# Performance reviews
Last updated: 2023-03-28
URL to this page: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/performance-reviews
URL for this site: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/how-we-work
## Overview
Our annual performance review cycle begins in January. The first step in that process is the self-evaluation, an opportunity to reflect on your accomplishments, strengths, and needs as we go into discussions about growth, development, and support for the coming months.
The annual performance review has three goals: document an individual’s performance given the responsibilities of the position, evaluate the needs of IOI relative to the goals of the individual, and chart a path of growth for the individual within IOI and beyond.
There are a few parts to our review process, designed to help provide opportunities for team feedback, self-reflection, and growth and development.
Below is a full timeline for the performance review cycle.
To start, please fill out the self-evaluation form shared with you by your manager. This is a space for you to reflect on accomplishments, areas you’d like to grow into or need support in, and provide feedback on the organization. There are no right or wrong answers or formats to this self-evaluation. Please share your thoughts in whatever form you find most comfortable. :slightly_smiling_face:
What to expect next: In early/mid January your manager will send links out asking you to share feedback on your colleagues, your time together to date, and reflect on your working relationship. Responses will be anonymous, and will be reviewed and shared with the colleague in aggregate during their review meeting later this quarter. For the Executive Director review, members of IOI's Steering Committee will be reviewing and synthesizing responses (the form is not hosted on IOI's Drives, so I will not have access to raw responses for that).
Have questions? Reach out to your manager for more information. We’re happy to help. :slightly_smiling_face:
### Timeline
* Second week of January: Send out self-evaluation forms.
* Last two weeks of January: Peer evaluations are conducted.
* Last week of January: Self-evaluation feedback due to managers.
* First two weeks of February: Supervisors draft written evaluations for supervisees.
* Third and fourth weeks of February: Performance review meetings with individuals for their review.
* First two weeks of March: Supervisors write up final performance review reports.
* Third week of March: Performance review reports go back out for review and signatures.
* Last week of March: Leadership Team consult on potential salary increases. Notify team members by the end of Q4.
## Self-evaluation
### Introduction
Performance reviews provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your own performance and professional growth. This is also a time to give feedback to your managers about how they have succeeded in supporting you and where they can improve.
As we move into the next fiscal year, we want to take a moment to reflect on the past year. This self-evaluation is designed to support a conversation about growth and development, and is part of our collective learning and performance review process.
Please take the time to respond thoughtfully to all of the questions below so that we can work together to develop a plan to best support you in your work and professional development. Please answer all questions in the context of this evaluation period. Once completed, please share back with your manager. They will then schedule a time to talk through your responses and discuss next steps.
### Job Components
1. What are you most proud to have accomplished?
2. Of the tasks/projects you worked on this year, what was it about the one you enjoyed the most that sticks out to you?
3. List some goals you had wished to accomplish, but could not. What could have helped you to achieve those goals?
4. What are some challenges you’ve encountered in your work? How did you deal with these challenges? What did you learn?
5. List your areas of strength and areas needing improvement. Give at least two concrete examples demonstrating each. We ask for examples to help frame both strengths and areas for growth specifically, rather than in general terms.
6. Describe any new goals, responsibilities, or added challenges you have taken on here at IOI. Identify those that require additional decision making, responsibility, accountability, or oversight of the work of other staff members or community members.
7. List the task/projects you are currently performing that are outside the scope of your present job description.
8. What can you or IOI leadership do to improve your performance and increase your overall job satisfaction?
### Work Relationships
9. How would you assess communication within the team? How well informed are you of the information necessary to perform your duties efficiently? What additional information do you need?
### Feedback for your manager
1. How would you assess communication with other team members and your manager? How well informed are you of the information necessary to perform your duties efficiently? What additional information do you need?
2. Do you feel supported in your work by your manager/supervisor? Give examples of times you felt supported and times you wanted or needed more support.
3. What is working? What are some things your manager, other team members, +/or the organization is doing well and should continue doing?
4. What’s not working? What would you have liked them to do differently in those situations?
5. What resources and tools do you need to perform your job more effectively?
6. What, if any, personal challenges or other issues might be showing up for you in your work that we should know about in helping you meet your personal and professional goals?
7. Is there a team member (or several!) you want to recognize for going above and beyond this year? Maybe they are nailing their work in a way that makes your job flow more easily. Maybe they have pushed you to think differently. Perhaps they are supportive to your professional development? Please share their name and information on how they’ve helped you here. Recognitions in this section will be shared across the organization, however comments in this section are not required.
## Peer evaluation
We contribute feedback about our fellow team members via anonymous survey. Text of the survey form is below.
### Team feedback survey
IOI’s team is a small, closely-knit team. Forming and maintaining positive working relationships among our team is essential to our staying productive and mission-oriented. These prompts provide an opportunity for you to identify praiseworthy elements of your team members’ working style as well as things that may make it challenging for you to work with individual colleagues. Please use this opportunity to give your team members helpful, constructive feedback and to identify any issues that you would like the performance review team to address. Please answer all questions in the context of this performance review cycle.
Responses to this form are being collected anonymously, and will be shared with supervisors for discussion and inclusion in this staff member’s review. Responses concerning the Executive Director will be processed by members of the Steering Committee. Thank you for your feedback! If you have questions, please contact the director.
1. What are some things you have enjoyed working with [NAME] on? What made them a pleasure to work with on these things? Please give specific examples.
1. Please share one specific example of how this colleague has demonstrated IOI’s values in their work (https://investinopen.org/about/how-we-work/).
1. Are there barriers to you working more successfully with [NAME]? Please give specific examples, if you can.
1. Are there resources or supports that would enable you to work more successfully with this person (whether it may be role clarity, functional training, management support, or something else)?
1. Is there anything else you’d like to share?
## See also
* [IOI job descriptions](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/job-descriptions)
This page first published: 2023-03-21
###### tags: `about-us`
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