--- image: https://i.imgur.com/x3dvKfW.png --- *Decentribe White Paper* ![](https://i.imgur.com/gXZFjId.png) # TRIBE Token :::info *TRIBE Token Deployment Status: TRIBE Will Be Minted During the CoinEmpire Genesis Sale* ::: --- TRIBE is Decentribe's dividend token. Holders of this token will be eligible to receive a percentage of ETH income generated by *all four (4) price prediction DApps currently in development*: * [CoinEmpire](/0msPTtOkRsyQU4xoQoppyQ?both) * [Crypto Races & Crypto Challenge](/-kxcHsDtQveG2nBg2a_l2g?both) * [GoldenTicketh](/EgCgQXdMQ6eYKZotLPAG3g) * [PriceRoll](/-I8t_25tSZCr2KMzZ0M4Ww) TRIBE token holders will also earn ETH dividend income from gaming DApps the Decentribe team develops in the future. **Total TRIBE Token Supply**: To Be Determined, Tokens Will Be Minted On-Demand *Token Allocation: Tokens were minted during the HORSE token swap. Additional tokens will be minted on-demand during the token swap and Genesis Sale. Additional allocations will be determined afterward.* | Purpose | % | Details | | ---- | ------- | ----------- | ----------- | | [CoinEmpire NFT Genesis Sale](/ypzd25xJQV6JglDE827Q6Q), Decentralized Exchange Listings, [TribeDAX](/uhodZwqxT7ibrhkVRbGL0w), Etc. | TBD | TRIBE tokens will be bundled with NFT chests and distributed to those buying these crypto collectibles during the CoinEmpire Genesis Sale. Additional tokens will be made available for sale on [TribeDAX](/uhodZwqxT7ibrhkVRbGL0w) and exchanges (mainly decentralized, and potentially centralized) | | [HORSE/TRIBE Token Swap](/sj5LEZGnQfSOvIArW9cWqA) | TBD | **TBD** amount of tokens available to those holding HORSE tokens who chose to swap them for TRIBE. | | Bounty/Marketing | TBD | Tokens reserved for bounty and marketing purposes | | Founding Team | 16% | Note: The founding team's TRIBE tokens will be locked for 270 days after the completion of the Genesis Sale. | [TRIBE Token Tracker](https://etherscan.io/token/0x1405c709d6bed996d046cd94d174af7ec0c39f43) [Next: Decent (DECENT) Token](/WcnnzxCUQZu_CVw-NGfTgA) [Back to White Paper Table of Contents](https://hackmd.io/@decentribeTEAM/Decentribe_Whitepaper)