


Bare bones V2 Frame template/tutorial using Vite + React that can be hosted on /ipfs and /base through Orbiter:

Advanced Topics

Dynamic Metadata

On-Chain Basic Base Frames Workshop from st4rgard3n

Frames Devs we want to reward you for building great Frames!


Why am I so excited about Farcaster frames?

I have been called the Unfurl Guy

People do not understand when I talk about social sharing flows. And some boomers don't understand.

Frames are a new design pattern. A new way of interacting with dynamic content. Developers can build a multi-view experience in the feed. The app has user context. The user is able to send data to the server. It allows developers to embed parts of their app in the feed and link users to specifc parts of your app.

Frames extend the OpenGraph standard and turn static embeds into interactive experiences.

Framing Frames

Open Frames



  • Connect Frames with actions
  • State management
  • No vendor lock-in
  • Will soon have plugins for middleware like Privy


  • FM: Frog Morning
  • Frog Army (DAO)

Possible Funding

Been inspired recently. Think we have a powerful new tech on our hands. It has gotten a bit spammy but that is because it is exciting. Things will defintely be different when the dust settles.

Frames are essentially little React apps that get rendered as an image. They have buttons and a text input was added last week. The functionality is controlled with metadata using the The Open Graph protocol. So you send a request to your API and then display what is returned.

Frames is the missing piece. Being able to embed apps in channels is huge. A communications protocol is vital to coordination. It has opened up a new paradigm of interaction.

This shit is hot right now. And the community is actually calling for DAO features.

This appears to be the first real demand for DAOs.

There will be governace of:

  • Coins
  • Frames
  • NFTs

And it all community generated right now.

If we act fast we have a chance to really get some attention. But Nouns will ship soon and they are kinda the goto DAO solution on Warpcast.

  • Display proposal in Frame (use URL parameters)
    • Vote on proposal from Frame
  • Join DAO from Frame (mint NFT, return link to Silo)
  • Summon DAO from Frames (like Invoke)


Maybe Later


DAO Flows

  • View proposal
  • Vote
  • Join: Mint NFT/Silo RDF
  • Summon


  • Embed Trading View charts in frames
  • Frame that is an old TV with color tests and static
  • Frame to request features from RaidGuild
  • Drop ENS subdomains
  • Hack-a-thon frame that allows you to register or sponsor
  • Get share in DAO
  • Get proposal parameters from the URL to show on the frame to allow voting
  • Slide show that features the week's yeeter projects
  • Get share in a DAO (run transaction to mint shares then send tokens back to user)
  • Voting frame (Display proposal title in image, yes/no/details buttons)
  • Mad Libs (input text, return story)
  • Gather words to use in a prompt to Chat GPT
  • Projects on yeeter have custom "unfurls" that are a frame to contribute to their project
  • Fork and token gate for ERC-20 shares/loot
  • Frames have their own token balance
  • Hobo code symbols mintable as NFTs
  • Could use an @mention in a text input that tags the user
  • Frame Guild
  • DAOcaster
  • Mint with data gathered from text fields
  • Use frames to gather data like surveys, "What is the biggest problem in Web3?" (
    Image Not Showing Possible Reasons
    • The image file may be corrupted
    • The server hosting the image is unavailable
    • The image path is incorrect
    • The image format is not supported
    Learn More โ†’
    maybe like @ponder /ponder
  • Yeet from chat
  • Build Frames for Hats Protocol
  • Hot or Not: Have pfp and two buttons



  • "RDF with Frames would be awesome!" ~Dekan
  • It is really about relays
  • ERC-1271: Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts
  • Relays are "hosted service forwarding"
  • Hosted service connect to Frame
  • Save signatures with votes
  • Gasless transactions
  • Server relays signatures and pays for gas
  • In Moloch v3 but have not really been used


  • How do Frames relate to ads?





Returning a different image based on what button is selected.

For this one:

I used this article from the ATX DAO Frames Hackathon:

Hacking on Farcaster Frames

Mad Frames

Dynamically returning an image that includes text from an input.

For this one:

I forked this repo:

Here is the frame validator I am using: - Frame Validator


This was inspired by Mad Libs. It would be cool to use text inputs to generate a story. You could also do a sharable Valentines Day card:

Enter the Tavern


๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ The first-ever DAO proposal vote within a Frame was a complete success, and with a really solid turnout!


Nouns X Farcaster


  • DAO games in Frames
  • Use $DEGEN token for transactions
  • Can have fees or claim losses

Silo NFT

  • Mint NFT to join DAO

Frame of Shame


Choose Your Own Adventure

  • Use Chat GPT to write
  • Use choices to feed into Chat GPT as prompts to create an image that is minted as an NFT


Slang: To defeat, beat up, kill, or eliminate someone. For example, "Eventually they rip off the wrong person and then they get merked".


It looks like Mirror may automatically be generating Frames metadata for their blog posts:


May need to look into what Paragraph is doing too.


  • Needs a server
  • Keys on server
  • Infra
  • Need better ideas for use cases
  • Too much like points
  • ERC-4337: Account Abstraction
  • Tech overlaps with DUCE
  • DIN built on DUCE
  • High resistance in the path to transactions
  • Warpcast has the tech but it is stuck in legal

Austin Farcasters