# Final EPF update This is the final update for the ["Reducing trust in the PBS relay"](https://github.com/eth-protocol-fellows/cohort-three) project by [echno](https://github.com/ogechno). The project aimed to reduce the required trust assumptions in the PBS relay either by proposing a new approach or adopting an existing one ## Status report The goal of the project was [defined](https://hackmd.io/@echno/epf-proposal#Goal-of-the-project) as follows: > The goal is to have developed a solution and specification, with the fewest possible drawbacks, that to some degree reduces the trust of the relay. Additionally, it would be nice to have a prototype implementation of this specification. The approach we created is called the Rollup-Relay, which is a PBS solution that utilizes a rollup as the intermediary between the builder and the proposer. Additionally, we described how this approach could be further abstracted to utilize other intermediaries, such as a modified MEV-Boost-Relay or a Data Availability Layer (DA). We also extended the approach with an additional Data Availability Layer to reduce trust assumptions even further. The approach is mostly completed, but unfortunately we didn't have time to write a formal specification and implementation. Below is a comparison of trust assumptions between the current PBS relay, MEV-Boost-Relay, the Rollup-Relay, and an extension of the Rollup-Relay that adds a Data Availability Layer. ### Trust assumption in the mev-boost-relay - the relay is not tempering with the blocks content (e.g., mev stealing) - the relay releases the block on time to the network - the relay is not censoring blocks based on their transactions they contain - the relay always chooses the highest bid (not biased which block builder to choose from) ### Rollup-Relay trust assumption - the sequencer does not collude with the proposer - the sequencer does not censor transactions (censor txs in the context of the auction) ### Rollup-Relay DA hybrid - the sequencer does not censor transactions (censor txs in the context of the auction) As you can see we have fullfilled our goal to reduce the trust assumptions in the relay. However, in the process of achieving this task, we had to make other tradeoffs. For example the approach proposed by us requires the builder to stake X amount of ETH, which is a hurdle to entry. On the other hand there are also advantages aside from the reduction of trust assumptions, for example spam-protection for the relay but also it being relativly easy to implement and at least for the rollup as the intermediary, it does not require any additional infrastructure. ### Links Project proposal: https://hackmd.io/@echno/epf-proposal Description Rollup-Relay: https://hackmd.io/@echno/rollup-relay Abstraction and further reducing trust assumption: https://hackmd.io/@echno/update-9 ## Future of the project PBS is still a very active area of research, where it isn't even clear if it will be out-of-protocol or in-protocol. Even though trust assumptions are reduced, there might be an incentive to not use this approach because builders need to provide upfront capital as well as pay fees for submitting bids. But I think it is still worth exploring, and I can see a world where multiple different approaches coexist, and the market decides which one they prefer. In the near future, I would like to further specify this approach and possibly also implement a proof-of-concept. An example of an open question is how much ETH should be staked by the builder. The problem here is that the bid amount should be at least the amount staked in case the builder does not provide the promised bid to the proposer. On the other hand, this leads to more centralization since only builders with enough upfront capital are able to participate. ## Self-evaluation Although it was very theoretical and sometimes unclear if I could even find a reasonable approach, I personally haven't had this much fun in a while working on a project. So I'm very sad it comes to an end and our ways are diverging. One important lession I took away from the fellowship programm is the importance of your communication skills, particularly in written form. Presenting your ideas in a clear and understandable way will result in receiving more constructive feedback and spark interesting discussions. Thanks to all the mentors, especially to Barnabe and Alex Stokes for helping out. Special thanks to the legends, Mario and Josh for being such great organizers and taking their time to help and inspire the next set of potential core developers.