# Introduction to Dynamic Programming
## About me
* Carlos Gonzalez Oliver
* Emai: carlos@ozeki.io
* Homepage: carlosoliver.co
**My interests:**
* Structural Bioinformatics
* Graph algorithms
* Representation learning
_Some questions I ask:_
* _How can we efficiently search through graph databases?_
* _What kinds of patterns can we discover in datasets of graphs?_
* _Can we model biological systems using efficient data structures to learn about how they function?_
## Dynamic Programming (DP)
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| ![](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/7a/Richard_Ernest_Bellman.jpg) | <ul> <li>Richard Bellman, 1950s, working at RAND institute.</li> <li>Picked the name "Dynamic Programming" to please his boss. </li>|
* Method for solving a large problem by breaking it down into smaller sub-problems.
* **Bioinformatics: protein and RNA folding, sequence alignment**
* Speech recognition: Viterbi's algorithm
* Time series modeling: Dynamic time warping
* Search: string matching
* **Scheduling: weighted interval**
* Music: Beat tracking
* Routing: shortest path problems
## Objectives
After this lesson we should be able to:
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- [ ] Recognize the **ingredients** needed to solve a problem with DP.
- [ ] Write down and execute some simple DP algorithms.
- [ ] Be able to implement a DP algorithm for a real-world problem (homework).
## Basic Intuition
* What is:
* $1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = ?$
* Now what is:
* $1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = ?$
## First ingredient: Optimal Substructures
::: info
The optimal structure can be built by combining optimal solutions to smaller problems.
E.g. Fibonacci numbers
* $Fib(0) = 0$
* $Fib(1) = 1$
* $Fib(n) = Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)$
Recursive algorithm:
## Second ingredient: Overlapping Substructures
The same subproblem's solution is used multiple times.
def fib(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
if n == 1:
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
Call tree `fib(6)`:
Recursive solution is $\mathcal{O}(2^n)$.
## Can we do better?
## An example _without_ overlapping subproblems.
**Binary Search**: Given a sorted array $A$ and a query element, find the index where the query occurs.
def binary_search(A, left, right, query):
if low > high:
return None
mid = (left + right) // 2
if A[mid] == query:
return i
elif A[mid] > query:
return binary_search(A, left, mid-1, query)
return binary_search(A, mid+1, right, query)
Call tree `binary_search(A=[ 15, 22, 32, 36, 41, 63, 75], left=0, right=4, query=75)`:
## Case study: Weighted Interval Scheduling
* **Input:** $n$ requests, labeled $\{1, .., n\}$. Each request has a start time $s_i$ and an end time $f_i$, and a __weight__ $v_i$.
* **Output:** a _compatible_ subset $S$ of $\{1, .., n\}$ that maximizes $\sum_{i \in S} v_i$.
$S$ is compatible iff all pairs of intervals in $S$ are non-overlapping.
* Uses: resource allocation for computer systems, optimizing course selection.
## False start: greedy approach
* From "previous" lectures we know the greedy approach to the unweighted IS problem gives the optimal solution (i.e. pick item with earliest ending time)
The weights force us to consider all possible subproblems (i.e. local choice is not enough).
## A helper function
Let us sort all intervals by increasing _finish_ time and let $p(j)$ return the latest interval $i$ that is still compatible with $j$.
## First ingredient: Optimal Substructure?
* Consider $\mathcal{O}_j$ to be the _optimal_ set of requests over all items $j$.
* Also consider the _weight_ of the best solution up to $j$ as $\mathrm{OPT}(j)$.
* There are two cases for the last request, $j$.:
Case 1
Case 2
## Optimal Substructure
Let $\textrm{OPT}(j)$ be the total weight of the optimal over intevals up to $j$.
We can now write an expression for computing $\textrm{OPT}(j)$:
- [x] Optimal Substructure
- [ ] Overlapping Subproblems
## First algorithm
Now we can write down a recursive algorithm that gives us the maximum weight over $1, ..., n$.
## Ingredient 2: Overlapping Substructures
Let's build the execution tree for our recursive algorithm on this example:
- [x] Optimal Substructure
- [x] Overlapping Subproblems
## Memoization
* Key idea in DP: remember solutions to sub-problems you already computed.
New algo: `M_compute_OPT(j)`
## Are we done?
* Recall $\textrm{OPT}(j)$ is just a number, we want the _set_ of intervals with the score $\textrm{OPT}(j)$... i.e. $\mathcal{O}_j$.
* **Traceback** is a key idea in DP. We reconstruct the solution backwards from the $M$ array using the recurrence.
* **Obervation:** We know that an interval $j$ belongs to $\mathcal{O}_j$ if:
Now our DP execution has two steps:
1) Fill $M$
2) Reconstruct solution from $M[n]$
## Full Example
Fill $M$ and get $\mathcal{O}_n$:
## Recap
* Dynamic Programming works well when we have a problem structure such that:
* Combining sub-problems solves the whole problem
* Sub-problems overlap
* We can often reduce runtime complexity from exponential to polynomial or linear.
* Steps to solving a problem with DP:
* Define subproblems:
* $\textrm{fib}(n-1)$ and $\textrm{fib}(n-2)$ are subproblems of $\textrm{fib(n)}$
* Write down the recurrence that relates subproblems.
* $\textrm{fib}(n) = \textrm{fib}(n-1) + \textrm{fib}(n-2)$
* Recognize and solve the base cases.
* $\textrm{fib}(0) = 1$, $\textrm{fib}(1) = 1$
* Implement a solving methodology. (e.g. memoization, tabulation is also an option)
## General interest: RNA folding
* RNA molecules are essential to all living organisms.
* Knowing the sequence is easy but not so informative, knowing the structure is hard but tells us a lot about the molecule's function.
## A Sketch of Nussinov's Algorithm
* First attempt at solving this problem
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| <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5a/Ruth_Nussinov.png/440px-Ruth_Nussinov.png" width="200px"> | Ruth Nussinov, designed the first RNA folding algo in 1977. |
* In CS terms, an RNA is a string on a 4-letter alphabet.
* An RNA __structure__ is a pair of indices over the string with certain constraints.
## RNA folding rules
We use some fairly realistic constraints on admissible structures:
1. Only `A-U`, `U-A` and `C-G`, `G-U` form pairs
2. Pairs shall not cross (nestedness).
3. Start and end of a pair should be separated by at least $\theta$ spaces (remove steric clashes).
4. The best structure is the one that forms the most pairs (stability). e.g each pair adds 1 to the score.
This lets us identify the problem structure needed for a DP solution:
Consider an optimal set of pairs $\mathcal{O}_{ij}$ between two indices $(i, j)$, and the score of the olution $\mathrm{OPT}(i, j)$. We have two cases for index $j$:
Case 1. $j$ is not in $\mathcal{O}_{ij}$:
**Note we introduce a new variable** $\rightarrow$ 2 dimensional DP.
Case 2. $j$ is in $\mathcal{O}_{ij}$:
- [ ] Optimal substructures
- [ ] Overlapping subproblems
From this we can build our recurrence that fills the table up to $\mathrm{OPT}(1, L)$.
**Bonus Questions:** What is the runtime for filling the table?
If you want an exercise sheet to learn how to implement this send me an email `carlos@ozeki.io`.