# How to Transfer Team Ownership The user who created the team workspace **owns** it and has the highest permission to access the workspace. :::info πŸ’‘ The team owner can only be transferred to a user with an **Admin role** on the team, and this user must set up an email address for their HackMD account. ::: Before going into the real action, we recommend confirming that the user is about to receive ownership. :ballot_box_with_check: The user is already an **Admin** of the team workspace - Check with \[Team Space β†’ Team Settings β†’ Team Members\]. :ballot_box_with_check: The user has set up an email address for its HackMD account - Check with \[Settings β†’ [General Settings](https://hackmd.io/settings#general)\]. Check? Then we are ready to move on. ## Transfer ownership 1. Go to \[Team Space β†’ Team Settings β†’ General Settings] and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click **\[Transfer]** in the Danger Zone. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1ja0vk7R.png =400x) 2. Enter the email address of the new owner. Since transferring ownership of the team workspace has significant implications and cannot be restored by the initiator once complete, you need to **enter the team workspace's name again** to confirm. After entering, please click **\[OK]** to proceed. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkdjIFuRi.png =400x) 3. The other party (the user receiving the transferring request) will receive an email and a notification in the HackMD Notification Center with a confirmation link. The other party has to click the link to confirm ownership acceptance. :::warning ❗ The confirmation link is valid for 24 hours and will expire afterward. Please start again from Step 1 if that happens. ::: 4. Once accepted, the team ownership transfer is complete. The original owner will become an Admin of the workspace. Other Admins of the team workspace will also receive notifications that the owner is changed.