# Hip Replacement Exercises to Avoid – Tips for Quick Recovery ![](https://i.imgur.com/nt5puuZ.jpg) Hip replacement is one of the best ways to get relief from pain caused by some problems related to hip joints. **The doctor recommends patients, avoid some exercise after their hip replacement surgery.** Although it can be used for treating several hip fractures and pain. But this procedure is most commonly used for treating Osteoarthritis. *This medical condition is caused by the deterioration of the cartilage in the joint which causes unbearable pain.* No matter whether it is Osteoarthritis or any other problem that has a negative effect on hip joints. It will make a person’s life very difficult. So, if you are someone who is suffering from pain caused by Osteoarthritis or any other kind of hip fracture. You must consult a [**Hip Replacement Surgeon in Patna**](https://drramakantkumar.com/hip-joint-replacement/). But first, let us know what hip replacement is, # **What is Hip Replacement Surgery?** Hip replacement is a procedure in which a surgeon replaces the damaged section of the hip joint with metal and hard plastics. These metals and plastics are specially constructed to work as artificial joints. That gives patients relief from their pain and also improved the functions of that particular joint. This method is also known as hip arthroplasty. It can be performed by different kinds of approaches. The two most commonly used ones are the posterior method and interior methods. However, no matter which surgical approach is used on a patient, he or she must avoid performing some activities and exercises. ## **Hip Replacement Exercises to Avoid** As we know Doctors recommend that a patient must take rest and avoid doing some specific activities. So here are some exercises and activities to avoid after hip replacement: ### **#1. Avoid Bending Your Hip Past 90 Degree** Any type of exercise or activity in which you have to flex your hips past 90 degrees, you should avoid because it may maximize the risk of hip dislocation. Exercises like deep squats and lunges should be strictly prohibited. **And not only that, daily activities like sitting in a chair, wearing shoes, or even standing up make you bend your knee.** So, you have to be very careful and remember to follow the 90-degree rule post-surgery. ### **#2. Crossing Your leg** Taking rest and relaxing after Hip replacement surgery is important. And generally, many people relax by crossing their legs. However, patients should be aware of this another moment after surgery. They should avoid this exercise for at least six to eight-month post-surgery. It recommends putting a pillow between your legs while sleeping so that you can keep your leg separated. ### **#3. Avoid Lying on the Affected Side** It’s common sense that when put you pressure on the affected it gets worse. So, remember to not lie on the side on which you had your surgery. It’s very impotent to give it a proper time so that it can heal. However, if you are a fitness freak and can't live without the gym at least try to avoid exercises like leg raise. ### **#4. Running** What can you never do after a hip replacement? There is nothing that you can never do after a hip replacement. However, some doctors will recommend you avoid running because they believe that artificial joints function very well but they are not native joints. So, they are not as effective as they seem. This is somewhere true, so if your morning person who loves to run then try to run in moderation and don’t go too hard on your cardio. So, these are some hip replacement exercises and activities to Avoid, now let’s know about some exercises that can fasten up the recovery process. ## **Exercise To Do After Hip Replacement** Usually, after a hip replacement surgery, it is recommended to avoid physical activity, however, there are some exercises that can boost the post-surgery recovery process. **You can perform the following exercises after hip replacement.** ### **#1.Ankle Pump** This exercise will help you regain your mobility by strengthening your hips and legs. To perform this exercise, you have to sit in a relaxed position while unfolding your legs. Now stretch your one leg in front of you and try to pull your toes upward to the knee of that leg. Relax your foot and repeat it 10 times. ### **#2. Heel Slides** This exercise is also another good activity to perform after hip replacement surgery because this exercise will help you to build strength in your hips and also improves balance and stability. To perform heel slides, sit on a chair and lie on your back. Now stretch both of your legs with your feet slightly apart, then bring your affected leg up to rest by the hamstrings. Try to keep this position for 5 seconds and repeat this activity at least 10 times. ### **#3. Quadriceps Sets** This upper leg strengthening exercise is very easy to perform, you just have to lie on your back while stretching your leg. After that try to push your one keen into the bed which will automatically tighten up your things muscle. Stay in the position for at least 10 to 15 seconds and try to repeat it 10 times. ### **#4. Gluteal Sets** It is a simple exercise that helps you to strengthen the muscles of your buttocks. Lie on your bed with your legs and feet flat. Just squeeze your buttocks and hold them for 5 to 10 seconds and then relax. Repeating this exercise at least 10 times will improve the blood circulation to your buttocks. So, these were some exercises that can be a great help in post-hip replacement recovery. Moreover, if you perform them regularly these hip replacement exercises long-term benefits will amaze you. That’s said let's conclude... **Conclusion** Hip replacement surgery is the most effective way to cure Osteoarthritis or any other hip fracture. These type of health conditions gets worse with time. And that’s why one should immediately consult [**Hip Replacement Doctor in Patna**](https://drramakantkumar.com/) if they are suffering from any problem related to their hip joints. Doctors will recommend you avoid certain kinds of activity after your surgery however there also are some exercises that you can perform to fasten up your recovery process. We hope this blog helped you to know which hip replacement exercises to avoid and which ones to perform after the hip replacement surgery.