[TOC] ###### tags: `comms` # PAML Pilot :::info Anyone can edit this note. Click on the pencil icon or open https://hackmd.io/@friendzymes/paml/edit. Associated GitHub issue: https://github.com/friendzymes/community/issues/14. ::: ## 2021-12-16 Meet ### Agenda - Sanity check and confirm/coordinate current protocol plan - Set high-level OKRs and milestones. - Bumped to Meeting 2 - Medium-term goal for BioProtocols: Get an alpha out by April 2022 - "LIMS-less interlab coordination" ### Notes - Reviewing the protocols.io draft - Steps 18 and 19 raise questions about how much to abstract - One option is to explode "recovery" into multiple explicit steps - Another option is to abstract "recovery" into another protocol for modularity - Step 1 - 60 mass percent is suboptimal representation - PAML config - install flow needs work - graphviz dependency isn't documented - inconsistent results with pip/pip3 - PAML colab notebooks need plumbing as well - Luiza notes on PAML_GG_protocol - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AupzE_OLUqp-3mfgJ47NplMxqvzMAK5I/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs ### To Discuss with BBN, etc.: - Ontology is unclear for primitives. - How are schemas for parameters resolved? When are they resolved? - Are they expected to be stored in a "canonical" way in a central place like bioprotocols.org? - If so, to what degree is it expected that people will "homebrew" their own? - And also, we probably need to set that up, right? - What is the intended difference in practice of a SampleArray and a SampleCollection? - PAML spec questions - Needed: exhaustive list of primitives - Needed: list of recommended changes and additions ## 2021-12-04 Meet ### Recap At COMBINE 2021, we heard about a new lab modeling language. Jake Beal led an exploratory workshop on this spec. Its description was as follows: > **Defining a Common Protocol Representation** > This session is a working session for stakeholders to discuss needs, requirements, and opportunities for a common protocol representation, leveraging the current protocol specification and implementation of the Protocol Activity Markup[sic] Language (PAML). > [name=Jacob Beal] [time=Wed, Oct 13, 2021] [color=#0074D9] This led to a planning session for preliminary working groups. The aim of this second session was stated as follows: > **Implementation and Roadmap for Common Protocol Representation** > This session is a working session that will use the outcomes of the prior “Defining a Common Protocol Representation” session to work on the specifics of implementation of a common protocol representation, leveraging the current prototype specification and implementation of the Protocol Activity Markup[sic] Language (PAML), and to determine priorities and next steps. > [time=Thu, Oct 14, 2021] [name=Jacob Beal] [color=#0074D9] By the end of this session, the rough contours of three groups were defined. 1. GUI dev 1. iGEM interlab - iGEM engineering 1. Friendzymes and friends - practical pilot Niches for which no group yet exists include: 1. Protocol dev 1. Core "data curation" - ontology dev, knowledge representation 1. Non-GUI toolchain dev **We are here to initiate discussion of group 3: Friendzymes and friends** ![](https://files.catbox.moe/jjyccr.png) ### Agenda 1. Define our challenge problem more concretely. 1. ~~Set high-level OKRs and milestones.~~ 1. Coordinate further comms and project management. ### Notes - Objectives - Define our challenge problem more concretely. - Scope: Known-good reproducibility demo of a Golden Gate protocol - Options: - Marburg with BsmBI - https://www.protocols.io/view/golden-gate-lvl-0-8edhta6 - Marburg with BsaI-HFv2 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TIfXaeupHi2ZGUXDSk8RGXE9tC3q9e_w/view?usp=sharing - Intended Goal: Marburg with BsaI, forked from the Marburg with BsmBI protocol: - Our fork is here - https://www.protocols.io/view/golden-gate-lvl-0-b2k4qcyw - Coordinate further comms and project management. - Friendzymes has github and discord-oriented comms - We need to get added to the bioprotocols github org as well - Jeremy suggests we work where we're admins / it's easy (friendzymes) and deposit deliverables over there (bioprotocols) - ^Ya boy Tim isn't an admin though - Can add. If scoped to one main repo there shouldn't be too much spam / problems. <- Ok, sure (https://github.com/tsdobbs) - Google Group exists but nobody's in it - https://groups.google.com/g/bioprotocols - Set high-level OKRs and milestones. - Bump to Meeting 2 - Medium-term goal for BioProtocols: Get an alpha out by April 2022 - "LIMS-less interlab coordination" - Links - PAML basics - https://github.com/bioprotocols/paml - https://github.com/bioprotocols/pamled - https://github.com/bioprotocols/paml-specification - https://github.com/rpgoldman/container-ontology - [Data Representation in the DARPA SD2 Program](https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.17.460644) - [Process-Level Representation of Scientific Protocols with Interactive Annotation](https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.10244) - [2021-10-14_COMBINE2021_Standards-Meeting.pdf](https://files.catbox.moe/pvr6wb.pdf) - This working group - [friendzymes/community #14 - Meeting: PAML Pilot](https://github.com/friendzymes/community/issues/14) - [friendzymes project board - PAML](https://github.com/orgs/friendzymes/projects/5/views/8) ### Action Items - [ ] isaacG update forked protocol - [ ] forked protocol to PAML (github) - [ ] research and summary updates on other enzymes - [ ] Scott to talk to Jenny / Nico to build a list of tested combinations to express GFP - [ ] isaacG whenisgood for next meet, prior to christmas and preferably 2021-12-11 - 2021-12-18