# 2024-01 CentOS board meeting https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/ryRY5KdO6 Passcode and url will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place. # 2024-01 CentOS board meeting - Agenda # Attendees ## Board members * Pat * Thomas * Davide * Mike * Amy * bex * Josh * Shaun ## Directors Absent * Jefro * Celeste * Johnny ## Guests * Lance Albertson * Brian Stinson * Neal Gompa * Peter Georg # Agenda * Previous minutes - https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/BJSN0HE8TI * Board Tenure Process ** Thanks to Celete for her work on the Board ** Election will be held ### On going discussion * Nothing to report. ### Issues https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issues **Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)** * None **New issues** * None **Ongoing Issues** * #118 Decision Needed for Open CPE Initiative on lists.centos.org * Mailman issue on el9 resolved * Fedora to host lists if possible ? * #90 Guidelines for quay usage for CentOS SIG * No news, Josh will follow up * #89 Public integration testing for Stream * Update with instructions and close ticket ### Community Architect updates * Sign up to staff Connect: * https://gitlab.com/CentOS/promo/centos-events/-/issues/11 * Will also have staffing for CentOS booth. Doing a shared staffing doc with Fedora. Justin will set up and I'll let you know. * Having a hard time finding venue for Thursday reception, might just be hotel. * Schedule is very full, this is a good thing * Panel at Connect ; a bit different from last year AMA. Decide if remote is possible. Otherwise collect questions and interview board member in advance to comment on specific topics ? ### SIG Reports ### AOB * TBC ###### tags: `agenda`