# [stale] UN-GGIM WG-Disasters Scenario-based Exercise Tokyo 2020 This is the first attempt to implement the scenario-based exercise for the UN-GGIM WG-Disaters. The focus of this exrecise will be *Actual data and running code*. We are going to use the actual data created in response to the Typhoon Hagibis which hit Japan in 2019. The running code is supported by the United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit under the United Nations Open GIS Initiative. ## Date 2020-02-26T13:30/17:00+09:00 ## Venue Tokyo (Details to be determined) ## Draft Program 1. Introducing the scenario 2. Introducing the tool - UNVT 3. Demonstration 4. Hands-on Exercise :question: Do you have any additional input to the program? slayer: Do you think there's time/room for a small quick drill that gonna include the Emergency Operating Center (EOC) setup with administrator, responders, volunteers, and the citizen? GeoThings is more than happy to plan and organize this. Here's the drill we had with Fiji National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) for the International Tsunami Awareness Day on Nov 5th, 2019. It will be great to have some small scale event like this. https://youtu.be/hCDjTz-z9_U ## Draft Scenario ### Target disaster Typhoon Hagibis (令和元年台風第19号 in Japanese) ### Target area tile number 11/1817/805, which contains Kawagoe city. ### Center location 15/35.924700/139.493240 ## Data source (draft) ### GSI Maps Vector Tile (地理院地図 Vector タイル) ``` https://maps.gsi.go.jp/xyz/experimental_bvmap/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf z=11..17 from x=1817, y=805 ``` ### Flood Estimates (Iruma river, Oppe river, Toki river) (浸水推定段彩図 荒川水系(入間川・越辺川・都幾川)) TODO ### Disaster response ortphophoto (正射画像 都幾川地区(10/13撮影)) TODO ### (地形分類(自然地形)) TODO ### (斜め写真 埼玉地区(10/13撮影)) TODO ### (農地の区画情報(筆ポリゴン)) TODO See also: https://habs.dc.affrc.go.jp/spatial_data/maff_fude_id ### (平成27年国勢調査町丁・字等別境界データ) TODO ![](https://i.imgur.com/n12mEdF.jpg) See also: https://un-vector-tile-toolkit.github.io/koji-static/#11.67/35.9127/139.4834/0/40 # Repository https://github.com/un-vector-tile-toolkit/kawagoe