# Helmholtz AI FFT seminar series #22 ###### tags: `HelmholtzAI`,`FFT` [ToC] ## :memo: Seminar details **07 September 2022, 11:00 - 12:00** Speakers and talk titles: - **Chandrabali Karmakar** (PhD fellow @ DLR) Title: XAI in Earth Observation - **Ridvan Kuzu** (Post-doc, Helmholtz AI consultant @ DLR) Title: Automatic detection of building displacements through LSTM-autoencoder-based feature representations from InSAR data - **Antony Zappacosta** Title: Detecting gamma-ray sources in CTA samples: from traditional image analysis to convolutional neural networks Chair: **Daniela Espinoza** (Helmholtz AI consultant @ DLR) ### VC details **Access to online venue (BlueJeans):** https://bluejeans.com/938941173/8313 *Meeting ID: 938 941 173 Passcode: 8313* **Want to dial in from a phone?** Dial one of the following numbers and enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by #: +49 69 808 84246 (Germany (Frankfurt, German)) +41 43 508 6463 (Switzerland (Zurich, German)) ## :memo: Notes :::info :bulb: Write down notes and/or interesting information of the seminar. For example, observations auxiliar to the content which is not contained in the slidedeck. ::: - Slides available on https://syncandshare.lrz.de/getlink/fiXrzvb9ouYzs63mYHSKgp/FFT - **Ridvan Kuzu** (Post-doc, Helmholtz AI consultant @ DLR) Title: Automatic detection of building displacements through LSTM-autoencoder-based feature representations from InSAR data - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_time_warping - implementations: https://pypi.org/project/dtw-python/ ## :question: Questions for the speaker :::info :bulb: Write down any questions or topics you wish to discuss during the seminar _(either with your initials or anonymously)_ ::: > Leave in-line comments! [color=#3b75c6] - **Ridvan Kuzu** (Post-doc, Helmholtz AI consultant @ DLR) Title: Automatic detection of building displacements through LSTM-autoencoder-based feature representations from InSAR data + PS: can you share a bit how long each time series was? + around 300 time points per time series, 5 years recorded, weekly samples + PS: can you share a bit about the tools you used? (which libraries you used) + everything in pytorch + github repo available https://github.com/ridvansalihkuzu/representlib + dtw: https://github.com/ridvansalihkuzu/representlib/blob/main/represent/losses/soft_dtw.py ## :question: Your Feedback :::info :bulb: Write down your feedback about the seminar _(either with your initials or anonymously)_ ::: ### Share something that you learned or liked :+1: - ... ### Share something that you didn’t like or would like us to improve :-1: - ... :::info :pushpin: Want to learn more? ➜ [HackMD Tutorials](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials) :::