# Update 8 The last two weeks, I have been mainly focused on cleaning up the approach and writing a comprehensive doc that explains the entire mechanism. I'm also in the process of collecting feedback from various people about the it. Additionally, I looked further into data availability layers with their own consensus algorithms, such as Celestia. The doc with the entire approach can be found at: https://hackmd.io/@echno/rollup-relay If you want to leave some feedback, dms are open on [twitter](https://twitter.com/ogechno) or leave some feedback here: https://collective.flashbots.net/t/rollup-relay-reducing-trust-assumptions-in-the-relay/1212 I have also started a Github repo a while back: https://github.com/ogechno/rollup-relay There isn't much in the repo, except for some boilerplate code, but I will probably try to hack on it during the builder week at ETHDenver 2023.