# Hashtags Consistent hashtag use aids discoverability of content. This is a list of the hashtags we use on social media and YouTube. This content should make its way into Promo docs whenever those get written. ## CentOS itself * `#CentOS` - any CentOS-related content * `#CentOSConnect` - anything about CentOS Connect, our flagship event * `#CentOSStream` - specifically about CentOS Stream * `#CentOSLinux` - specifically about CentOS as a RHEL rebuild * `#CentOSBoard` * `#CentOS20` - about CentOS turning 20 in 2024 * `#CentOSAltImages` - Alternative Images SIG * `#CentOSAutomotive` - Automotive SIG * `#CentOSCloud` - Cloud SIG * `#CentOSHyperScale` - Hyperscale SIG * `#CentOSIntegration` - Integration SIG * `#CentOSISA` - ISA SIG * `#CentOSKmods` - Kmods SIG * `#CentOSNFV` - NFV SIG * `#CentOSStorage` - Storage SIG * `#CentOSVirt` - Virtualiztion SIG ## Other projects * `#Fedora` - anything Fedora-related * `#FlockToFedora` - anything about Flock, Fedora's flagship event * `#EPEL #FedoraEPEL` - `#EPEL` is dominated by an anime show, so we use both tags * `#AlmaLinux` * `#RockyLinux` * `#Meta` FIXME: RDO, OKD ## Other events * `#FOSDEM` - anything about FOSDEM * `#FOSDEMDistros` - the Distros Devroom at FOSDEM, which we co-organize * `#RHSummit` - Red Hat Summit * `#SCaLE21x` - Southern California Linux Expo 2024. SCaLE uses yearly hashtags. The edition number is three less than the year.