# Session VI - 12. Jan. 2022, 14:00-17:00 In this session we will extend on the memory game prototype version 1 from last session to come up with a more feature rich prototype v2. We start the session with out usual arrival phase and question that are still open from last time. The we have two input blocks of roughly 45min, after each of which we take a break for around 10 minutes. The final hour then is the open workshop hour, where students can work on the exercise, and the lecturer is there for questions and support. ## Exercise As session 5 and 6 are combined now on the memory game, there is only one exercise for both: to recreate the memory game on your own, and make some smaller improvements in terms of styling. This is the acceptable low-effort variant. Everything counts, if it is not an exact 1:1 copy of the thing presented in the lecture part. Feel free to reuse the code, but the final result should at least look a little bit different in terms of styling. Additionally you could also: * Improve the styling, to make the game visually appealing * Use images or other items for the memory cards * Use effects / animations / sounds on success or errors * Only show the start favourite button, if there is a favourite set * Implement some of the other missing functionality If you have fun with this exercise and get into a flow, that allows you to do some of those bigger changes, this can also count towards your final project. In that case feel free to submit everything now for the exercise and use the same code base for the final project, then maybe only with a very few smaller changes. The deadline for this exercise is our final session in the course on Jan. 26. Ideally you already recreated the code from session 5 and now only have to extend the parts from this session. Otherwise start with session 5 first. To submit your exercise, go to our shared base cloud folder into the "Session 5 and 6 - Memory Game" folder. Inside of it create a folder with your student ID and name, where you can put your solution (there is a placeholder folder there as an example reference). Put your solution there until 26. Jan. 2022, 14:00, to get the full points. --- This page is part of the course website at https://tantemalkah.at/2021/artful-coding All contents, where not otherwise noted, are licensed by [Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura](https://tantemalkah.at/) under a [CC-BY-SA 4.0 license](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1).