koxinga === ![](https://i.imgur.com/avGw29T.jpg) ``` _ _ _ _ __ __ _ | | | | \ | | \ \ / /__ ___| |_ ___ _ __ | | | | \| | \ \ / / _ \/ __| __/ _ \| '__| | |_| | |\ | \ V / __/ (__| || (_) | | \___/|_| \_| \_/ \___|\___|\__\___/|_| _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ |_ _(_) | ___ |_ _|__ ___ | | | _(_) |_ | | | | |/ _ \ | |/ _ \ / _ \| | |/ / | __| | | | | | __/ | | (_) | (_) | | <| | |_ |_| |_|_|\___| |_|\___/ \___/|_|_|\_\_|\__| Make the technology the easy part. ``` # WORK IN PROGRESS # Motivation We see the high potential of Docker and Raspberry Pi for the demo and training of the UN Vector Tile Toolkit. It may be too difficult to start from enterprise-ready server because there may be some challenges in installation or customization. Therefore, we see to possibility for **starting small**. The combination of Docker and Raspberry Pi would be a minimal environment for the UN Vector Tile Toolkit. ```graphviz digraph D { graph [] node [fontname=Courier,shape=oval] edge [style=dashed] Dockerfile[color=gray,shape=box] Server[label="Enterprise server"] IaaS[label="Cloud server"] Workstation RasPi[label="Raspberry Pi"] Dockerfile->Server Dockerfile->Workstation Dockerfile->IaaS Dockerfile->RasPi train[shape=none,label="Demo and Training"] serve[shape=none,label="Service"] development[shape=none,label="Development"] Server->serve IaaS->serve Workstation->development RasPi->train } ``` # See also - [GitHub repository](https://github.com/un-vector-tile-toolkit/koxinga) - [slides on 2019-06-05](https://hackmd.io/@hfu/SJp8xCzAV)