![](https://i.imgur.com/9UTRbEH.png) # How to Summon a Forgotten Runes Wizard from Etherscan directly We've taken every precaution to ensure a smooth experience on the official website at [https://forgottenrunes.com](https://forgottenrunes.com). However, we recogize that things happen and this document describes how to Summon **from Etherscan directly**. --- WARNING: This is an _advanced_ document and we *do not recommend it**. **If you are looking to Summon (mint) Wizards, please try our website first by [clicking here](https://forgottenrunes.com)** --- If you need to read this document, you shouldn't be doing it. Don't do this. **We will not be issuing refunds if you complete this incorrectly**. --- Still here? Okay, here is how to mint Forgotten Runes Wizards directly from Etherscan. ## Step 1. Find the Contract The offical contract address is [0x521f9C7505005CFA19A8E5786a9c3c9c9F5e6f42](https://etherscan.io/address/0x521f9C7505005CFA19A8E5786a9c3c9c9F5e6f42). Visit this contract page and click the "Contract" tab. ![](https://i.imgur.com/JPiIV51.png) ## Step 2. Click "Write Contract" ![](https://i.imgur.com/Inf4Gio.png) ## Step 3. Click "Connect to Web3" You will be prompted to connect your wallet. If you did this correctly, you will see "Connected - Web3" ![](https://i.imgur.com/I30tW8A.png) ## Step 4. Turn back. You probably shouldn't do this. If you do it wrong it can cost you money. If you send too much ETH, you won't be given a refund. ## Step 5. Open the "summon" panel Click on "summon" and you'll see a form with two fields. ![](https://i.imgur.com/4wqpGSS.png) ## Step 6. Understand the values The two fields are: * `summon` - **the amount of ETH you are sending in wei** * `numWizards` - **the number of wizards you want** > **YOU WILL NOT BE GIVEN A REFUND**. There is no check here to ensure that you don't send _too much_. If you are uncomfortable with this, do not use this page. Each wizard is `0.07` ETH, **but you need to convert this to Wei. To do this conversion, use [Etherscan's unit converter](https://etherscan.io/unitconverter). ![](https://i.imgur.com/yOVF0Oh.png) So if you want to summon 1 wizard, you would enter: * `summon` - `70000000000000000` * `numWizards` - `1` ## Step 7. Enter the values You can summon any number of wizards between 1 and 12. For your convenience: * 1 wizard: `70000000000000000` wei * 3 wizards: `210000000000000000` wei * 12 wizards: `840000000000000000` wei **It is your responsibility to double check the amounts. We will not give refunds**. ## Step 8. Submit your transaction Again, we don't recommend this method if you're unsure, turn back. ## Step 8. View your Wizards on OpenSea Upon successful Summoning, your Wizards will be visible in [your wallet on OpenSea](https://opensea.io/account). # If you need help Then you shouldn't have been using this document in the first place, but you can try to find a kind soul [in our Discord](https://discord.gg/F7WbxwJuZC) - Dotta