可能會花一點時間。

等待輸出欄位的訊息跑完之後,在上方工具列的選取啟動項目myint.exe 就可以自動編譯執行了。


├── MyInt.cpp
└── CMakeLists.txt



cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) project("My Integer") add_executable(myint) target_sources(myint PRIVATE "MyInt.cpp")


   指派運算子(Assignment operators)



      class T

          // 簡單指派運算子(Simple assignment operator)
          T& operator=(const T2& b);

          // 複合指派運算子(Compound assignment operators)
          T& operator+=(const T2& b); // Addition assignment
          T& operator-=(const T2& b); // Subtraction assignment
          T& operator*=(const T2& b); // Multiplication assignment
          T& operator/=(const T2& b); // Division assignment

          // and more...


      // 簡單指派運算子(Simple assignment operator)
      // operator= 不允許為非類別成員。

      // 複合指派運算子(Compound assignment operators)
      T& operator+=(T& a, const T2& b); // Addition assignment
      T& operator-=(T& a, const T2& b);  // Subtraction assignment
      T& operator*=(T& a, const T2& b);  // Multiplication assignment
      T& operator/=(T& a, const T2& b);  // Division assignment

      // and more...

   T2 可以是包括 T 在內的任何型別。

   C++ 中所有內建的指派運算子函式都是回傳 *this。大多數使用者自定義的運算子多載
   函式也是回傳 *this,這樣運算子的使用方式才會和內建的一致。雖然如此, C++ 仍
   允許自定義的運算子回傳任何型別,包括 void。

   遞增/遞減運算子(Increment/decrement operators)



      // 前綴遞增/遞減
      T& T::operator++();   // pre-increment
      T& T::operator--();   // pre-decrement

      // 後綴遞增/遞減
      T T::operator++(int); // post-increment
      T T::operator--(int); // post-decrement


      // 前綴遞增/遞減
      T& operator++(T& a);
      T& operator--(T& a);

      // 後綴遞增/遞減
      T operator++(T& a, int);
      T operator--(T& a, int);

   C++ 中所有內建的前綴版本都是回傳參照(references),而後綴版本都是回傳值(
   values)。使用者自定義的運算子多載通常也是遵守這個規則 。然而 C++ 允許自定義
   的運算子回傳任何型別,包括 void。

   後綴版本的 int 參數為虛設參數,是為了在 C++ 中區分前綴和後綴函式而加的,並無
   實際作用。函式多載時,若兩函式參數型別和數量一樣就會產生歧義,因為 C++ 無法




// Declarations (MyInt.h)
// ==============================================================================

#include <ostream>

class MyInt
    int* m_value;

    friend MyInt& operator+=(MyInt&, int);
    friend MyInt& operator-=(MyInt&, int);
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const MyInt&);

    explicit MyInt(int value);

       複製建構子(Copy constructor)
    MyInt(const MyInt& other);

       複製指派運算子(Copy assignment operator)。只能接受一個參數,參數型別可
       以是 MyInt、MyInt& 或 const MyInt& 。
    MyInt& operator=(const MyInt& other);

    MyInt& operator=(int value);
    MyInt& operator+=(const MyInt& other);
    MyInt& operator-=(const MyInt& other);
    MyInt& operator++();
    MyInt operator++(int);

// Definitions (MyInt.cpp)
// =============================================================================

// Member functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;

    : m_value(new int[1])
    *m_value = 0;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][member] Default constructor" << endl;

MyInt::MyInt(int value)
    : m_value(new int[1])
    *m_value = value;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][member] Constructor" << endl;

MyInt::MyInt(const MyInt& other)
    : m_value(new int[1])
    *m_value = *other.m_value;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][member] Copy constructor" << endl;

    assert(m_value != nullptr);
    delete[] m_value;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][member] Destructor" << endl;

MyInt& MyInt::operator=(const MyInt& other)
    *m_value = *other.m_value;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][member] Copy assignment operator" << endl;
    return *this;

MyInt& MyInt::operator=(int value)
    *m_value = value;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][member] Assignment operator" << endl;
    return *this;

MyInt& MyInt::operator+=(const MyInt& other)
    *m_value += *other.m_value;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][member] Addition assignment operator" << endl;
    return *this;

MyInt& MyInt::operator-=(const MyInt& other)
    *m_value -= *other.m_value;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][member] Subtraction assignment operator" << endl;
    return *this;

MyInt& MyInt::operator++()
    *m_value += 1;
    return *this;

MyInt MyInt::operator++(int)
    MyInt temp(*this);
    *m_value += 1;
    return temp;

// Non-member functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

MyInt& operator+=(MyInt& n1, int n2)
    *n1.m_value += n2;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][friend] Addition assignment operator" << endl;
    return n1;

MyInt& operator-=(MyInt& n1, int n2)
    *n1.m_value -= n2;
    cout << "[info] [MyInt][friend] Subtraction assignment operator" << endl;
    return n1;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const MyInt& number)
    out << *number.m_value;
    return out;

// main.cpp
// ==============================================================================

int main()
    char divider[81];
    memset(divider, '=', 80);
    divider[80] = '\0';

        MyInt a(15);
        a += 16;
        cout << "a: " << a << endl;

    cout << divider << endl;

        MyInt a1(100);
        MyInt a2;
        a2 = a1;
        MyInt a3 = a1 = 10;
        MyInt a4(a1);

        cout << "a1: " << a1 << endl;
        cout << "a2: " << a2 << endl;
        cout << "a3: " << a3 << endl;
        cout << "a4: " << a4 << endl;

    cout << divider << endl;

        MyInt a(100);
        MyInt b(50);
        MyInt c(10);

        a += b += c += 99;
        cout << "a: " << a << endl;

        a -= b -= c -= 99;
        cout << "a: " << a << endl;

    cout << divider << endl;

        MyInt a(100);
        MyInt b(50);
        MyInt c(10);

        a.operator+=(b).operator+=(c) += 99;
        cout << "a: " << a << endl;

        a.operator-=(b).operator-=(c) -= 99;
        cout << "a: " << a << endl;

    cout << divider << endl;

        int x = 99;
        cout << ++x << endl; // 100
        cout << x++ << endl; // 100
        cout << x << endl;   // 101

        MyInt y(99);
        cout << ++y << endl; // 100
        cout << y++ << endl; // 100
        cout << y << endl;   // 101

    return 0;



├── BigInt.cpp
├── BigInt.hpp
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── main.cpp
└── Test1.txt


不是使用 Visual Studio 嗎?請見 CMake專案建置

在 Visual Studio 選擇開啟本機資料夾檔案 → 開啟 → 資料夾,並選擇 BigInt_operators/的資料夾。Visual Studio 會自動開始設定 CMake 專案,可能會花一點時間。

等待輸出欄位的訊息跑完之後,在上方工具列的選取啟動項目bigint.exe (安裝) 就可以自動編譯執行了。



cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) project("Big Integer") add_executable(bigint) target_sources(bigint PRIVATE "main.cpp" "BigInt.cpp" ) install(TARGETS bigint DESTINATION .) install(FILES "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Test1.txt" DESTINATION .)


#ifndef BIGINT_H #define BIGINT_H #include <ostream> /** * @class BigInt * * Arbitrary-precision integers. BigInt provides addition operations. */ class BigInt { friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const BigInt&); public: /** Default constructor. Create a BigInt with default value 0 and default capacity 10. */ BigInt(); /** Destructor. Destroy the instance and release the memory. */ ~BigInt(); /** Constructor. Create a BigInt with an integer. */ explicit BigInt(const int value, const int size = 10); /** Constructor. Create a BigInt with a string. */ explicit BigInt(const char* const value, const int size = 10); /** Copy Constructor. Create a BigInt with another BigInt. */ BigInt(const BigInt& value); /** Addition operation. Add another BigInt. */ void Add(const BigInt& value); /** Addition operation. Add a value from an integer. */ void Add(const int value); /** Addition operation. Add a value from a string. */ void Add(const char* const value); /** Reset the integer to zero. */ void SetZero(); /** Write the integer to the standard output. */ void PrintValue() const; /** Assignment Operators */ // BigInt& operator=(int value); // BigInt& operator=(const BigInt& other); // BigInt& operator+=(int value); // BigInt& operator+=(const BigInt& other); /** Increment/Decrement Operators */ // BigInt& operator++(); // BigInt operator++(int); private: /// An dynamic array storing the digits. int* m_digits; /// Size of the dynamic array. int m_capacity; /// Number of digits in the integer int m_numDigits; /// sign of the integer int m_sign; }; #endif


#include "BigInt.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; // using std::realloc; BigInt::BigInt() { m_capacity = 100; m_digits = new int[m_capacity]; SetZero(); } BigInt::~BigInt() { assert(m_digits != nullptr); delete[] m_digits; } /// BUG BigInt::BigInt(const char* const value, const int size) // Member initialization list. // Set initial values of the member variables. : m_digits(nullptr) , m_capacity(size) , m_numDigits(0) { int numDigits = strlen(value); if (numDigits > size) return; m_digits = new int[m_capacity]; m_numDigits = numDigits; SetZero(); for (int i = 0; i < m_numDigits; i++) { if (value[i] < '0' || value[i] > '9') { break; } m_digits[i] = value[m_numDigits - i - 1] - 48; } } BigInt::BigInt(const int value, const int size) : m_digits(nullptr) , m_capacity(size) , m_numDigits(0) { // TODO } BigInt::BigInt(const BigInt& other) : m_digits(nullptr) , m_capacity(other.m_capacity) , m_numDigits(other.m_numDigits) { // TODO } void BigInt::PrintValue() const { ostringstream oss; if (m_numDigits == 0) { oss << '0'; } else { for (int i = m_numDigits - 1; i >= 0; i--) { oss << m_digits[i]; } } cout << oss.str() << endl; } void BigInt::SetZero() { for (int i = 0; i < m_capacity; i++) { m_digits[i] = 0; } m_numDigits = 0; } void BigInt::Add(const BigInt& value) { // TODO } void BigInt::Add(const int value) { // TODO } void BigInt::Add(const char* const value) { // TODO }


#include "BigInt.hpp" #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::endl; // void testBigInt(); // void testBigInt2(BigInt sum, const std::string& filename); int main() { cout << R"( _ _ _ /' `\ ' /' ` /' /' ) /' --/'-- .-~) /' (___,/'O ____ /' ,____ /' ;_.~ /' ) /' /' ) /' /' ) /' __--~| /' /'/' /' /' /' /' /' /' ,~ |__ (,/' (___,/' (__(___,/(__(,/(_,/' /(__(__ `.__--~`. /' / /' (___,/' /' --/'-- ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ /' ____ ____ ____ /' )--/' )--/' ) )' )--/' ) /' /' )--)' )--/' )-- /' /' /' /' /(___,/' /' /' /' /' /' /' /' '---, (___,/' /(___,/' (________/' (___,/(__(__(___,/' /' (___,/ /' /' /' )"; cout << "CMake project setup successfully." << endl; cout << "Uncomment the test cases to proceed." << endl; // testBigInt(); // testBigInt2(BigInt(), "Test1.txt"); return 0; } /** // Test cases void testBigInt() { BigInt x, y("-1234"), z("+00000987654321"); x.PrintValue(); y.PrintValue(); z.PrintValue(); cout << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; // Ans: +0 -1234 +987654321 x = z = y; cout << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; // Ans: -1234 -1234 -1234 x = y = -123; z = 123; cout << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; // Ans: -123 -123 +123 x = 123; y = -123; z = -99; x += z; y += z; cout << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; // Ans: +24 -222 -99 x = 123; y = -123; z = 99; x += z; y += z; cout << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; // Ans: +222 -24 +99 x = 99; y = ++x; z = x++; cout << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; // Ans: +101 +100 +100 x = -100; y = ++x; z = x++; cout << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << endl; // Ans: -98 -99 -99 } void testBigInt2(BigInt sum, const std::string& filename) { std::ifstream file;; if ( { cerr << "Cannot read the file: " << filename << endl; return; } std::string num; while (file >> num) { sum.Add(num.c_str()); sum.PrintValue(); } file.close(); } */


400964665703314527979359727778963866579483469756336732289380625240474297077199803425307972262806030610567501210954993735863224880451383004470538328521215944251611888945298850040589115412875069594507356891333 -95028625771685543131108255483614436379337582332251805552583208181992408407296353411797989426285029254704497786996333515399584296666977772059517583859528178787632017680035827459619620352851391493898243583245921 -137648733864466971164366752021498418277175869696382367841576999523574220716470237089158575032811478133986379351117203009362854063711959411019193310368710809004499062919974498657642831235585018605061378089680896 32760398659743139137119286981116623549967856987739003546295325886610664530519916427219740857809131795888758285565894316228359267163446339822568007867753172543070776974953930680518993834069234428004607985344053248 7796974881018867114634390301505756404892349963081882844018287561013338158263740109678298324158573367421524471964682847262349505584900228877771185872525255065250844920039035501963520532508477793865096700511884673024 -1855680021682490373282984891758370024364379291213488116876352439521174481666770146103435001149740461446322824327594517648439182329206254472909542237661010705529701090969290449467317886737017714939893014721828552179712 -441651845160432708841350404238492065798722271308810171816571880606039526636691294772617530273638229824224832189967495200328525394351088564552471052563320547916068859650691126973221657043410216155694537503795195418771456 105113139148182984704241396208761111660095900571496820892344107584237407339532528155882972205125898698165510061212263857678189043855559078363488110510070290404024388596864488219626754376331631445055299925903256509667606528 25016927117267550359609452297685144575102824336016243372377897605048502946808741701100147384819963890163391394568518798127408992437623060650510170301396729116157804486053748196271167541566928283923161382364975049300890353664


  • 16章 課本例題
  • 18章 課本例題


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