# IOI Governance and Nominating Committee meetings Last updated: 2024-06-28 URL for this page: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/nominating-meetings URL for this site: https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/how-we-work ## 2023-12-08 meeting Date: 2023-12-08 / 18.00-19.00 UTC ### Agenda * 18.00 - 18.05 Welcome & check-ins * 18.05 - 18.10 Approval of Q1 minutes * 18.10 - 18.55 CS&S governance debrief & next steps * Committee composition review & pending invitations * Eunice follow up / update * 2024 recruitment priorities * Executive Director review update [executive session] * 18.55 - 19.00 Wrap up / next steps ### Notes * Q1 minutes approved * Eunice committee assignment * 2024 recruitment / committee composition * Additional university/consortia contacts * Dutch contacts * Committee to set up independent org (transition committee) * Board delegated committee (end of January) **Location:** Online **Participants:** Kaitlin Thaney (IOI); Amy Buckland (Concordia University); Evivva Lajoie (University at Buffalo); Leslie Chan (University of Toronto); Amy Sample Ward (NTEN) **Regrets:** Joe Deville (Open Book Collective); Omo Oaiya (WACREN) ## 2023-09-01 meeting Date: 2023-09-08 / 17.00-18.00 UTC ### Agenda 17.00 - 17.05 Check-ins 17.05 - 17.07 Approval of Q4 minutes 17.07 - 17.10 Steering Committee Recruitment Update & onboarding --- New members joining 17.10 - 17.25 IOI staffing update --- Feedback from committee members 17.25 - 17.44 Steering Committee Recruitment Update & onboarding --- Term lengths for members --- Subcommittee composition & invitations --- Financial Oversight Committee --- Governance & Nominating --- Current members to continue on their current committee or join other 17.44 - 17.50 Planning: Steering Committee onboarding/retreat 2023-2024 17.50 - 17.52 Executive Director review process 17.52 - 17.55 Wrap up / next steps 17.55 Meeting end Location: Online Attendees: Kaitlin Thaney (IOI), Leslie Chan (UToronto - Scarborough), Evviva Weinraub Lajoie (University at Buffalo), Amy Buckland (Concordia University), Omo Oaiya (WACREN) Absent: Amy Sample Ward (NTEN) ### Summary of Action items: 3 year term for new Steering Committee members Retreat planning ED review email Review meeting time ## 2023-06-09 meeting Date: 2023-06-09 / 17.00-18.00UTC ### Agenda: * 17.06-17.08 Check-ins * 17.08-17.10 Approval of Q3 minutes * 17.10-17.58 Steering Committee Recruitment Update -- Term renewals & Steering Committee composition -- Next steps for this Committee -- Current recruitment process review * 17.58-18.01 Executive Director review process * 18.01-18.05 Wrap up / next steps * 18.05 Meeting Adjourned ### Summary: * Approved minutes * Recruitment updates: -- Review of where we are with current discussions -- Process Location: Online Attendees: Kaitlin Thaney (IOI), Amy Sample Ward (NTEN), Evviva Lajoie (University at Buffalo), Leslie Chan (UToronto - Scarborough) Absent: Omo Oaiya (WACREN), Amy Buckland (Library & Archives Canada) Summary of Action items: * Continue conversations with candidates; present list to Chair for review for invitation * Extend term renewals to 2-year termed Committee members * Identify a university / consortia candidate for Steering ## 2023-03-10 meeting Date: March 10, 2023 / [18.00-19.00UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2023-03-10_18.00_UTC) ### Agenda * Check-ins (5 min) * Approval of Q2 minutes (5 min) * Steering Committee Recruitment Process (35 min) * Past recruitment process -- 2023-2024 Recruitment Targets – add 2-4 new members * 2023 Steering “retreat” strategy (10 min): Cluster in-person outreach? * Wrap up / next steps (5 min) ## 2022-12-09 meeting Date: December 9, 2022 / [18.00-19.00UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2022-12-09_18.00_UTC) ### Agenda * Check-ins (5 min) * Compensation Philosophy review & next steps (15 min) * Steering Committee Development (35 min) -- 2023-2024 Recruitment Targets – add 2-4 new members * 2023 Steering “retreat” strategy * Next meeting: March 10, 2023 * Call adjourned Minutes Location: Online Attendees: Kaitlin Thaney (IOI); Danielle Robinson (Code for Science & Society); Leslie Chan (UToronto - Scarborough); Amy Sample Ward (NTEN) Absent: Evviva Weinraub LaJoie (University at Buffalo); Omo Oaiya (WACREN); Amy Buckland (Library & Archives Canada) (may join late) Summary of Action items: * KT to incorporate comments in Comp Philosophy from G+N * KT to see in Q3 feedback from IOI Staff, to share back with G+N * KT to follow up - update signatories; prioritize getting Chair updated * ASW to reach out to AB and EWL to schedule call re: ED comp * KT to add to Steering Committee agenda for next week vote on ED comp * ASW to share NTEN division of duties reference doc ## 2022-09 Q1 meeting dedicated to Executive Performance Review ## 2022-06-27 meeting Date: June 27, 2022 / [17.00-18.00UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2022-06-27_17.00_UTC) ### Agenda 17.00-17.10 Welcome & check-ins 17.10-17.25 Executive review process 17.25-17.40 Chair / Vice Chair scoping, next steps 17.40-17.45 Committee Composition; Financial Oversight Group (charter); Governance & Nominating Committee (charter); Discuss candidate options & outreach 17.45-17.50 Meeting cadence 17.50-17.55 Community Council check-in 17.55-18.00 Review of key decisions; next steps 18.00 Call adjourned Minutes: Location: Online Attendees: Danielle Robinson (Code for Science & Society), Leslie Chan (University of Toronto - Scarborough), Amy Sample Ward (NTEN), Kaitlin Thaney (IOI) Absent: Evviva Weinraub Lajoie (University at Buffalo), Omo Oaiya (WACREN) Summary of Action items: * Recommendation for Executive Review Committee; KT to follow up with Amy Sample Ward and Evviva Weinraub Lajoie to lead process * Decision to move forward with an Interim Chair; aim to shift to Co-Chair models in 2023 * Confirmation of subcommittee makeup * Decision to shift Steering Committee meetings from monthly 60 minutes to quarterly 90 minutes * Discussion of upcoming Community Council exploration; document learnings from Year One ## 2022-05-02 meeting Date: May 2, 2022 / [17.00-18.00UTC](https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2022-05-02_17.00_UTC) ### Agenda 17.00-17.10 Welcome & check-ins (All) 17.10-17.20 Executive review process 17.20-17.35 Updating IOI signatories  - Scoping Chair; Vice-Chair positions - Discuss candidate options & outreach - [Governance roster](https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/how-we-work/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40investinopen%2Fgovernance-members) 17.35-17.45 Committee Composition - Financial Oversight Group - Discuss candidate options & outreach  - Governance & Nominating Committee - Discuss candidate options & outreach  17.45-17.50 Discuss next steps & action items 17.50 Call adjourned  ### Minutes Location: Online Attendees:  - Danielle Robinson (Code for Science & Society), Leslie Chan (University of Toronto - Scarborough), Evviva Weinraub Lajoie (University at Buffalo), Kaitlin Thaney (IOI)  Absent: - n/a Summary of Action items: - Circulate Chair & Vice Chair position descriptions for review (KT) - Outreach to Chair & Vice Chair candidates (All) - Outreach to Steering members re: joining Financial Oversight & Governance & Nominating Committees (KT) - Outline performance review process and circulate to G&N (KT) - Follow up on executive assistant support for Chair/Vice Chair roles (KT) --- ## See also * Archived copy of this page (via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine): https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://hackmd.io/@investinopen/nominating-meetings --- This page first published: 2022-05-24 ###### tags: `about-us` `governance` --- <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />This work is made available under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. Users are free to share, remix, and adapt this work. (Please attribute [Invest in Open Infrastructure](https://investinopen.org/) in any derivative work).