Immutable comment emmiter system. DH ecosystem universal data layer and messaging standard.
The goal here is to create a standard for products in our ecosystem to store and access onchain meta data. Having a ecosystem standard allows more interesting composiblity.
It builds on and leverages our current work with the Graphs services and reduces base line dependencies, requires no other hosted dependencies
It can evolve into more advanced structures like social graphs and knowledge graphs
DAOHAUS universal comment emitter
Decentralized universal comment emitter
Decentralized Inteligencia agency
daohaus sdk - dao database \ indexer
note: indexer shouls have 2 entities, 1 for metadata and 1 for native content record (if applicable)
Publication / Base Node
id: uuid, // unique id / salt
storageProtocol: // native | arweave | ipfs
content: string, // hash
eventType: 0 - parent, 1 - edit, 2 - delete, 3 - group,
table: // is this the schema?
signature: encodedBytesData, // signed encoded node for verification
sender: address, // account
domain: // app code, referrer
version: "0.0.01", // version of the schema
queryType: list | latest | *latestList
// maybe determined by content schema (optional)
daoId?: // ??
context: string, // application specific context
scope?: // application specific scope in a context
origin: address, // smart contract
--- native content (optional)
duce base
id: // generic article id
author: // address of author
updated: // creation time
deleted: // should this cascade?
comment (big duce)
parentId: // id of the parent article, empty if root
content: string, // content (nested json, markdown fields, schema)
constentUri?: // maybe an ipfs (or other) cid
contentVersion: string, // content of the post (markdown)
refs: // array of refferenced ids
tags: // array of tags
reaction (lil duce)
type: // type of reaction
link/grouped (duce pile)
posible usescases other schema contexts/scopes
lil duce
big duce
Poster.sol has 2 string fields content and tag. Content should contain a json string with meta data around a post 'node' and nested content in that. tag is used to set indexer level permissions / verification
when poster is used from another contract ther is some extra information in that with the contract always being the sender
align with rss?
we may need a new validation type around shamans
possible issue with order of operations with HOS. Shamans and HOS could want to make a record entry before the dao is summoned. that means the entery might not be indexed
Using shamans for indexing source is interesting, a 0 or > 7 permission shaman could act as a registry
proposed changes
other subgraph note: have noticed that shares/loot minted by HOS and shares/loot config happend by HOS before summon is not indexed. (this issue ended up having to do with needing to lowerCase)
can filter be used on content
ββββ networkId: chainId,
ββββ graphApiKeys: graphApiKeys,
ββββ filter: { dao: daoId, table: recordType, **more filters?** },
ββββ paging: { pageSize, offset },
Dao currated content
Emitter WTF
A lits of content currated by a DAO. Like a page of community content, anyone can create a submission to be added to it but only past authors of submissions would have final vote on if to include.
Problem: As an aspiring content creator, I'm hindered by traditional platforms that limit my ownership and control over my creations. Their retention of rights, distribution, and unfair compensation leave me frustrated and disempowered, unable to fully realize the value of my work.
POC and more details
design sprint around MVP and tokenomics
a factory should deploy a standard wrapper around Poster.sol (channel emmiter). this way every channel is its own contract, it could have tag generation logic, also could be used for role/token gatting, fees, relayers or other nuonces. Channel can have different meta data: title/topic/etc. Channels could have a owner (DAO)
a channel would probably have a domain of a DAO or a more general app. could be scopped to more specific things
A post can have a context of parent or child(anything string)
A root post is top level content.
A child (reaction/reply) and requires a parent
because of the channel emmiter contract indexing is scopped and in may case could be done client side. Could be a good usecase for a subgraph if multiple popular channels.
because this uses poster under the hood all data can be easily indexed, the contract wrapper allows further easy scoping
a post needs to be able to be verified as coming from a signer and is unique
// add uuid and sender address to a signed hash
// contract solution?
// allows to verify that the content was created by the sender
// uuid is a salt for a unique hash
// this does not prevent a user from submitting the same salt again
// - maybe this is a feature for delete/edit, only using the most recent
// const tag = `${TARGET.DOMAINID}:${uuid}:${address} is a simple mico blog site
a post can be made by any address
a post can get a upddot or downdoot (increment totals, only one per account)
a post can have a reply
ipfs deploy - nobunny can take it down
doesn't this require signatures and cost gas?
has no way to censor content or block spam?
maybe thats the point
any post can recieve a tip. tips could include stable or haus. there should be a splits to eco fund, product fund and OP. there could also be a burn of haus/duce for rev share.
fee to OP, share to early adopters
fee to DAO treasury? OP choice on withdraw
keep a ui element on the bottom of page or something. allows users to periodically commit all changes with single signature (ups/comments/replys/etc)