# 2022-10 CentOS board meeting
Zoom link : https://zoom.us/j/99567225678
Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place.
# Attendees
## Board members
* Davide
* Pat
* Thomas
* Shaun
* Bex
* Josh
* Mike
* Amy
* Celeste
* Jefro
## Directors Absent
* Johnny
## Guests
* Betty Liu
* Ning Yanran
* Lance Alberston
* Peter Georg
* Neal Gompa
* Jack Aboutboul
# Agenda
* Previous minutes
* https://hackmd.io/7HhzmSXhSqGMHva3FPCf6Q
### On going discussion
* Event name change to be more Inclusive
* Suggestions:
* Connect
* Jam (translation issues?)
* Sync (with Async for Newsletter or Roundup)
* Link
* Fair
* [ACTION - Shaun] Open suggestion for a week in diverse channels
* Follow up of the F2F Action Items
* Improve onboarding docs for new contributors and projects
* [ACTION - Amy create issue]
* SIG and Governance clean up
* doc discussion to be summarized - centos-devel thread
* Contact SIGs and get feedback about their issue and handle case by case.
* Vision Statement
* More time needed for review
* Mascot Discussions
* Check with the design/marketing team. Alain ?
* Logo Use Request from 1 Und 1
* Revamping the guideline
* Partner may be a no-go
* No update
* Logo Use Request from ARM
* trademark mailing list
* Mike: In general, not granting written permission ; just pointing to the trademark Guideline.
* Bex: Open a small windows to legal to be able to comment
* Side point : Need to improve the guideline
* sync up with Fedora guidelines, why should they be different?
* New SiG proposals
* #86 Proposal for CentOS China SIG
* Suggest networking with Promo SIG
* #87 Proposal for Alternate Images SIG
* Approved, let follow up what need to be done in the ticket to move forward.
### Issues
**Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)**
* #27 Providing Official AMIs in Amazon CN regions. - Closed
**New issues**
* None
**Ongoing issues**
* #67 Trusting the SIGs by default, from a CentOS Project perspective (Secureboot)
* #79 Recording historical SIG membership
* #82 Clarifications and open questions concerning the possibility of SIGs creating content for RHEL
* #83 Clarify legal aspects in our governance docs
* #85 Vision Statement
**Issues on hold**
* #03 Getting official CentOS images into Azure
* #80 CentOS Stream9 in WSL
### Community Architect updates
* Need to make decision on FOSDEM Dojo, non-refundable
* Proceed
* Application for distros devroom is going in, thanks to Vipul
* Working on work plan for revamping websites: https://hackmd.io/@shaunm/ByGfAzfbs
* Status of reviewing SIGs
* Doing a booth at OLF (feel free to join), Dec 2-3
* Do we want to have a booth at SCaLE? March 9-12
* Let's talk about Discourse (but probably talk more widely)
### SIG Reports
### AOB
###### tags: `agenda`