# What Are The Time Limits For Filing Truck Accident Claims In New York? Truck accidents can wreak havoc on the lives of victims and their families. In addition to the physical injuries, victims often face emotional, financial, and legal challenges. If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident in New York, it is crucial to understand the time limits for filing a claim. Consulting with a **[truck accident attorney in New York](https://www.godoskygentile.com/motor-vehicle-accidents/truck-accidents/)** is the first step towards protecting your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve. ![Truck Accident Lawyer](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJ64F88tT.png) **1. Statute of Limitations:** The Statute of Limitations sets a time limit within which a lawsuit must be filed. In New York, the general time frame for personal injury cases, including truck accidents, is three years from the date of the accident. Failing to file within this window can result in the court dismissing the case, making it nearly impossible to recover damages. **2. Discovery Rule:** In some cases, injuries resulting from a truck accident may not be immediately apparent. Under the Discovery Rule, the clock for filing a claim starts ticking from the time the injury or its cause is discovered or should have been reasonably discovered. However, it is important not to delay seeking legal assistance, as proving delayed discovery can be challenging. **3. Government Entities:** If the truck involved in the accident is owned by a government entity, such as a city or state, there are stricter time limits for filing a claim. In New York, victims have a shorter time frame of 90 days to file a notice of claim when a government entity is involved. The failure to comply with this strict deadline can result in the complete forfeiture of your right to seek compensation. **Wrapping It Up** Time is of the essence when it comes to filing truck accident claims in New York. You can consult with **[Godosky & Gentile](https://hackmd.io/@godoskygentile/S1eDzxt-wp )** truck accident attorney in New York to ensure that you understand and meet all applicable time limits.