Time for some action in Venice Beach
May 4, 2024
FarCon Activation
FarCon is May 1 - 5 in Venice Beach. It will bring together the most influential builders in the Farcaster and Base communities. These are the people who can help grow the treasury, get the word out, and build with our tools.
What Is Our Story?
earth2travis changed a year agoView mode Like Bookmark
By Ursula K. LeGuin
LeGuin completely imagined a new society. The Valley was based on seemingly fond memories of her childhood.
No matter where our journies take us we are in a sense always coming home.
...How our rituals define what is important to us
A First Note
The main point of the book is their voices speaking for themselves in stories and life-stories, plays, poems, and songs. If the reader will bear with some unfamiliar terms they will all be made clear at last.
earth2travis changed 2 years agoView mode Like Bookmark
How might we organize our complex work into more meaningful effort?
We left MCON2 exhausted and inspired. It was the culmination of years of effort and we have been grinding hard for months. The response was amazing and dare I say we stole the show. It was a beta release and there is still a lot of work remaining. Both enthusiasm and funds are dwindling. Meanwhile, we have thousands of new ideas.
This is an attempt to propose a structure for breaking up the monolithic Magesmiths projects and bringing in other DAO contributors. Not much else matters if we cannot get our current projects to the finish line. Through this we can bring closure to previous efforts and figure out how to fund the future.
Enormous volume of complicated and complex work
Limited accountability to anyone but ourselves
earth2travis changed 2 years agoView mode Like Bookmark
Meet the Salesforce Trailhead Characters: Astro, Codey, and Friends
How much does Amazon love dogs? Just ask one of the 7,000 pups that “work” here.
Virtual Influencers
earth2travis changed 4 years agoView mode Like Bookmark