{%hackmd 5xqeIJ7VRCGBfLtfMi0_IQ %} # Final: Questions to ponder Please see [Course website](https://www.math.nsysu.edu.tw/~chlin/2023FMath103A/2023FMath103A.html) for details about the exam. :::success :bulb: You need to provide the reasons for your answers. ::: ## How to prepare the exam? 1. Make a **concrete setting** for the problems whenever possible. For example, what is the length of $(1,2,3)$? 2. **Write down** your answer and reasons on a paper. 3. If you do not know how to answer it, **look it up** from the following resources, or ask ChatGPT. - `Hefferon` [_Linear Algebra_](http://joshua.smcvt.edu/linearalgebra/book.pdf) by Jim Hefferon - `NB` [_Linear algebra notebook_](https://jephianlin.github.io/LA-notebook/index-en.html) by Jephian Lin - `LR` [Learning resources](https://hackmd.io/@jephianlin/2023FMath103A-resources) 5. **Think carefully** whether your answer is correct or not. 6. Repeat the above steps with **different settings**. ## Vector representation - How to convert a vector into its vector representation? - How to convert a vector representation back to its original vector? Related resources: `Hefferon Two.III.1`, `NB 305, 306` ## Linear function - What is a function? - Is a function injective? - Is a function surjective? - Is a function linear? - Find an isomorphism between $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $\left\{\begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ z \end{bmatrix}: x + y + z = 0 \}\right\}$. - Verify that $\bv\mapsto[\bv]_\beta$ is an isomorphism. - Find a basis of the kernel of a linear function. - Find a basis of the range of a linear function. Related resources: `Hefferon Three.I~II`, `LR 25, 26, 28, 29, 36`, `NB 301, 302, 303, 304, 308` ## Matrix representation - Given a linear function $f:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^m$, find a matrix $A$ such that $f(\bx) = A\bx$ for all $\bx\in\mathbb{R}^n$. - Given the matrix representation $[f]_\alpha^\beta$, find $f(\bx)$. - Given a linear function $f:V \rightarrow W$ and bases $\alpha,\beta$ of $V,W$, respectively, find the matrix representation $[f]_\alpha^\beta$. Related resources: `Hefferon Three.III`, `LR 31, 33, 34`, `NB 309, 310` ## Change of basis - Given two bases $\alpha,\beta$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$, find the change of basis matrix $[\idmap]_\alpha^\beta$. - Given two bases $\alpha,\beta$ of a vector space $V$, find the change of basis matrix $[\idmap]_\alpha^\beta$. - Given two bases $\alpha,\alpha'$ of $V$ and two bases of $\beta,\beta'$ of $W$, use the matrix representation $[f]_\alpha^\beta$ to find $[f]_{\alpha'}^{\beta'}$. Related resources: `Hefferon Three.V`, `LR 35`, `NB 307` *This note can be found at Course website > Learning resources.*