# Prepare social media posts
This is a task that anyone can take part in. The goal is simply to come up with social media posts that we can publish on our channels. If you're ever unsure of what you can work on, you can always work on this. :)
Because having access to social media accounts for a brand is sensitive, we organize ourselves into three tiers of social media management.
* Tier 1: Point of Contact - This is a manager who primarily is a trusted person to have access to an account. They have no obligation to manage the account except to post something when other social media managers have something. Even then we take care to give a point of contact everything they need and only ping them for more important posts. **Our Twitter and LinkedIn are managed by Justin at this level.**
* Tier 2: Maintainer - This is a manager who does independently post content, but doesn't independently source it. Where do they get the content from? From other active social media channels! I call it "copying each other's homework" because there's no reason that a relevant article posted to our Mastodon can't also be posted to our LinkedIn. The idea behind this role is to do away with the extra layer of communication required for a point of contact. This person already knows to copy the content.
* Tier 3: Curator - This manager is someone who has taken ownership of the account in the sense that they are looking after it, diving into the details, getting to know the platform they manage and its culture, and putting their best foot forward for everything they do as the brand. They also independently find things to post about, which takes familiarity with the project and "products". **Our Mastodon, Instagram, and YouTube Community page are managed at this level.**
At this point a new marketing contributor will not get access to one of the channels, but you can help by sourcing content and writing posts. This will create a backlog for us to pull from. It will also be an opportunity for us to give feedback on what you're finding and what you're writing.
## How can you submit work?
1. Create a [HackMD](https://hackmd.io/#) or Google Doc.
2. Make two sections, one for topics and one for Posts.
3. Place links or interestig ideas under the topics section.
4. If you want to write a post for that topic, then write a post under the related section. Please try to keep it at or under 500 characters (you can estimate). Write it as though it will be copy and pasted.
5. Share the link to that document in the comments of this ticket and we will periodically check the file. You can ping in Matrix if you've added something new.
To get started, try writing three social media posts and leave a link to your doc in the comments for us to review. Please let us know if you have any questions!