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CDT Monthly Call November 10 2021

  1. Welcome and sign yourself in
    John Dallaway
    Jonah Graham
    Jeff Johnston
    Alexander Fedorov
    Promod (Ashling
    Torbjörn Svensson
    Kondal Kolipaka
    Anton Krug
    William Riley
  2. Actions from last meeting
  • John: Memory data init ordering issue (GDB Hardware Debug) (Action: John create bugzilla ticket and Cc Torbjörn) Carried forward as Action DONE
  • Promod to ping Jonah if there are unanswered questions. DONE
  1. Too long build commands get make to fail
  2. 2021-12 Updates
  3. Merging org.eclipse.remote into CDT repo/releng
  4. Migration to GitHub - see Bug 577150 and email
  5. Vote for Mat as new committer - see election
  6. Any other business?

Connection Details

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Meeting ID: 545 364 607
Passcode: 196590
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Actions from last meeting details

  • John: Memory data init ordering issue (GDB Hardware Debug) (Action: John create bugzilla ticket and Cc Torbjörn) Carried forward as Action DONE
  • Promod to ping Jonah if there are unanswered questions. DONE
    • Ashling plans to return to Global Variable work later this month


2021-12 Updates

  • Release is on Dec 8, RC1 on Nov 22
  • Open and resolved bugs are here

Merging org.eclipse.remote into CDT repo/releng

Long Path limitation

  • Anton raised issues about long path and it causing issues.
  • William points out that some of the tools underneath (like gcc) have limits that can be overridden.
  • Torbjörn / ST have patches for GCC that are non-trivial for handling long paths, but still many limitations.
  • Details of this conversation not captured here - refer to relevant bugs.
  • In Windows 10 with with some APIs long paths are supported
  • William wants to make sure that a global warning on long paths isn't added because it would warn in situation that tools actually support it ok.
  • William: The executables need to be "manifested" to support or not support long paths. Can be embedded in executable or added alongside as an XML
  • Torbjörn: To fix this, we need all tools to support long paths or else users will have a failure in downstream tools (e.g. if gcc works, but gdb doesn't you still have problems)
  • Binutils Bugzilla 25713 has some regression with regards to long paths
  • Action: Anton to raise specific bugs if there is anything on CDT side that can/should be done and notify cdt-dev so that interested parties can join the discussion.

CMake discussion

  • Kondal: using CMake at espressif. Problem accessing function definitions.
  • Jonah: Encourage to ask on cdt-dev

Managed Build

  • Torbjörn: Static analysis runs, leaves files around that need to be cleaned. How to hook in the clean?
  • The files generated are a little like function profiling extra files
  • William: Can adjust clean command for the builder, or edit makefilegenerator. e.g. add rm for *.ext rather than rm file.ext
  • John: Can be done like .d file? Just not -include it?
  • William: Renesas customizes the generator to add an extra variable added to clean command


  • Short discussion on this, info captured in Bug 577189

Next Meeting

December 8 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)