# Colby Biology Information Students in the [Biology Department](https://www.colby.edu/academics/departments-and-programs/biology/) gain exposure to the breadth of biological sciences and become skilled in the methods of scientific inquiry. The curriculum emphasizes the study of plants, animals, and microorganisms from the molecular to the ecosystem level. [Research](https://web.colby.edu/linde-packman-lab/extraordinary-opportunities-2/) is integral to our teaching and learning. Biology majors work closely with professors to generate hypotheses and conduct self-designed experiments. ## Major in Biology The Biology major is flexible, allowing students to develop a course of study matching their particular interests. We offer concentrations in cell and molecular biology/biochemistry, neuroscience, and ecology and evolution. - [Biology major requirements](https://hackmd.io/@aphanotus/BioMajorChecklist) ## Major in Computational Biology The major in computational biology allows students to develop a coherent plan for the integration of computer science with biology. Students completing this major will be well prepared to obtain employment or pursue research in fields such as computational biology and bioinformatics. - [CompBio major requirements](https://hackmd.io/@aphanotus/CompBioMajor) ---