title: Self-paced Learning
tags: Online Courses, moodle
# Self-paced Learning
*World Café held on 26.04.2021 at "DTC Masterclass II: E-Learning" by Anja Lorenz*
Link to this Handout: https://hackmd.io/@anjalorenz/self-paced-learning
Slides: https://tinyurl.com/self-paced-learning
## How to support self-paced learning?
* self-explanatory material
* clear navigation & guidance
* interactive material
* self-assessments & automatic feedback
* asynchronous communication
* peer-learning & peer-feedback
## Feature toolbox
* learning progress visualisation
* asynchronous collaborative tools
* scalable quizzes and tasks
* forum and chat
* badges and certificates
## Our scenario for self-paced learning
* Rania (42) & Mehdi (28)
* new job at Ministry of Education of Morocco
* e-learning course for onboarding
## Helpful Tools
* [MOOC-Maker Canvas](http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.10961.15201 ) to plan your course
## Scalabl Tasks
### Automatable Tasks (Selection)
* simple checks for comprehension
* building categories (transfer)
* simulated chats
* tasks to exercise and application
* motivate self-reflection
* support peer-learning and peer-feedback
### Tools & Functions (Selection)
* moodle quizzes
* [H5P](https://h5p.org/)
* [Glitch](https://glitch.com/), e.g. for [chat simulations](https://glitch.com/~chatbot-simulator)
* just text, e.g. for reflection tasks
* forum and chat
* polls
## Badges
### Why do we use badges?
* indicate achievements, experiences, status
* motivation
* documentation of competences (often discussed)
### Badges in moodle
* since version 2.5
* Open Badges (Mozilla)
* usually for completing activities
* Course badges vs. platform badges
(also available for other platforms)
### Open Badge Anatomy
*[Open Badge Anatomy (Updated)](https://classhack.com/post/45364649211/open-badge-anatomy-updated) by Class Hack ([CC BY-SA 3.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US))*
## Notes from the sessions
* Yes moodle can be used for many users
* Reflection and peer-learning tasks can be combined with forums (write down you experiences, comment some others)
* there is no general recipe for good (competence checking) assessments, it really depends on the subject. So authors (subject experts) and instructional designers (experts in media didactics) have to work hand in hand.
* Use pretests (only) if they have effects on the further learning process (e.g. suggestions on how to continue the course).
* Use posttests if it is important for the learner to really remember the content. If it is ok to look it up, formative tests are better (to check understanding).
* The importance of badges and digital certificates depend on the receiving part: do they value the progress that is documented in the certificats
* German project on blockchain certificates [Digicerts](https://www.digicerts.de/)
Open question from the first round
> "Mehdi's point very well taken! On a similar vein: We are developing self-paced learning courses for education sector personnel. The challenge is that the target group is accustomed to being motivated by / getting some level of recognition for having completed a course (ie certificate status that can then be included on a resume). Are there experiences / models for using a MOOC and then an external exam of some type that would permit certification?"
* We produced a MOOC that is used in a study module, and than we opened up the exam for everybody, also external participants. With 20 external exam participants, only a small part of the the 4099 learners took the offer (it also was linked to a fee of 139. They performed nearly as good as the regular students. ([Project documentation in German](https://pmooc.eduloop.de/loop/Netzwerksicherheit))
* We have a course on OER (German: https://www.oer-fachexperten.de/), we produced together with a professional association for freelancing trainers. The association starts guided runs of the whole programs (with workshops and exam) from time to time (at least 3 times after the project ended).
## ♻ Licence and Contacts
All content in this document is licensed under [Public Domain](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). Please note that linked content should be treated separately according to the respective licences.<br><br>
Contact: **Anja Lorenz, TH Lübeck**
📪 E-Mail: anja.lorenz@th-luebeck.de
🕊 Twitter: [@anjalorenz](https://twitter.com/anjalorenz)
The workshop took place as part of the project [pMOOCs 2](http://pmooc2.oncampus.de/loop/PMoocs_2), FKZ 16OH22016.