--- title: How to type German "Umlaut" with Emglish keyboard tags: archive, german date: 2021-10-18 --- # How to type German "Umlaut" with English keyboard **Content** [TOC] # Umlaut ## First ==Swirch to International English keyboard== 1. Go to Windows Setting. 2. Time and Language -> Lauguage and Region -> Language Option 3. Add United States - International Keyboard. ## Then ### With Numeric Keypad `Leftalt`:The `alt` on the left hand side |symbol|ASCII method| |---|---| |Ä|`Leftalt`+`0196`| |ä|`Leftalt`+`0228` |Ö|`Leftalt`+`0214`| |ö|`Leftalt`+`0246`| |Ü|`Leftalt`+`0128`| |ü|`Leftalt`+`0252`| |ß|`Leftalt`+`0223`| ### Without Numieric Keyboard (uiversal) #### Method 1 - `alrGr`: The `alt` on the right hand side - Must use International English Keyboard. |symbol|method| |---|---| |Ä |`altGr`+`shift`+`q`| |ä|`altGr`+`q`| |Ö|`altGr`+`shift`+`p` |ö|`altGr`+`p`| |Ü|`altGr`+`shift`+`y` |ü|`altGr`+`y`| |ß|`altGr`+`s`| #### Method 2 | press | then press | result | |:-----:|:------------:|:------:| | `shift` + `"` | a,o,u | ä,ö,ü | | `shift` + `"` | `shift`+A,O,U | Ä,Ö,Ü | # Curency |currency| name| method |---|---|---| |¢ |cent |`altGr`+`shift`+`c` |£ |british pound |`altGr`+`shift`+`4`| |¥ |japanese yen |`altGr`+`-` |€ |euro |`altGr`+`5` |¤| generic currency| `altGr`+`4` |$|dollar|`shift`+ `4`| # Reference - [typography - How to type umlaut over a dash as in many German dictionaries? - German Language Stack Exchange](https://german.stackexchange.com/questions/4880/how-to-type-umlaut-over-a-dash-as-in-many-german-dictionaries) - [Help with Microsoft Keyboards US-International | School of Languages, Cultures, and Race | Washington State University](https://slcr.wsu.edu/help-pages/microsoft-keyboards-us-international/) - [US-International Keyboard](https://web.cortland.edu/ponterior/keyboard/)