# HackyHour Würzburg 97 ## Live - **When:** Monday October 28^th^, 2024 at 17:15 - **Where:** Physics Department - Seminar Room SE3 in [building P1](https://wueaddress.uni-wuerzburg.de/search/map/3612). <!-- [CCTB](https://www.google.de/maps/place/Zentrum+f%C3%BCr+Computergest%C3%BCtzte+und+Theoretische+Biologie+(CCTB),+Universit%C3%A4t+W%C3%BCrzburg/@49.7850748,9.9720102,18z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47a28fc802e5e800:0x6b62d2cbd2e6f094!8m2!3d49.7849749!4d9.9729537) - kitchen (L6)--> - **Info:** [HackyHour Website](http://hackyhour.github.io/Wuerzburg/) ## Participants > Please add your name and indicate if you want to order pizza :pizza: and optional preferences/dislikes (this is *required* if you want pizza and can't join on time) - *»Add your name here«* - Markus :pizza: - Felix :pizza: ## Topic ## Topic Suggestions > Add your suggestions to the list (feel free to also add previously suggested topics). Topics are selected after a brief presentation through successive elimination. If someone comes with a real problem, this has priority. ### Problems ### Meta ### Exchange of Ideas ### Fun - Try [Supabase](https://supabase.com/docs) (selfhosted) - for a real-time two player game e.g. something snake-like with [kaboomjs](https://kaboomjs.com/) - Billy Bass goes ChatGPT - [Reconnaissance Blind Chess](https://rbc.jhuapl.edu/) - [phyphox](https://phyphox.org/de/home-de/) - smartphone as mobile lab ### Maybe another time ### Past ideas Topic suggestions are no longer carried over automatically, to speed-up the decision process. However, it might be interesting to revisit some past ideas at some point. Therefore, a collection of past ideas is maintained [on this smorgasbord](https://hackmd.io/@iimog/hhsb). ## Challenge Club From time to time, we solve challenges together in the HackyHour. It is usually undesired to share solutions publicly, as it spoils the fun for other players. Therefore, we created a [private repository](https://github.com/HackyHour/Wuerzburg_ChallengeClub) where we collect our joint solutions. Just tell [Markus](https://github.com/iimog) if you want access. ## Cross Links - [previous pad](https://hackyhour.github.io/Wuerzburg/pad_archive/HackyHour_Wuerzburg_95) - [next pad](https://hackyhour.github.io/Wuerzburg/pad_archive/HackyHour_Wuerzburg_97)