--- robots: index, follow image: https://i.imgur.com/qIXHqty.jpg --- <!-- description: A report from ETHLisbon 2021 --> # ETHLisbon, an Ephemeral Centro The ETH\[City\] conferences are Gatherings. They’re where the urban Guilds and rural Tribes of Ethereum assemble to exchange knowledge. In the after hours they’re festivals, giddy celebrations of the success of the ecosystem. Coincidentally I was on a team that just completed the [ETHOnline](https://showcase.ethglobal.com/ethonline2021/) hackathon (with [@tgrykias](https://twitter.com/tgrykias) [@eurvin](https://twitter.com/eurvin) and [@bidah](https://twitter.com/bidah)). Our project, [Streaming Collateral](https://showcase.ethglobal.com/ethonline2021/streaming-collateral), won the “Most Futuristic Hack” prize from sponsor [Superfluid](https://superfluid.finance/). That garnered a lot of attention so the timing of [ETHLisbon](https://www.ethlisbon.org) was auspicious. Most of the action happens in the side events. The main event is a hackathon but&nbsp;–&nbsp;as I discovered – if you’re not hacking you’re understandably not welcome. There are thousands of people milling about so the organizers need a filter. On Thursday morning I went for a run along the Lisbon waterfront. Splendid views. There’s UNESCO world heritage architecture everywhere. ![UNESCO world heritage architecture](https://i.imgur.com/mAKy8px.jpg) There was also a [LISCON](https://liscon.org) before the main conf which required a ticket and was sold out. But on Thursday I took an Uber to the [PieDAO](https://piedao.org) loft and one of the guys gave me his badge so I could get in. Francesco Renzi, the CEO of [Superfluid](https://superfluid.finance), was at LISCON (with a t-shirt for me) and I wanted to meet him and see the event. It was swarming with devgens. There were booths with known names like 1inch exchange and various protocols. Superfluid didn’t have a booth and Fran wasn’t feeling well. He headed back to his hotel and I missed him. We were messaging via Telegram. Ubers are THE way to get around Lisbon. The city is big with a maze of small streets going up and down killer hills. The conf was in the center but most of the side events were out in an industrial area that seems to be the new cool neighborhood. LISCON was in a converted factory with dilapidated warehouses next door. ![Sculpture in the LxFactory neighborhood](https://i.imgur.com/iqOaBMP.jpg) In the evening I went to a [PieDAO](https://piedao.org) party at their loft. It had a lanai with a view over the harbor, a bar, and catered food being passed around. Met a bunch of people I only know via Discord so that was fun. The DJ was Luis, the [Aragon](https://aragon.org) founder. I didn’t stay late. As I was waiting for my ride a continuous stream of people were Ubering up. Lotsa celebrities there. ![Party shot with Ray Dalio cutout](https://i.imgur.com/BrVMpT5.jpg) The conf started at 3pm and after hanging around I found out that you need to be registered as a hacker to attend. But Fran was feeling better and he pinged me an invite to a Happy Hour at 5. He forwarded a message with the location and I noticed it was from “Ian Emerson - Fabric Ventures”. Fran told me they’re [Superfluid](https://superfluid.finance) investors and they were sponsoring the Happy Hour. Off I went. That event, which was on the roof terrace of a pricey hotel, turned out to be ‘the place to be’. It was full of crypto movers & shakers. I mentioned “Most Futuristic Hack”, like, a lot. ![Panoramic view of Lisbon from the rooftop](https://i.imgur.com/hoYWfuC.jpg) First off I met an Asian American guy who said he’s from Element Finance. He was full of VC information and a super networker. Turns out he’s “Windra Thio, Growth and Strategy” so that fits. He filled me in about Kartik Talwar, who actually has a track record at SV Angel and others, but left to found [ETHGlobal](https://ethglobal.co/). Now I’ve researched [element.fi](https://element.fi): > October 20, 2021: “Element Finance has raised a $32 million Series A round at a $320 million valuation.” (So Windra was flush with fresh funding.) There was a guy sitting on a couch with a familiar logo on his t-shirt. We started talking. Turns out he’s Polish and the logo was [ramp.network](https:/ramp.network/). His name is Przemek Kowalczyk. Today I looked at the Ramp site. Guess who’s an investor? [Fabric Ventures](https://www.fabric.vc). Then Fran showed up. So finally we met! He gave me my [Superfluid](https://superfluid.finance) t-shirt :) ![Photo of Superfluid t-shirt](https://i.imgur.com/DjMBrzM.jpg) We babbled and quickly hit it off. Fran is bold and charismatic. He introduced me to a couple guys on his team and we talked about streaming money and dev issues. It was a good convo. One of the guys is the UX lead and the other is developing their “liquidation functions”. I’m not sure what those are but he’s writing it in Python, not Solidity. I circulated and noticed a tall guy with long hair and a familiar friendly face. Then I recognized him, it was Andrej from [Deep Work](https://deepwork.studio), who’s a brilliant formation coach. I said hi, told him I was in the [Apollo Hackathon](https://gitcoin.co/blog/apollo/) and was really impressed by his online session. If your embryonic entity needs definition you should look at his stuff. Then I noticed a couple guys with Fabric Ventures t-shirts. I checked the message from Fran, tapped on Ian Emerson’s name, saw a profile photo, and knew who I had to connect with. Said hi, told him about participating in [HackFS](https://hackfs.com) and [ETHOnline](https://showcase.ethglobal.com/ethonline2021/). We had an elevator talk. At that point it was getting dark, the wind was coming up, and Ian’s elegant gf/wife looked uncomfortable. I asked her, “Are you cold?” to which she said yes. I told them that the hotel has little blankets available, maybe you should get one. That rounded off the conversation. A bit later I noticed Ian’s wife, with blanket, standing next to a heater. I recognized another person from a video meeting, a woman who was a judge for my [HackMoney](https://showcase.ethglobal.co/hackmoney2021/) team. Her name is Min Teo, from [Consensys Mesh](https://mesh.xyz/), and I said hi to her too. The other judge was Fran. That hack initialized my stream of streaming thinking. The conf continued into the weekend but my cal had a conflict, a quarter Marathon on Sunday, so I exited to the airport on Saturday afternoon. The Lisbon conference was a time to sync after the long corona hibernation. It became a Festa, a celebratory communion where the ecosystem cycled into its next season. ![Full moon above a Lisbon square](https://i.imgur.com/qIXHqty.jpg) There was a full moon too 🌝