# Feminist / Women / Gender Diversity in Tech Initiatives in Vienna This is an open collection of organisations, meetups, (recurring) workshop, conferences, etc. on topics of feminism and technology, fostering gender diversity and the increased participation of women and non-binary folks in the production and facilitation of technology. If you want to add something or update any of the listed initiatives, you can either mark some text and leave a comment, or just create a free HackMD account and edit the document yourself. If you have any questions regarding this documents, that you would like to pose to someone directly, you can send a mail to jackie@tantemalkah.at ## Organisations - __[diebin.at](https://diebin.at)__ : queer\*feminist ICT collective providing ICT infrastructure and workshops - __[Mz\* Baltazar’s Lab](http://www.mzbaltazarslaboratory.org/)__ : feminist collective and hackerspace with a focus on DIY projects on the intersection of arts, technology & feminism - __[IEEE Women in Engineering Austria](https://www.facebook.com/groups/IEEEWIEAustria/)__ : Austrian chapter (with lots of connections in Vienna) of the [IEEE Women in Engineering](https://www.ieee.org/membership/women/index.html) - __[Frauenreferat an der ÖH der TU Wien](https://htu.at/Frauen)__ : womens' department of the students union at the TU Wien - __[OVE Fem – Frauen in der Elektrotechnik](https://www.ove.at/ove-network/ove-fem)__ _[lang:de]_: Frauennetzwerk im Österreichischen Verband für Elektrotechnik (OVE) - __[VÖSI Special Interest Group Women in ICT](https://www.voesi.or.at/aktiv/special-interest-group-womeninict/)__ _[lang:de]_: Quartalsweise Meetups, Vernetzung und Kooperationen im Rahmen des Verbands Österreichischer Software Industrie (VÖSI) Currently not active: - __[A Noether Network](https://annoethernetwork.wordpress.com)__ : feminist network of MINT women and non-binary people (stalled since 2017) ## Meetups & Workshops - __[Feminist Linux Meetup für Frauen\*, Non-Binary\*, Trans\* und Inter\* Personen](https://feminist-linux.diebin.at)__ : monthly meetup (main language German, but switching to English is fine if required) - __[PyLadies Vienna](https://www.meetup.com/PyLadies-Vienna/)__ : bi-monthly meetup (alternating workshops and coding session) on Python and part of the international [PyLadies](https://pyladies.com/) network (stalled in Vienna between 2017 and 2019, but now active and running again) - __[Django Girls Vienna](https://djangogirls.org/vienna/)__ : one day workshop to learn the basics of web application programming with Python and Django and part of the international [Django Girls](https://djangogirls.org/) community (first edition in Vienna 2017, second on in 2020 was cancelled due to the pandemic situation, hoping for next one in 2021) - __[Women && Code](https://womenandcode.org/)__ : initiative to bring women* into programming in Austria, which offers different events such as a JavaScript, a Web Dev, and a Python study group for beginners which takes place every second week in Vienna, as well as intensive workshops and Hackathons to complement the bi-weekly events. - __[#TheNewITGirls](https://thenewitgirls.com/)__ : a community for women in tech with monthly meetups - __[FNTI und Computer Kram](https://projekte.c3w.at/f_u_c_k)__ : monthly (currenlty irregular) meetings of women and non-binary folks interested in computer stuff and hacking as an alternative to rather male-dominated hackspaces (project page in german, but meetings often in english) - __[Co-Mentoring Program - Women in Data](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8783061/)__ : monthly meetup of women* and non-binary folks who are interested in or working with data - __[Frauen*-MINT-Wien](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8831209/)__ _[lang:de]_ : Netzwerk für Frauen*, die in technischen Berufen arbeiten sowie in Wien und Umgebung wohnen, mit monatlichen Stammtischen - __[R-Ladies Vienna](https://www.meetup.com/rladies-vienna/)__ : local chapter of [R-Ladies Global](https://rladies.org/) that welcomes members of all R proficiency levels, whether you're a new or aspiring R user, or an experienced R programmer interested in mentoring, networking & expert upskilling Currently not active: - __[Feminist Python Meetup for Women\* and Non-Binary Folks](https://feminist-python.diebin.at)__ : monthly meetup for women and non-bianry folks (stalled since 2019) - __[ngGirls Vienna](https://ng-girls.org/vienna/)__ : a half-day workshop for beginners to build an Angular Web Application (last event in 2018) - __[Women in Tech Network Vienna](https://www.pydays.at/womenintech)__ : network of different women in tech initiatives (mostly a very low traffic mailing list currently) ## Conferences - __[Women Techmakers Vienna](https://www.womentechmakers.at/)__