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## Mathematics is indeed discussable
:heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_multiplication_x: :heavy_division_sign:
Jephian C.-H. Lin
Mathematics is ~~disgusting~~ ==discussable==!
### About me
![](https://jephianlin.github.io/Jephian-pic.jpg =400x)
Jephian C.-H. Lin 林晉宏
National Sun Yat-sen University
Applied Mathematics
### Experiences
- Overseas: Calculus, ...
- EMI in Taiwan:Machine Learning, Linear Algebra, ...
- Superior Teaching Award (NSYSU, 2021)
- EMI Faculty Institute (ASU, 2023)
- Promoting EML in the University EML Environment (British Council, 2020)
- Flipped Learning 3.0 Certification (Official 2020)
## Outline
- Challenges: competency? interest?
- Active Learning: :female-teacher: teach $\rightarrow$ :male-student: learn
- How: <span style="color: orange;">rapport</span> $+$ <span style="color: orange;">clear instruction</span>
## Are you happy with the current outcome?
[![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkLIDRNb0.png =400x)](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdC8ViB-nfdk8YBZhW1C81hCS0QN-KtVlW4afiQcE4CSNOmtQ/viewform?usp=sf_link)
### Why Mathematics?
- Math is useful :question:
- Math trains your mind :question:
<span>:female-teacher: believe vs :male-student: feel</span><!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
### Essense of learning — real story
A function $f(x)$ is ==continuous== at a point $c$ if ...
Textbook version:
> for any $\epsilon > 0$, there is $\delta > 0$
> such that
> any $x$ with $|x - c| < \delta$ also satisfies $|f(x) - f(c)| < \epsilon$
Student version:
> $\epsilon > 0$, $\delta > 0$, $|x - c| < \delta$, $|f(x) - f(c)| < \epsilon$
<span>:female-teacher: delivery vs :male-student: learning outcome</span><!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
### How to make the content fun?
fun :question: programming :question: applications :question:
Theory -----------------------------> Applications
<span>Fun $=$ :male-student: ==learned== something</span><!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
## Active learning $\neq$ self learning
![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByDFWCp7T.png =400x)
![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1XsW0Tma.png =800x)
![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJN2b0TQa.png =800x)
![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkPaZCaQp.png =800x)
{%youtube ZQ12ESNoy5k %}
{%youtube _L8roj-8HfM %}
<!-- ah-huh moment at 1:58 and 2:12 -->
- Video 1 by Jephian Lin: teaching only
- Video 2 by [Eddie Woo](https://www.youtube.com/@misterwootube): teaching $+$ learning
### Any questions?
- :o: no questions
- :x: don't understand, don't want to ask
- :x: :x: I don't know where I don't understand.
### Group discussion
- groups of 2 --> :no_mouth: :no_mouth:
- groups of 4 --> :no_mouth: :no_mouth: :no_mouth: :no_mouth:
- unexpected answers
- free-rider
### What happens?
- Charisma :question:
- Fluent English :question:
- Logical delivery :question:
<span style="color: orange;">rapport</span> $+$ <span style="color: orange;">clear instruction</span>
Mathematics is ==discussable==!
## Clear instruction
- :x: to get to NSYSU, there are three routes, the one on the left takes longer but has beautiful views, the one in the middle is the easiest and the shortest, the one on the right is winding, bumpy, and not recommended, you may make a choice on your own
- :o: go straight
### ICQs
Instruction Checking Questions
Where are we going at the next intersection?
### CCQs
Concept Checking Questions
If you would like to enjoy the beautiful views, which route would you choose?
## Rapport
The first clas is ==IMPORTANT==!
## Not your fault...
- <span style="color: orange;">clear instruction</span>
- <span style="color: orange;">rapport</span>
- students
- classroom
- course content
But there are rooms for improvement --> PDCA<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
## Sharing my experiences
### First class: Build the mindset
- ==M== istakes make you smarter.
- ==A== sk questions.
- ==T== hink carefully.
- ==H== elp each other.
<span>We are bound to ==learn together==.</span><!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
### First class: Scaffolded self instroduction
- How are you?
- My name is ==_____== .
- My major is ==_____== .
- ==Assign== the group.
- ChatGPT: Please tell me some applications of linear algebra in ==_____== .
### Activities: Run the definition
### Activities: Collaborative computation
- Each group get a different exercise.
- The final answer depends on each group's result.
${\bf u}_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 1 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}$, ${\bf u}_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \\ 3 \\ 4 \end{bmatrix}$
${\bf v}_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 5 \\ 9 \\ 13 \\ 17 \end{bmatrix} = c_1\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 1 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} + c_2\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \\ 3 \\ 4 \end{bmatrix}$
$c_1 = ?$, $c_2 = ?$
![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczOeK5cwCr_5cwIh0GWcwhxzHil3RXMJqHOXfbk_e6aDZzA3X3OuVm3aBYyJ1vOiuGvb1I8xfv7tPgchRX14LBx2E_LXoHOTTI9_QElfMavksHNSYTuUR2vEcJBnWviFo9iXHF0FmXx262s8wK3ao1xsUw=w1237-h928-s-no-gm?authuser=0 =600x)
### Activities: Yes-No jigsaw
- [Is this set linear independent? Case of yes](https://hackmd.io/@jephianlin/rJG8yk2zT)
- [Is this set linear independent? Case of no](https://hackmd.io/@jephianlin/r1ysD1nfa)
## Why we need so many teachers?
- :star: Push students to work hard
- :star: :star: Motivate students to learn more
- :star: :star: :star: Offer customized advice based on the needs
## Be a student again
If you got a chance to learn the subject again, how would you learn it...?
![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczOPiGrES1gEe_oL-ATu9pCSx204MQqrkb7QvyeGmNJEY9Wf_YV6ikbokzaVVYqlaWigj4UVbAthLfF3RytJGwfTixotEwPABT_cNGQut9wdulOqfFeOElDzgVLdUOwQhf0wZzQTcdHGMyVszSJl5phJ0Q=w1351-h921-s-no-gm?authuser=0 =600x)
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