# Streaming Money Reservoirs As a civil servant Fritz prided himself on being up to speed. In his research department he was responsible for the finances. They had a lot of obligations and subscriptions. The researchers accessed data every day, often in real-time, and most of the sources cost money. This was particularly true of the streaming data. The entities that offered the data never did it gratis because of the freerider problem. Students, data dilettants and the public would overwhelm the servers, many just letting the data flow. So all the data providers charged something for the data streams, even if it was a minor amount, just to act as a filter. Fritz would setup steaming payments to pay for the streaming data. He coupled each payment to the data flow. If for some reason the data stopped the payment would stop too. Likewise, when researchers went home for the day and stopped using an app, they would turn off the stream so as not to waste bandwidth. The payment would stop too. His department used Superfluid for payments. In order to start a stream it was necessary to post a buffer bond, equal to four hours of stream time. Each subscription also had to have a reserve of currency available for the stream. As a result the reserves added up to a sizable amount. All that cash was sitting in a wallet, doing nothing, when it could be deposited in a DeFi protocol and earn double digit compounding interest. In order to utilize the money Fritz initiated a project with some whiz kids in the IT department. He wanted to make use of the stream reserves by allocating a large proportion to a DeFi protocol, like Aave or Curve, but at the same time keep some of the cash available for the outgoing streams. Fritz called the component a Reservoir. It was basically a DeFi Vault where the currencies were locked up but it would allow streams to trickle out. He could determine which protocols to supply and set percentages at which the balances would be automatically adjusted. When a conversion from a stablecoin to a Supertoken was needed that would be handled within the Reservoir. No manual management would be required. Given this construction Fritz could even utilize the tokens to participate in DAO meta-governance and accrue extra rewards. Fritz made one mistake. He didn’t tell anybody. When management found out they suspected he was scalping the incoming rewards. Then a subordinate filed a complaint about his dominant leadership while the researchers grumbled about him being too visionary and opinionated. It all blew up. Fritz resigned, left, and cofounded a startup with a couple of the whiz kids. The team built out the Reservoir component so it would also work on the receiving end. Then they contacted the data providers who all had lots of incoming subscription payments. Now those streams flow into Reservoirs that automatically supply the tokens to DeFi earn protocols. Fritz’s startup is hiring..