--- image: https://i.imgur.com/x3dvKfW.png --- *Decentribe White Paper* ![](https://i.imgur.com/gXZFjId.png) # HORSE/TRIBE Token Swap and DECENT Distribution :::info *Token Swap Status: Swap Contract Closed on March 20, 2020* ::: --- The Decentribe project was launched, partly, due to a failed crypto project, Ethorse. Ethorse was abandoned by its developers in mid-2019 ([click here for more information](https://medium.com/decentribe/decentribe-an-origin-story-a0089def4b9b)). The Decentribe project is guided by a commitment to community building, a focus on to mutual aid, positive energy and continued engagement. As part of this mission, the Decentribe team, which also invested in the Ethorse project, allowed community members to swap HORSE tokens for [TRIBE](/PplyWNd3RI63c6_aIbAnbg) and [DECENT ](/WcnnzxCUQZu_CVw-NGfTgA) between February 4 and March 20, 2020. Below are details about the HORSE token swap ratio for TRIBE and DECENT. **Token Swap Closed**: March 20, 2020 The token swap contract was open between February 4 and March 20, 2020. | Swap | Ratio | Details | | ---- | ------- | ----------- | ----------- | | HORSE/TRIBE | 10 HORSE / 1 TRIBE | HORSE tokens will be swapped for TRIBE at a 10:1 ratio (10 HORSE / 1 TRIBE) | | HORSE/DECENT | 0.000001 HORSE / 1 DECENT | HORSE tokens will be swapped for DECENT at ratio at the left | [Next: Decentribe Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)](/jvrtDbeKQmSJiioyXIU2Bg) [Back to White Paper Table of Contents](https://hackmd.io/@decentribeTEAM/Decentribe_Whitepaper)