tags: Alchemists
# LPDAO & CCO Recap
## LPDAO SZN 1 (PoolHaus)
Community initiative to pool ETH/HAUS/LP and provide liquidity on Swapr
PoolHaus article: https://medium.com/daohaus-club/poolhaus-and-decentralised-liquidity-provision-ced87ffe656
#### PoolHaus Season 1 DAO
recap by Dekan: https://hackmd.io/@Dekan/H1GIXq5wt
## LPDAO SZN 2 (PoolHaus)
PoolHaus Season 2 was the start of the Balancer 80:20 HAUS/ETH LP position on mainnet.
#### PoolHaus Season 2 DAO (later changed to Season 3)
proposal by Dekan: https://forum.daohaus.club/t/poolhaus-season-2/10103
Outline by Ceres: https://hackmd.io/hXH2bIz6RqO3MiTOVs9DKw?view
#### pulling liquidity from Swapr (end of season 1 - 2/8/22)
- PoolHaus proposal: https://app.daohaus.club/dao/0x64/0x224ed86c7256c59c391d88f2fd4732e9e7251681/proposals/165
- Dekan Discord message: https://discord.com/channels/709210493549674598/877221699320422481/940754611722154004
#### Move liquidity to mainnet LPDAO
- Bau's Discord message - start of Season 2 (3/3/22): https://discord.com/channels/709210493549674598/877221699320422481/949007896207843328
- x provided by PoolHaus members who remained
- x provided by UH
#### Mainnet Balancer 80:20 HAUS:ETH LP details
- created 80:20 Balancer Pool with (3/8/22)
- 66,071.8863756 HAUS
- 165.179715939 ETH
- Current 80:20 pool stats (4/25/23)
- 93,444 HAUS
- 38.1202 ETH
#### Season 2 bonus reward
- 1619.2 HAUS bonus from UH
stats pending...
## CCO - Community Contribution Opportunity
The CCO was designed to raise ETH in order to fund continued development of DH while providing HAUS tokens to those who contributed ETH through a transmutation mechanism.
#### CCO DAO
#### CCO Details
- transmutation mechanic where 100 HAUS = 1 ETH
- 1 ETH = 100 Loot in CCO DAO
- contributors yeeted in and raised 725 ETH
#### Transmutation #1
25,000 HAUS to CCO DAO for 250 ETH sent to Mainnet UH Avatar safe
Mainnet UH Avatar safe receives 250 ETH
more stats pending...
Initiative to raise ETH to convert to veBAL to vote on 80:20 HAUS gauge
- May 1st - May 4th contribution period
- contributors yeeted where 0.1513 ETH = 100 Loot
- raised 53.11 ETH
more stats pending...