# Make a poster by LaTeX ## Poster template - [PDF](https://www.math.nsysu.edu.tw/~chlin/Publications/Slides/poster-template.pdf) - [source](https://github.com/jephianlin/JLaTeX/blob/master/poster-template.tex) ## Environment In Mathematics and many fields, the documents are usually done by $\LaTeX$ thanks to its elegant math symbols and fine typesetting. This workflow requires you to prepare a `tex` source file and to compile it by the `latex` command. You may install $\LaTeX$ on you machine; see [here](https://www.latex-project.org/get/#google_vignette). In this article, we recommend you to use the online platform [Overleaf](https://overleaf.com/) to edit and compile your source file. :::info **Steps**: 1. Register an account of [Overleaf](https://overleaf.com/). 2. Once logged in, you will see the list of your projects, which is empty at the beginning. ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hky8hFJZA.png =400x) 3. Choose a project or create a new project. In our case, you may create a new project called "poster". 4. Once you are in your "poster" project, you will see three things: - list of files on the left (at the beginning, the only file is `main.tex` ), - an editor for your `tex` file in the middle, - the preview on the right. ::: ## The poster We will use the `tikzposter` package to make our poster---this Overleaf [page](https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Posters) gives a more detailed tutorial. :::info **Steps**: 1. Log into your Overleaf account and get into the "poster" project. 2. Downlaod `poster-template.tex` from [here](https://github.com/jephianlin/JLaTeX/blob/master/poster-template.tex) and upload it to your Overleaf project. You may remove the empty `main.tex` if you wish. 3. Edit your `poster-template.tex` file and click the green "Recompile" button to see the prevew. ::: Here are some explanation of the template. The big structure of the template looks like following. ```latex= \documentclass[a0paper, 25pt, portrait]{tikzposter} ... preamble area to include settings ... \title{Coefficients of the characteristic polynomial} \author{Jephian C.-H. Lin} \date{\today} \institute{National Sun Yat-sen University} \begin{document} \maketitle ... content ... \end{document} ``` The settings like `title`, `author`, `date`, and `institute` are straightforward. You may replace the current setting with your information. ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r15JdJg-R.png) Now let us focus on the content part. You may use the code below to add two blocks on the same row. ```latex= \begin{columns} \column{0.5} \block{Overivew of the characteristic polynomial}{ ... content of block 1 ... } \column{0.5} \block{An example}{ ... content of block 2 ... } \end{columns} ``` ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ry3zOJgbA.png) Inside the blocks you may use the standard $\LaTeX$ code to write your content. Here we provide a few resources for learning $\LaTeX$. - [KaTeX Supported Functions](https://katex.org/docs/supported.html): for looking up symbols - [LA Tea Style Guide](https://sagelabtw.github.io/LA-Tea/style.html): a few quick examples - [Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes](https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Learn_LaTeX_in_30_minutes): comprehensive tutorial