# Deploying the Runiverse Land Sale Contract 1. Install foundry and set it up in your project. Foundry is going to be more reliable for deploying and makes deployment scripts many times easier. I know it's annoying to learn new tooling, but Foundry is so much better than Hardhat it is worth the time investment. See [the Foundry book](https://book.getfoundry.sh/) on how to do it. 1b. Look at [Art Gobblers](https://github.com/artgobblers/art-gobblers) as a good example. In particular, look at their [Deployment Scripts](https://github.com/artgobblers/art-gobblers/blob/master/script/deploy/DeployGoerli.s.sol) 2. Write your deployment scripts You can see in [the foundry book section about deployment](https://book.getfoundry.sh/forge/deploying?highlight=deploy#deploying) for a tutorial on how to do this You can deploy to a local `anvil` node first, then deploy to Goerli second, and then after you've done your testing on Goerli, deploy to Mainnet 3. Deploy to Goerli Goerli is the testnet folks use these days. (You could also use Sepolia, but I'm not sure if Opensea is even there) You can get eth from the faucet here https://goerli-faucet.pk910.de/ - also just give me your address and I can send you a little too 4. Run the script to issue the NFTs on Goerli Make sure it runs smoothly and everything worked. Again, write this as a foundry script and it's very straightforward 5. Kick the tires - transfer stuff around, try to break it 6. Try setting up a testnet Gnosis safe Issue yourself some NFTs on testnet. Get comfortable with multisigging 6b. Transfer the admin functions of the contract to the multisig Make sure it worked 7. Deploy to mainnet Good luck 8. Run your code to issue the NFTs 9. Transfer ownership of the contract to the Gnosis safe You might want to switch 8 & 9 depending on how your issuance scripts are run. That is, if you have trouble with the Gnosis safe, then you'd want to know that before you spend the gas to airdrop to investors and have to airdrop a second time.