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Always Coming Home - Ξ2T

By Ursula K. LeGuin

tags: pluriverse, always-coming-home, book-club

LeGuin completely imagined a new society. The Valley was based on seemingly fond memories of her childhood.

No matter where our journies take us we are in a sense always coming home.

How our rituals define what is important to us

A First Note

The main point of the book is their voices speaking for themselves in stories and life-stories, plays, poems, and songs. If the reader will bear with some unfamiliar terms they will all be made clear at last.

All we ever have is here, now.

The Quail Song

Run two quail
rise two quail
two quail run
two quail rise
from the meadows by the river

Towards an Archaelogy of the Future

How I envy them their shovels and sieves and tape measures, all their tools, and their wise, expert hands that touch and hold what they find! Not for long; they'll give it to the museum, of course; but they did hold it for a moment in their hands.

My gold is in the shards of the broken pot at the end of the rainbow. Dig there!

If they had a town here it was made of what the woods and fields are made of, and is gone.

They owned their Valley very lightly, with easy hands. They walked softly here. So will the others, the ones I seek.

Stone Telling, Part One

The Serpentine Codex

Chart of the Nine Houses

Where it is

Pandora Worries About What She is Doing: The Pattern

Some Stories Told Aloud

Some Stories Told Aloud One Evening


The Keeper

Dried Mice


Poems, First Section

How to Die in the Valley

Pandora Sitting by the Creek

Four Romantic Tales

The Miller


The Brave Men

At the Springs of Orlu

Poems, Second Section

Four Histories

Old Women Hating

A War with the Pig


The Town of Chumo

The Trouble with the Cotton People

Pandora Worrying About What She is Doing: She Addresses

Time and the City

The City

A Hole in the Air

Big Man and Little Man


Time in the Valley

Stone Telling, Part Two

Dramatic Works

A Note on the Valley Stage

The Wedding

Night at Chukulmas

The Shouting Man, the Red Woman, and the Bears


The Plumed Water


Pandora, Worrying About What She is Doing, Finds a Way Into the Valley Through the Scrub Oak

Dancing the Moon

Poems, Third Section

Eight Life Stories

The Train

She Listens


The Bright Void of the Wind

White Tree

The Third Child's Story

The Dog at the Door

The Visionary: The Life Story of Flicker of the Serpentine of Telina-na

Some Brief Valley Texts

Pandora Converses with the Archivist of the Library of the Madrone Lodge at Wakwaha-Na

Dangerous People

A Note about the Novel

Chapter Two

Pandora Gently to the Gentle Reader

Stone Telling, Part Three

Messages Concerning the Condor

About a Meeting Concerning the Warriors

Poems, Fourth Section

From the People of the Houses of Earth in the Valley

The Back of the Book

Long Names of Houses

Some of the Other People of the Valley

I. Animals of the Obsidian

II. Animals of the Blue Clay


Lodges, Societies, Arts

What They Wore in the Valley**

What They Ate

Kesh Musical Instruments


The World Dance

The Sun Dance

About the Train

Some Notes on Medical Practices

A Treatise on Practices


Some Generative Metaphors

Three Poems by Pandora

Living on the Coast, Energy, and Dancing


Written Kesh

Alphabet and Pronunciation

The Modes of Earth and Sky

A Note and a Chart Concerning Narrative Modes

Spoken and Written Literature

Pandora No Longer Worrying


Kesh Numbers
