# Helmholtz AI FFT seminar series #26: </br> Jan-Oliver Kropp, Alexander Oberstraß, Fritz Niesel ###### tags: `HelmholtzAI`,`FFT` [ToC] ## :memo: Seminar details **01 February 2024, 11:00 - 12:00** **Speakers and talk titles:** Speaker 1: Jan-Oliver Kropp (PhD student at Helmholtz AI RG group at FZJ) Title: Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Image Inpainting in the Human Brain Speaker 2: Alexander Oberstraß (PhD student at Helmholtz AI RG group at FZJ) Title: Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Nerve Fiber Distribution Speaker 3: Fritz Niesel (AI Consultant at FZJ) Title: WestAI Consulting Project - Exploring Massive Star Formation with AI **Chair: Stefan Kesselheim (AI Consultant Head at FZJ)** ## :memo: Notes :::info :bulb: Write down notes and/or interesting information of the seminar. For example, observations auxiliar to the content which is not contained in the slidedeck. ::: - ... ## :question: Questions for the speaker :::info :bulb: Write down any questions or topics you wish to discuss during the seminar _(either with your initials or anonymously)_ ::: > Leave in-line comments! [color=#3b75c6] :arrow_right: ... ## :question: Your Feedback :::info :bulb: Write down your feedback about the seminar _(either with your initials or anonymously)_ ::: ### Share something that you learned or liked :+1: - ... ### Share something that you didn’t like or would like us to improve :-1: - ... :::info :pushpin: Want to learn more? ➜ [HackMD Tutorials](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials) :::