# HackyHour Ideas Smorgasbord [![hackmd-github-sync-badge](https://hackmd.io/aENsM1lFSvmuc4yeTYkIiw/badge)](https://hackmd.io/aENsM1lFSvmuc4yeTYkIiw) ## 2024 - Version control with [jujutsu](https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/tutorial/) - go through tutorial. Is it worth the effort to learn it? - Add game play, [style](https://nostalgic-css.github.io/NES.css/), OAuth and Leaderboard to Guess Dice Score game using [FastHTML](https://www.fastht.ml/) - [versatiles](https://versatiles.org/) - FLOSS (vector) map tiles, [ccc talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A51WkJ5S8I) - [openalexR](https://docs.ropensci.org/openalexR/) - possible questions: is there a co-author path from Flo to Markus? What are the Erdős numbers of the participants? What fraction of my citations are self-citations? - [ORKG - Open Research Knowledge Graph](https://orkg.org/) - what is it good for? - controlling RGB devices via [OpenRGB](https://openrgb.org/) or [python](https://github.com/jath03/openrgb-python) (e.g. program Whac-A-Mole :hammer:) - Get pictures from GameBoy Camera to PC - [how to](https://www.gameboymaniac.com/how-to-tranfer-photos-from-the-game-boy-camera-to-your-computer/) - *Alice wants Bob but Bob wants Charlie...* (distributing students into classes as a graph partitioning or via chat gpt (or both?)), maybe create a challenge or two for the DCCW (include exclusions) - Add keybindings to [PyBoy](https://github.com/Baekalfen/PyBoy) to toggle between manual and automatic play (Tetris example) - [marimo](https://marimo.io/) a next-generation Python notebook - Backup tools ([restic](https://restic.net/), [BorgBackup](https://www.borgbackup.org/), **»add more«**) - Try to hack some basic Vulnhub VMs [suggestions with walkthroughs](https://www.heise.de/select/ct/2023/6/softlinks/ynzu?wt_mc=pred.red.ct.ct062023.144.softlink.softlink) - [CryptoHack](https://cryptohack.org/) - [The Hippocratic License](https://firstdonoharm.dev/) - Server (performance/load) monitoring (e.g. with [sysstat](https://sysstat.github.io/), [InfluxDB](https://www.influxdata.com/), ...) - [Finding and Fixing Standard Misconceptions About Program Behavior](https://blog.brownplt.org/2024/04/12/behavior-misconceptions.html), [SMoL Tutor](https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwXSAkyTGGyYHyM1YTY_UqLfpoXIGMQI3zfCIMjxC2pd9YbEIxhzyf0njwW5rmqPP4lYg/exec) - [Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio](https://blinry.org/50-things-with-sdr/) - [SQL for Data Scientists in 100 Queries](https://gvwilson.github.io/sql-tutorial/) + [WhatTheDuck](https://whattheduck.incentius.com/) - Programming Games ([list of suggestions](https://x-team.com/blog/coding-games/amp/)) e.g. - [Terminal](https://terminal.c1games.com/) - [CodeCombat](https://codecombat.com/) - [Flexbox Defense](http://www.flexboxdefense.com/) - [CSS Diner](https://flukeout.github.io/) - Generate synthetic data for linear model with two (binary) explanatory variables (A and B) and different real effects (only A has an impact, both A and B have an impact, the impact of A depends on B) - then look at the estimated coefficients (and their statistical significance) when fitting `~ A`, `~ B`, `~ A + B`, `~ A + B + A:B` - maybe use [drawdata](https://drawdata.xyz/) - Network simulation with [Filius](https://www.lernsoftware-filius.de/Startseite) - [wgpu](https://wgpu.rs) - portable graphics library in rust, also running in the browser - maybe checkout [Learn wgpu](https://sotrh.github.io/learn-wgpu/#what-is-wgpu) - Guess the [correlation](https://www.guessthecorrelation.com/), dice, hausdorff, p-values (e.g. 2-sample t-test (maybe different difficulties: bar chart, bar + SE, boxplot, jitter)), maybe reverse (draw something with a given dice/hausdorff/p-value) ... (maybe using [NES.css](https://nostalgic-css.github.io/NES.css/)) - Visualize [OpenAlex](https://openalex.org/) data with [VOSviewer](https://www.vosviewer.com/) ## 2023 - [Wikifunctions](https://www.wikifunctions.org) - Building an interactive scratch map (possibly with AoE-style fog of war, [further inspiration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLqXFF8mlEU&t=1414s)) - [AI playing Pokemon on a python Game Boy emulator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcYLT37ImBY) - [git commit folders](https://github.com/jvns/git-commit-folders) - [Nushell](https://www.nushell.sh/) - A new type of shell (related: warp, fig, hyper) - formal mathematical proofs with [LEAN](https://leanprover-community.github.io/) ([gamified learning](https://adam.math.hhu.de/#/)) - Automatically [translating webpages of the IT](https://www.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/services/) from German to English (any other) and hosting automatically on a wiki? (remember the accessibility aspect here...) - [APL](https://tryapl.org) "an array-oriented programming language that will change the way you think about problems and data" - solve some [example problems](https://problems.tryapl.org/). Example: `+/(⍳6)∘.=?10000⍴6` gives the frequency of each number for 10000 dice throws. - [Elicit](https://elicit.com/) - The AI Research Assistant - [wgpu](https://wgpu.rs) - portable graphics library in rust, running in the browser - maybe checkout [Learn wgpu](https://sotrh.github.io/learn-wgpu/#what-is-wgpu) - Incorporating non-linear evolutionary game dynamics in IsoMatrix [paper](https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/36/22-23/5542/6039115?guestAccessKey=5b1cea90-1422-4d10-973c-4f073e0b1c62&login=false) the matlab code is [here](https://github.com/mathonco/isomatrix) - [Research Software Directory](https://research-software-directory.org/software?&search=hypertiling) - [Button Men](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/17/button-men) calculate win probability (OR program simple AI OR analyze past results) <img alt="Hannah" src="https://github.com/buttonmen-dev/buttonmen/blob/master/src/ui/images/button/hannah.png?raw=true" width="50px"/> :boom: <img alt="Karl" src="https://github.com/buttonmen-dev/buttonmen/blob/master/src/ui/images/button/karl.png?raw=true" width="50px"/> (4):2,(10):10,(20):13 vs (6):5,(8):5,(6):2,(10):5 - Create a snake-like (browser) game with [Kaboom!](https://kaboomjs.com/) - Analyse Half Marathon Tracking Data (Andi) :runner: - OpenStreetMap data in python with [OSMnx](https://osmnx.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) or [fun with streets](https://geoffboeing.com/2016/11/osmnx-python-street-networks/) - shoot the monkey interactive (babylonjs) in vr (unity) or with a molecule/virus (blender molecularnode) - Reinforcement Learning with [Gym](https://www.gymlibrary.dev/) or [AI Birds](http://aibirds.org/) - [Runway](https://runwayml.com/) an online video editor with "AI Magic Tools" - [Galactica](https://galactica.org/) - a language model for science (currently not working 2023/01 → apparently [turned off after 3 days](https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/11/18/1063487/meta-large-language-model-ai-only-survived-three-days-gpt-3-science/)) - Benchmark CephFS - Finish [Oh My Git!](https://ohmygit.org/) ## 2022 - Molecule Structures in Blender with [MolecularNode](https://github.com/BradyAJohnston/MolecularNodes) - Build a MWE of parallelized plotting and simulation using Makie.jl (e.g. a wave equation ;)) (Andreas) - Explore [Open Alex](https://docs.openalex.org/) API vs. WikiData (Scholia) - Build a network from OpenCitations - Start a challenge site as ~~HackyHour~~ WueCTF Team ([possible sites](http://www.wechall.net/active_sites), selection: [Revolution Elite](https://www.revolutionelite.co.uk/), [247CTF](https://247ctf.com/), [Hack the Box](https://www.hackthebox.com/)) - Kali Linux and [RasPwn OS](https://hackyhour.github.io/Wuerzburg/pad_archive/HackyHour_Wuerzburg_74) &rarr; do we want to do this next time? - Play with the data from Numerai https://numer.ai/ (Tilman) - Play with Stable Diffusion in [Dream Studio](https://beta.dreamstudio.ai) - Voting Systems → [Arrow Theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow%27s_impossibility_theorem) (example of a voting system: [STV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counting_single_transferable_votes#Meek)) - Checkout DrWatson https://juliadynamics.github.io/DrWatson.jl/dev/ a scientifc project assistant in julia - [ResearchEquals](https://www.researchequals.com/) - [Flexbox Froggy](https://flexboxfroggy.com) - [NWERC](https://2022.nwerc.eu/contest/) and [GCPC](https://gcpc.nwerc.eu/about) programming contests - [Pluto Notebooks](https://github.com/fonsp/Pluto.jl) ? Better than Juypter ? - Text for a HackyHour advertisment poster - cookietemple: https://cookietemple.com/index - Programming Challenges: [Kattis](https://open.kattis.com/), [CodeChef](https://www.codechef.com) - Try [TorchStudio](https://www.torchstudio.ai/) - Data analysis with natural language: [veezoo](https://www.veezoo.com/) ## Earlier Look ad [pad 63](https://hackyhour.github.io/Wuerzburg/pad_archive/HackyHour_Wuerzburg_63) and before.